"Make complaints about these guys... Why?"

Xue an took a deep look at these people, and then said faintly, "you're right, they're crazy."

Meanwhile, in a room in the corner of the first floor, a man with a gloomy face and sinister eyes was watching the monitor.

"More dose!" the man ordered fiercely.

His subordinates hesitated, "but the dose today is several times that of usual. If you add it again, it's easy to have an accident!"

"What? Are you questioning my words?" the man snorted coldly.

"No... dare not!"

"Hum, these people are here to have fun. I'll just let them have fun today!" the man said almost ferociously.

These people did not dare to refute, so they had to put some powder into the air again according to the man's instructions.

In an instant, the atmosphere that was already extremely fanatical became more and more violent like adding fuel to the fire.

Everyone began to swing hysterically as if they had lost their reason.

This scene, like the dance of demons, stunned the fox night.

"What's going on? Why are these people getting crazy?"

"Didn't I just say that these people are really crazy!" Xue an pointed out.

At this time, the man who was monitoring the whole audience in the room suddenly found Xue an and was stunned.

"What is the origin of the three people who just came in? Why are they completely unaffected by our medicine?"

It can be seen from the monitoring screen that among the madness of the whole audience, only Xue Anhu night still wants Si Qingqing to stand in place calmly.

This also made the three of them particularly eye-catching, so they attracted the man's attention.

"I don't know, but these three people are all strangers. Obviously they are not familiar customers here!" a subordinate responded and looked at the man.

"Do you want to send some people to inquire first?"

The man looked at the three people on the screen, especially noticed the leader Xue an, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help raising gradually.

"No, I'll go there myself later."

Hearing his words, these men all shivered secretly, and then full of sympathy for the three people on the screen.

Because they all know that since the man said so, it means that he is eyeing these three people.

In this drunken dance bar, it's worse than death to be watched by this man.

It's all because of this man's name.

Black snake!

A name that can stop children crying at night within a thousand miles.

They are known as the two giants of drunken dance bar together with the purple scorpion, who is tall and powerful but likes collecting human specimens most.

It is an existence that no one dares to provoke.

Usually, the black snake rarely appears in the bar lobby. Today, I don't know what's going on. He actually came to the monitoring room.

But these men didn't know that at this moment, the black snake was full of anger and needed to vent.

And the cause of everything came from yesterday's mission.

At that time, he was sent by the boss to clean up a guy who had a grudge against the bar. He thought it was just an ordinary task.

As the number one giant of the drunken dance bar, black snake has performed this task 80 times or less. It can be said that it is familiar, so it doesn't take it seriously at all.

But unexpectedly, it was such a seemingly simple task that made the black snake turn over the ship directly.

The elite men brought to the siege were annihilated by only one face-to-face. Even the black snake almost fell on the spot. If he hadn't escaped in time, he might not have come back.

Finally, he managed to catch the target of the task by relying on the reinforcements sent by the boss.

But his men lost everything.

That's the elite team he carefully trained. It's invisible. It's conceivable that the black snake's heartache.

The key is that the guy behind the purple scorpion actually fell into the well and won the follow-up arrest task, but he can only watch because his men are lost.

This taste naturally makes the black snake full of anger, so he will appear in the bar lobby today, just looking for a sweet tender grass to vent.

But after looking for it for a long time, he found that it was all mediocre fat and vulgar powder. The black snake was more agitated, so he retaliated and asked his men to increase the dose of medicine put into the air again and again.

But unexpectedly, when he was ready to give up, he had an unexpected joy.

Looking at the beautiful and straight figure of the leader, the black snake couldn't help licking his lips greedily, then walked straight out of the room, came to the lobby, and walked towards the position of the three people.

But just halfway through, he saw the three people in the distance walking straight through the crowd towards the stairs.

The black snake moved in his heart and stopped.

If you just pass by here and come in to see the busy tourists, it's not surprising.

Although the city is not too big, many desperate people will come here to look for opportunities because of the chaos here and the inability of the Federal Reserve.

But the problem is that the three people don't seem to want to have fun. Instead, they want to go to the second floor.

You should know that the second floor of the drunken dance bar is where the boss lives. Unless his identity reaches a certain level, it is impossible to go up at all.

What do they want?

Do you know the boss?

These thoughts flashed through the black snake's mind.

At the same time, fox night whispered, "Lao Xue, it seems that someone is spying on us behind us!"

Xue an didn't even look back, but said with a faint smile: "I know. It's strange if no one spies in such a place. Don't worry about him."

With that, Xue an and the three came to the entrance of the stairs.

Just then, a waitress came down from the second floor with a tray. When she saw Xue an, they were startled.

"What do you want?"

Xue an smiled and pointed up, "excuse me, is this going to the second floor?"

The waitress was obviously shocked by Xue an's indifferent and noble momentum, and couldn't help nodding hesitantly.

"Yes... Yes!"

"Well, thank you!"

Then Xue an picked up the steps and went up to the second floor.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

The waitress suddenly thought of something and immediately shouted Xue an.

Xue an stopped. "Why, is there anything else?"

The waitress's face turned red, but she said with some worry: "I don't know what you're doing on the second floor, but I still advise you not to go up."

Speaking of this, the waitress added, "because the big boss is in a bad mood now! It's easy to get angry after you go up."

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