"But do you know why I just show up now? It's just because I want to wait for you to show your last cards! After all, I don't believe that a famous sword cultivation club will simply admit defeat. Sure enough, you really hide the back move!"

Speaking of this, the woman's face showed satisfaction.

Feibai looked at the woman coldly, "then you are really cautious enough!"

"Hahaha, thank you for your praise! No way. If people like me were not careful, they would have died 800 times."

The woman threw a wink at feibai, "so are you ready to say now?"

Feibai sneered, "I really don't know what you want to know."

"Tut Tut, don't you want to say anything at this time? Well, I'll remind you now, how did you get that video? Who has seen it?" the woman asked.

"What video? I don't know!" feibai replied without hesitation.

The woman's face gradually became gloomy. "It seems that you really don't cry when you don't see the coffin. Well, don't say yes! Look at what this is!"

With that, the woman waved, and two ultra micro drones flew out of their sleeves, and then projected a light curtain in the air.

Above the light curtain is the image of fox night and Si Qingqing.

The white eyes contracted instantly.

At this time, the woman said with a cold smile.

"You must know this man, the leader of the young generation of the green hill Fox family in Hongyu villa. I really don't understand. How can your sister get entangled with such a person? Or... You deliberately arranged all this?"

At last, the woman's eyes were full of uncontrollable killing intention.

It's hard for her not to think so.

After all, the time when fox night appeared was too coincidental, and he was still with Si Qingqing. If there were no ghosts in it, who would believe it.

It is because of this that she will be full of anger, because she is greedy for work, and has already regarded feibai as a forbidden place.

Anyone who tries to get involved in this secret will become her mortal enemy.

Feibai naturally saw her anger, and she couldn't help laughing coldly.

"So what? After all, I have to leave a backhand for my sister, don't I?"

"Sure enough!" the woman clenched her teeth, then waved again, and the light curtain changed, showing the picture of Xue an, Hu ye and Si Qingqing when they just stepped into the bar.

"Then who is this man?"

After seeing Xue an's appearance, he was as calm as water, his face changed suddenly, and the pupil contracted to the size of the tip of a needle.

Seeing his reaction, the woman sneered again and again.

"Is it as like as two peas?" "I'm just surprised to see this picture, because this man is exactly the same as the people you've been carrying in the video."

"So what hidden secret is there? Now tell me, I can let go of the past and even let you go!"

Although feibai was shocked and inexplicable, he soon calmed down, and he didn't believe the woman's nonsense, so he sneered.

"Do you think I would say?"

The woman flew into a rage.

"OK! It seems that you think that with the appearance of these people, you have the hope of escaping, don't you?"

"I'll tell you frankly now. Don't be paranoid, because I've noticed them since the moment they took your sister into the bar! Look what this is!"

The light curtain changed again, and then a huge mechanical maze appeared.

The whole body of the maze is made of unknown metal, and extremely powerful Dharma arrays are carved on the walls and ground. Although there is a layer of screen, you can still feel the grand complexity and firmness of the maze.

In a corner of the maze, fox night and Si Qingqing are prominent.

They were trapped in this corner, shuttling back and forth in vain in the tortuous passage.

The woman's face showed complacency, "see? This is the mechanical maze I have worked hard to build for many years. Although this fox night is the leader of Qingqiu Fox family, it is only a trapped animal after entering here!"

"As for the whereabouts of another man, although it has not been found yet, you can rest assured that I am the omnipotent God in this bar. As long as he is still here, he will not escape my palm!"

"So now you have only one choice, that is to cooperate with me and explain the source of this video to me!"

With the voice, the light curtain changed again, and then a slightly blurred video was played.

The first thing to appear in the video is a huge battlefield.

The battlefield is in the void, full of countless dead bodies.

In the middle of the battlefield, a tragic battle continues.

One side of the war is a "Protoss" full of tentacles and mucus, while the other side is a coalition of Terrans and all races.

These allied forces are obviously strong men with successful cultivation. Although each is injured, they still move forward bravely and struggle with these "Protoss".

But one of the most striking is the white boy who is at the core of the battle.

He almost took all the pressure on his own and fought with these powerful Protoss.

Every move he sends out has the ability to destroy heaven and earth, which is shocking.

Xue an, hidden in the void, was also surprised when he saw this video.

Because he instantly recognized that this video recorded the scene when he led the Allied forces of fox, dragon and other nationalities to snipe and invade evil objects.

But isn't there no trace of my existence in the tampered world?

What about this video?

Xue an was full of doubts.

At the same time, the woman screamed hysterically, "now tell me, where did you get this video! Who is that man?"

Feibai straightened his chest, shook his head solemnly, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

The woman suddenly collapsed and then sneered.

"Good! Good! It seems that you are really a hard bone worthy of the name, but even if you are a piece of steel today, I have to grind you into powder!"

With that, the woman stamped her feet with red eyes, and the prison room under her feet began to change its shape.

It turns out that this drunken dance bar is a huge mechanical creation, and this woman is the manager with the highest authority.

"Welcome to the real hell. I hope you can keep this sober state next."

The woman said in a cold voice. At the same time, countless torture instruments that can't even call their names began to emerge in turn, which makes people shudder.

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