It was not until they had completely gone away, turned into meteors and disappeared in the sky that Zhang Tianyou took back his eyes and muttered.

"Although there has been speculation for a long time, I can't help sighing when I really see him!"

"President, what are you sighing about?" the little secretary behind him asked softly.

"Lament the strength of these practitioners. I once thought that although these practitioners are strong, they are not invincible. As long as science and technology develop to a certain extent, they can replace these practitioners."

"But now I don't think so. At least technology can't erase all the traces of a person's existence overnight, and it's still on the level of the heavens."

"I can only marvel at this means of wantonly changing the timeline. I can't understand how it is done."

The little secretary also couldn't help thinking, "is it possible that this behind the scenes man just erased people's memories through some spiritual means?"

Zhang Tianyou shook his head, "that's impossible, because as early as the first time after I noticed something wrong, I hypnotized myself several times to try to find clues in the depths of my soul, because no matter how powerful spiritual means are, it's impossible to erase people's memories without trace, especially me!"

"As early as when I was three years old, I had mastered the method of memory archiving. From small to large, all my memories were stored by categories without any omission. Therefore, in this case, if someone forcibly erased my memory, it must be possible to find traces."

"But as a result, I was deeply hypnotized several times, but I didn't find anything."

At last, Zhang Tianyou was full of deep fear.

After all, this incomprehensible and unpredictable change, even involving the power of rules, has completely exceeded his understanding.

This is a huge blow to Zhang Tianyou, who has always believed that science and technology can change everything and is used to understanding everything with logical and careful rational thinking.

Perhaps feeling the loss of Zhang Tianyou, the little secretary gently stretched out his hand and caressed his forehead, saying softly.

"President, you don't have to criticize. After all, this kind of thing can't be controlled by you!"

Zhang Tianyou held her palm and whispered, "I'm not criticizing myself, I just feel a deep powerlessness."

The little secretary leaned down and put his face on his back.

"President, no matter what time, I will stand by your side and never betray you."

Zhang Tianyou sighed, "but won't you hate me? After all, I cloned you without your consent."

"Of course not. After all, no matter who that person is, it has nothing to do with me. She is her and I am me. What I am saying now is the most real idea in my heart!"

Zhang Tianyou was silent for a moment, then waved his hand, "OK, go and be busy! I want to be quiet for a while."


The little secretary retreated very skillfully, but when she closed the door of the laboratory, the smile on her face gradually converged and then became solemn.

"Are you back?" she said to the void.

"I just came back and brought a message that an unknown existence destroyed a team of mechanical soldiers collecting resources on the edge."

The little secretary nodded, "well, I see. This matter is temporarily filed and there is no need to trace it. At the same time, inform all teams collecting resources outside. During this period, stop all actions, converge their whereabouts, and it is strictly prohibited to attract other people's attention."



"Please tell me!"

"Nothing. It's best not to let outsiders see the president, let alone let him notice anything wrong!"

"I see!"

The voice went away. The little secretary looked back at the closed laboratory door, his eyes flickered, and then turned and left.

When Xue an and others left Mars and returned to earth.

In the drunken dance bar of the distant star, Valentine Carter from the Carter Family is covering his mouth and nose with a white scarf and looking at his men dissecting the bodies of grace and the black snake.

As for the purple scorpion, he had no anatomical value when he was made into a specimen. After all, he can see at a glance, even how many blood vessels there are on his body.

Soon, the anatomy of the patient was finished, and then the man stood up and spoke respectfully.

"My Lord, there has been a result!"

"Tell me!"


The man turned and pointed to the fragmented bodies that had been cut on the ground.

"Obviously, the people who killed them were very strong, at least beyond the strong in the general sense, because both grace and black snake were killed in one move, crisp and neat, so that they didn't even have a chance to resist."

"But the most obvious one is the purple scorpion that has been made into a specimen. His flesh and blood were forcibly cut off with an extremely sharp sword. Nevertheless, it did not hurt blood vessels and nerves. This control power has reached the peak. At least no sword repair I know can do this!"

Although his subordinates looked very dignified, Valentine Carter didn't take it to heart at all. Instead, he yawned bored.

"So it's probably a sword repair to kill grace?"

"Great possibility!"

"Well, now it's a good thing. Can the people sent to investigate nearby gain anything?" Valentine said.

But another man shook his head at this time, "there is no harvest, because the city at the moment is already an empty city, and everyone has fled."

Valentine was angry at the words.

"Shit, these villains run fast enough. It can be seen that they must be involved with the bandits. If I meet them, I will catch them all!"

"My Lord, what shall we do now?"

"What? What? It's just a bitch who can join the Carter Family by sleeping with my father. He'll die if he dies." Valentine waved his hand carelessly.

"But after all, this is a member of the Carter Family. If you let it go..."

"It's true. Let's report the situation here to the fire phoenix guys. Anyway, the federal securities office has to spend a lot of money on them every year."

"If my father hadn't spoken for them at the budget meeting, their budget would have been cut off this year. At that time, they can't even eat, so it's right to do something for our Carter Family." Valentine said arrogantly.

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