The advice came from the heart.

Xue an looked at the beautiful waitress and couldn't help smiling again.

"Thank you, but I think your big boss should be happy to see us!"

After that, Xue an walked upstairs without looking back.

But he didn't know that his ambiguous words made the waitress think.

Nice to meet us?

Could it be that this beautiful and disgraceful boy is the face raised by the big boss.


It must be!

What a pity.

Thinking of this, the waitress couldn't help sighing and turned around. Just then, the black snake arrived.

As soon as he saw her, he asked fiercely, "what did those three people say to you just now?"

The waitress was stunned, and then stammered, "no... nothing. He just asked me if I went to the stairs on the second floor!"

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

"Hum, go down first and settle with you later!"

The black snake snorted coldly, and those who followed him also walked to the second floor.

The waitress stayed where she was until the black snake had disappeared at the corner of the stairs. Then she shivered and ran away pale.

Not to mention the waitress, Xue an and her three soon came to the second floor.

The layout here is much more luxurious than that on the first floor. There are expensive handmade carpets under your feet, and there is no sound when you step on them.

And the voice on the first floor didn't come up at all, which made it a little scary.

Although Qingqing, the boss along the way, was worried about her brother, she really waited in the legendary magic cave and looked at the closed rooms along the way. She couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and her voice was trembling.

"Where is my brother?"

Xue an said lightly, "don't worry, you'll see him soon!"

With that, he strode down the corridor.

At the end of the corridor stands a gate made of refined steel alloy, and it is also carved with many complex runes, which is strong enough to make ordinary monks despair.

But after standing here, Xue an's mouth couldn't help laughing, and then flicked his fingers.

There was no change, and then the door made of refined steel alloy opened.

Then Xue an led them into it.

Seeing this scene, the black snake behind almost didn't stare out his eyes.

As one of the most valued men of the boss, he knows better than anyone how strong the iron door is.

Even if it's yourself, you don't want to enter it without some twists and turns.

But the young man in white just flicked his finger, and then the iron door opened.

What is this ability against the sky?

The black snake's heart suddenly trembled. He really wanted to turn around and quit from here.

But when he thought of the arrogant face of the purple scorpion, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth, and then he followed up fiercely.

If this guy is the boss's friend, it's a big deal to find an excuse to leave.

If not, he will show up in time and the boss will look at him differently.

The so-called wealth insurance, this fight.

So he soon followed into the iron door.

Behind the iron gate is not a room, but a prison like place.

On the left and right sides are iron prisons made of alloy as thick as arms, in which many people are imprisoned.

However, it can be seen that all these people have been subjected to inhuman abuse, and some have turned into white bones. Even those who are alive sit there numbly, like statue corpses.

The air was filled with an unpleasant smell, the lights were dim, and the walls and floors were covered with spots of blood. Combined with those creepy torture tools, it was like hell.

Si Qingqing was not afraid at this time. Instead of being afraid, he felt full of anger and worry.

Is your brother locked up in such a place?

Did he suffer inhuman abuse?

At this point, Si Qingqing's heart is like a knife.

At the same time, there was a faint sound of beating and scolding in the distance.

"The boy's bones are so hard. He hasn't said it for so long!"

"If you don't say it, the boss has issued orders. Be sure to pry the boy's mouth open today! Add some more material to him, I don't believe he is really an iron man."

With the sound of scolding, there was a dull sound of heavy objects hitting the body, but it was like hitting a meat pocket. Except for this dull sound, there was no response at all.

But Si Qingqing was pale and tearful.


She whispered, and then looked at xue'an with begging eyes.

Needless to say, feibai is being punished at the moment.

Xue an didn't hesitate either. He dodged and came to the place where the voice came from.

This is a small prison room, but there are all kinds of torture tools in it. At the same time, there is a stake made of refined steel, which binds a person with an iron chain.

Although his face was covered with blood, Xue an recognized the person at a glance. It was Fei Bai, the descendant of Yujian mountain villa from the secret territory of Kunlun.

But at the moment, he has long lost his previous high spirits, but was tied to the stake with black and blue wounds.

Even if someone waved a special criminal villain to greet him, he didn't struggle, just like a dead body.

Xue an frowned slightly and just wanted to do it.

At this time, he may be tired, or he may be afraid that if he continues to fight like this, he will really kill feibai.

The man stopped his stick, looked at feibai breathlessly, and then stretched out his thumb.

"Boy, although we are not the same people, I have to admire your patience. You are the only one who can hold on in our brothers' hands for a full day without even saying a word! You are a man by this alone!"

Feibai still has no response.

The man threw down the stick in his hand and sneered, "but don't think it's enough. I know it's difficult for people like you to yield to punishment, but you are also human, and as long as you are human, you have weakness. Let me guess, do you have a sister named Si Qingqing?"

Finally, this sentence quickly appeared in feibai's eyes.

Seeing this scene, the man couldn't help laughing ferociously.

"I've heard that your sister is very beautiful! Tut Tut, don't worry. Soon your brother and sister will meet here, because the boss has sent adult purple scorpion out. I believe he can catch your sister back in a short time. At that time..."

The man squatted down and looked at feibai with a silver smile.

"I promise I'll be the first to fuck her, and I'll let you watch in front of you, but there's nothing I can do.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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