"To put it bluntly, this is actually my hard disk, but it is made of stone tablets."

These words stunned fox night, feibai and others.

Finally, fox night couldn't help saying, "but what's the point of your painstaking efforts? I don't think you can store much information even if you use all the stone tablets here!"

"Yes, this method is extremely backward. Even if all the stone tablets here are engraved with symbols, it can only store a very short video."

"In fact, it was only from a poor and boring game, but now I'm very glad I've done it, because I found a sad and ridiculous fact."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou paused, then continued with a bitter smile: "in order to store massive data, I used countless extremely advanced methods, such as recording them in quantum waves."

"But one day, I suddenly found that something seemed to have changed, but I didn't know what had been tampered with."

"This feeling makes me scratch my heart. As a result, after several times of exploration, I didn't find any difference, and there was no difference in the data stored by quantum waves."

"But I'm sure there's something absolutely different, so I suddenly remembered the original stone tablet records of the game, and rushed over immediately. As a result, I found that the traces left on these stone tablets had not changed, so I immediately extracted them and found that it was a video!"

The faces of the people changed.

Zhang Tianyou said slowly, "yes, it's the video you saw."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou's face was full of helpless wry smiles.

"It's really a joke. At the beginning, I invented countless advanced tools in order to record more things, but finally found that the most secure and most resistant way to record data is to engrave it on a stone. This is a kind of irony."

Everyone was silent.

Only Xue an smiled faintly.

"It's not surprising. Sometimes the simpler it is, the longer it lasts."

Zhang Tianyou nodded and then went on.

"At that time, I was also very surprised when I saw this video, but I was a rational person. Since this video was stored in the stone tablet by me at the beginning."

"That means it's a very important piece of information, so I analyzed it in detail and found a shocking secret."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou looked at Xue an with bright eyes and a complex look on his face.

"That video is a real history, isn't it?"

Xue an nodded, "that's right."

Zhang Tianyou breathed out, "sure enough, it seems that my guess is not wrong. What is wrong is the world."

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, "why do you say that?"

Zhang Tianyou chuckled, "since you are an important person I try my best to record, I must be very clear about the changes in the world now."

"Like me!"

Zhang Tianyou took himself as an example, "you know, my memory has always been outstanding, and even some trivial things can be firmly remembered in my heart, but even in this way, I can't remember you, and the world completely forgets you. What does that mean?"

"It shows that there is an immeasurable force interfering in all this secretly. This is the most frightening thing."

Zhang Tianyou's words were like earth shaking, which shocked feibai and Si Qingqing.

Si Qingqing didn't understand, but feibai felt infinite shock.

As I said before, he felt very familiar when he first saw Xue an, which made him puzzled.

Until now, listening to Zhang Tianyou's analysis, he suddenly realized that the young man standing in front of him had indeed appeared and created a brilliant history. It was only because of unknown reasons that he was now forgotten by the whole world.

At this time, Xue an shook his head, "you're wrong. I'm not forgotten by the world, but excluded by the time of the heavens."

"Pushed by time?" Zhang Tianyou was stunned.

Xue an nodded.

"Yes, because I have a feeling that what the world has been tampered with is not memory, but time! In other words, the timeline has been changed, so I don't exist in anyone's memory, or even a few words of information."

"This practice of erasing all traces overnight can only be realized in this way. Otherwise, even if the existence strength is high, it is impossible to start all sentient lives in the whole heavens at the same time and let them collectively lose some memories."

"But no, since the change is the timeline, why does the information recorded on my stone tablets exist?" Zhang Tianyou said after thinking for a moment.

Xue an pointed to Fox night, "not only do you keep the information on these stone tablets, he has not been affected at all, and my memory is not missing at all."

Fox night nodded, "yes, I'm really not affected. This should be because I'm too strong."

Even then, fox night did not forget to boast.

Xue an ignored these at all, but his face gradually became serious.

"So I think time is actually a big net. No matter how powerful the fisherman is, he can't catch all the fish in one net. After all, there are one or two missing fish."

"Time is a big net..." Zhang Tianyou muttered to himself, and the brilliance in his eyes gradually became blazing.

Xue an looked at him, "now it's time to talk about you. Why are you trapped in this Mars?"

Zhang Tianyou was not surprised by Xue an's question. He just smiled bitterly and said, "you can see it?"

"Well, I felt it from the moment I set foot on Mars. It's heavily guarded and clearly a cage, and you are the object of detention."

Zhang Tianyou sighed, "yes, I'm really trapped here. As for the reason..."

"Do you believe... The artificial intelligence created by yourself will betray you!"

"You mean... Star ring?" Xue an asked.

Zhang Tianyou nodded helplessly, "yes, that's it!"

Of course Xue an knows the star ring.

When I first saw Zhang Tianyou, he was driving a special-shaped spaceship, and the artificial intelligence on the spaceship was called star ring.

Later, Zhang Tianyou took refuge in Xue an, and xinghuan became the backstage housekeeper of Honglian Xianzong.

But I didn't expect that after this great change, the star ring as artificial intelligence actually defected.

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