But as soon as her voice fell, a faint sigh came from behind her.

"It seems that you want to know who I am!"

As soon as she said this, the woman was stiff, but her reaction was so fast that she immediately turned around and looked at her.

Not far behind her, a figure gradually emerged.

In an instant, the pupil of the woman and the flying white tied to the stake shrank sharply.

Because the man who appeared in front of them was Xue an.

When he saw the man's face in the video, feibai was shocked and suddenly remembered a sentence.

A warning given by the other party when I got this video.

If you see the man in the video, you must be humble and never make a mistake, otherwise you will be killed.

Feibai didn't think so at that time, but after he really saw Xue an, he deeply realized how correct this sentence was.

Not to mention anything else, the breath felt from this man alone is enough to make people despair, let alone resist.

Especially for feibai who specializes in kendo, this feeling is more profound.

At the same time, the woman quickly restrained her surprise, then sneered and said, "I didn't expect that you really dared to appear!"

Xue an said lightly, "Oh? Why don't I dare to appear?"

The woman proudly raised her chin, "because once you appear, it means that your death is coming."

Xue an is neither laughing nor laughing.

He hasn't heard anyone speak to him like that for a long time.

So he smiled and said, "are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm just stating a fact!"

Speaking of this, a touch of condescending charity appeared on the woman's face.

"In fact, it's good. At least it saves me the trouble to catch you. Now I've given you two choices."

"One, hold your hands, explain what's going on in this video, and then wait for me."

Xue an's eyes were slightly cold, but he still said calmly: "what about the two?"

"Two is very simple, that is death!"

"But what if I don't choose either?" Xue an said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, the ceiling above Xue an's head, the surrounding walls and the floor under her feet were changing rapidly.

In an instant, countless long guns and cannons were aimed at Xue an.

And with the buzzing charge sound, the muzzle of these guns showed a dangerous blue light, which obviously had accumulated destructive power.

The woman sneered, "I just didn't hear you clearly. Now say it again. What do you want to choose?"

The arrogance and complacency in words are undoubtedly revealed.

Facing the countless muzzle, Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids, but said faintly.

"I said, what if I don't choose either?"

"Then go to hell now!" a cruel color flashed on the woman's charming face.

Then the countless guns opened fire together.

The dark blue flame roared towards Xue an with a deafening noise, and completely drowned it in the blink of an eye.

The gunfire was so dense that it was difficult to distinguish.

The corners of the woman's mouth raised slightly, showing a cold and cruel smile.

In her opinion, no one can survive under such a dense barrage.

So this man is dead.

The white complexion also became very dignified.

Although he did not believe that the existence of such a strong threat to himself would fall so easily.

But it is undeniable that the firepower controlled by this woman has reached a crazy level.

Even in his heyday, it is estimated that he will not be spared in the face of such a fire gathering.

But just then, in the airtight bullet rain and the long-lasting blue flame, a hand suddenly stretched out slowly.

This hand is slender and slender, just like the one carved from sapphire, with a strange beauty.

But as soon as such a woman like hand appeared, the originally crazy pouring bullet rain suddenly stopped like pressing the pause button.

Then, the bullets in the sky disintegrated into nothingness in an instant.

These guns disappeared with them.

I saw these guns as if they had been subjected to some great force from the void, which directly twisted the knot and became a pile of scrap iron.

The whole process was only a few seconds, and it was just magnificent. It seemed that the hail of bullets that wanted to blow a big hole in the space turned into nothing.

Then the flame dissipated and xue'an's figure reappeared.

Looking at him at this time, his white clothes are still like snow and frost, even without a trace of wrinkles.

Just like the countless bullets just hit a lonely.

Seeing this scene, the old God was waiting to collect Xue an's body. The woman couldn't help but be stunned.

As for feibai, he was greatly shocked.

Because he can clearly feel that Xue Angang's seemingly ordinary palm actually contains the supreme sword meaning.

It is for this reason that these guns and bullets will disintegrate in an instant.

"Now, what else do you want to say?" Xue an looked at the woman and said faintly.

The woman gradually regained consciousness, then she gathered her amazement on her face and nodded slightly.

"Yes, you really have two brushes."

There is no fear in the words, but a little domineering.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Listen to what you mean, you don't seem to be afraid at all."

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? Afraid you'll kill me? Stop it, do you know what my real identity is?" the woman sniffed.

"What is it?"

"Listen, my name is grace Carter. I'm a member of the great Carter Family."

"Grace Carter?"

"That's right!" the woman nodded arrogantly.

Xue an took a deep look at her face, which was obviously of Oriental descent, and said coldly, "then?"

The grace obviously didn't expect Xue an to ask such a question. She was stunned and immediately sneered on her face.

"Don't you even know the great Carter Family? You know, Mr. Rutherford Carter, now the vice chairman of the board of directors of the federal securities office, is a member of our Carter Family."

"As for other Carter Family members scattered throughout the federal securities office, there are countless!"

"It's no exaggeration to say that the current federal government is the back garden of our Carter Family. Don't you even know this?"

Xue an shook his head. "I don't know and I'm not interested in knowing. And what does what you say have to do with me?"

"Of course it does!" grace said arrogantly.

"I don't know how you forged that video, but I think if you still want to live, you'd better cooperate with me, otherwise..."

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