The voice is soft and gentle. It's actually a woman's voice.

Fox night was stunned. "Isn't Zhang Tianyou a man? How did he become a woman?"

A chuckle came from the drone, "I'm the personal secretary of the president. He sent me to meet you when he knew you were coming. Please follow me."

With that, the drone turned and flew towards the valley in the distance.

The crowd followed and soon came to a huge valley.

In fact, the valley has been completely hollowed out, and a building similar to a giant egg has been built to cover the whole valley.

After going through layers of strict security check, what appeared in front of everyone was a busy scene.

But seeing countless drones shuttle back and forth, the speed is so fast that you can even see the illusions left behind.

But it is at this amazing speed that these UAVs crisscross each other in an orderly manner without any sense of chaos or urgency.

Among other things, this terrible dispatching ability alone is enough to show the amazing strength of the science and reform society.

People followed the drone to the door of a laboratory. The huge password door opened, and then the drone dodged the road.

"President Zhang is inside now. Please come in."

Xue an didn't hesitate, so he stepped into it.

Fox night naturally did not want to be outdone, and followed in.

When all the people entered the laboratory, the door behind them slammed shut.

Then Si Qingqing gave a low exclamation.

For no other reason, the scene in this laboratory is too amazing.

The face is a huge unimaginable screen.

Above the screen is a dynamic panorama of the solar system.

The details are so accurate that even an insignificant cosmic gravel can be displayed exactly.

As for those dark outposts specially marked in red, there are countless.

Among other things, the value of this hologram alone is unimaginable.

After all, as long as you have it, you can easily grasp almost all the information in the solar system.

Even feibai was shocked, and then his face gradually became serious.

As a former member of the fire phoenix special forces, he certainly knows more about the value of this picture.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this picture falls into the hands of a person with a heart, he can easily wipe out most of the outposts arranged by the federal securities office in the solar system.

It doesn't have to be said what this means.

And just when feibai was frightened, he only heard a chuckle coming from a distance, and then a lazy voice said.

"There is no doubt that this star map is dozens of times more precise than the one in the hands of the Federal Reserve. It is one of the most complete and realistic holograms in the solar system today."

There was a hint of complacency in the voice.

Then he listened to the sound of a wheelchair. Zhang Tianyou, the president of the science and technology development society, was so crazy that he turned himself into a semi-mechanical life.

After seeing him, feibai walked forward a few steps and bowed his head respectfully.

"President Zhang!"

Zhang Tianyou smiled, glanced at feibai and said slowly, "why? Was it targeted? It's because of that video?"

Feibai knows that nothing can be concealed from President Zhang, who has a high IQ. He simply doesn't hide it and nods directly.


Then he wanted to continue to explain something, but Zhang Tianyou waved his hand at this time.

"Well, needless to say, I can probably guess."

Then he turned his head and looked brightly at Xue an.

"It's strange. I feel familiar after seeing you, but I can conclude that you really didn't exist in my memory, so what's going on?"

Xue'an smiled, "what's the matter? If you're as smart as you, don't you have any guess?"

Zhang Tianyou smiled bitterly. "Of course there is speculation, but if it's true, it's too incredible."

Unimaginable words can never be said from people like Zhang Tianyou.

After all, he is an absolutely rational existence, and firmly believes that everything in the world can find a reasonable reason to explain.

But now he sighs so much, which shows how much impact it has on him.

Xue an lowered his eyes and said faintly, "do you really believe that you have a conclusion in your heart, otherwise you won't give that video to feibai, right?"

Zhang Tianyou admitted frankly, "yes, I did give that video to feibai with a try attitude, but I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Xue an ignored his exclamation, but asked bluntly, "where did you get this video?"

"Do you really want to know?" Zhang Tianyou said in a deep voice after a moment of silence.

"Of course!"

"Well, you come with me!"

With that, Zhang Tianyou turned around and led the people through the laboratory, then turned across several long corridors, and finally came to a rusty iron door.

This iron gate is out of tune with those sci-fi buildings along the way.

But in the face of it, Zhang Tianyou showed an unprecedented solemnity, then took out a bunch of keys and opened the lock hanging on the iron door.


With the harsh sound of metal friction, the iron door was pushed open.

"Come in, the answer is behind the iron gate."

With that, Zhang Tianyou urged the wheelchair into the iron door, and the people followed and came in.

Then they saw an amazing scene.

This is a huge cave, which should be formed by hollowing out the whole hinterland of a mountain.

And in this huge hole, there are stone tablets.

These stone tablets are as like as two peas, but three meters up and down, but they are very elaborate, even with the same specifications.

But this is not the most surprising.

The most surprising thing is that countless symbols are engraved on the surface of the stone tablet as smooth as a mirror.

Symbols are actually small pits of different depths, but they are arranged very regularly and spread all over the surface of each stone tablet, which can't help looking dizzy from a distance.

Fox night, feibai and Si Qingqing all looked confused.

This is the so-called answer in Zhang Tianyou's mouth?

But I can't understand it at all!

Only Xue an's eyes flashed and seemed to think of something.

At this time, Zhang Tianyou sighed, "the video you saw before actually came from here!"

"These stone tablets are actually the carriers I use to store information. The small pits on them are the symbols used to record information. Depth represents 0, shallow represents 1, and so on. Finally, they form data that can be read out.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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