As Zhang Tianyou said, Xue an and his party encountered layers of security checks after crossing the moon.

But Zhang Tianyou's technology is really good. There are no mistakes in their new identity. They passed these security checks smoothly and came before the earth.

Looking at the blue planet in front of him, Xue an's eyes gradually dignified.

The fox night on one side was no longer tired and lazy as usual, and sighed.

"Seriously, every time I see the earth, I feel very shocked, because this blue planet is so fragile and small in the vast universe, even to the point of complete obscurity."

"But it is such a small planet that gave birth to such a great civilization as the Chinese nation and such a peerless strong man as you. This can not but be said to be a miracle."

Xue an lowered his eyes. "That's why I don't allow any existence to start on it, because it's not only my hometown, but also the root of countless Chinese people."

When she said this, Xue an's face was very calm, and there was not even a ripple in her speech.

But fox night knows that Xue an in this state is the most terrible.

Because he is obviously not announcing anything, but stating an established fact that no one can change.

They immediately flew to the earth and appeared over a city in the north of China in the blink of an eye.

The city's geographical location is very important. A mighty river flows across the south of the city, creating a prosperous metropolis.

Fox night is not surprised that Xue an's first stop will appear here, because this is his real hometown and his base camp.

Yes, it's Beijiang.

But this city, which carries countless memories of xue'an, is now beyond recognition.

Xue an stood high above the sky, and his divine knowledge spread silently throughout the whole city, but he found that all traces related to himself had disappeared.

The community he rented with Anyan was still there, but the room inside was not his own at all.

Tianzi No. 1 villa is also there, but the layout inside is very different from that when I left.

The key is that Tang Xuaner, fan Mengxue and others also disappeared, as if they didn't appear in the world at all.

Fox night naturally knew what Xue an was doing and couldn't help sighing.

"I didn't lie to you. In fact, when I went to Tianwaitian to find you, I went all over the world and found that not only you, but also Mengxue and miss xuan'er didn't leave any trace of their existence. This guy was really cruel."

Xue an didn't pay attention to him at all, but flew straight to a certain direction of Beijiang as if he had found something.

"Hey, you wait for me!" Fox night hurried up.

Feibai and his sister Si Qingqing looked at each other, and then followed closely.

Soon, they flew to the edge of the Beijiang River, and then Xue an fell down and looked ahead with a complex look.

Fox night looked down his eyes and saw a restaurant in the street not far away.

It's a hotel. The actual scale is small. It only occupies two small front rooms, and four big characters are written on the slightly greasy sign.

Lao Xie hotel.

Seeing these four words, fox night trembled all over, and then suddenly patted his head.

"Confused, really confused, why didn't I want to come here to have a look."

Lao Xie and fat aunt have been said before, so I won't repeat it here.

At least Hu ye knew that the ordinary couple had been kind to Xue an. Later, Xue an also showed gratitude and gave a lot of help to the couple. Even after a disaster, he revived Lao Xie, whose soul was scattered, by almost rebellious means.

Therefore, every time Xue an returns to Beijiang, the first place to settle down must be Lao Xie Hotel, which has gradually become the place of opportunity in Beijiang.

Not to mention anything else, it was the disaster of evil invasion before. Including fox night, the five fairy kings guarded the earth, and their most common place was this small hotel.

All this makes this ordinary Lao Xie hotel full of legend.

At least before this sudden change, in the world that has not been tampered with the timeline, Laoxie hotel seems to have become one of the most famous tourist attractions in Beijiang.

Every young man who comes to honglianxianzong for a pilgrimage will visit here.

But in this world where the timeline has been forcibly tampered with, everything has not happened at all.

There was not a poor young man named Xue an, let alone all kinds of bridges that came back four years later.

Lao Xie hotel in this world is just an ordinary small hotel.

But now Xue an's face was very complicated. After standing in front of the door for a long time, she walked into the hotel.

Like all small hotels built on the edge of the city, the sanitary conditions here are certainly not good.

The white tiles on the ground can't see the original color, and they are slightly sticky when stepping on them.

There is still oil smoke from cooking in the air. Because it is not a meal, the room seems a little deserted. Only the TV nailed above the wine shelf is playing boring news.

Although he has practiced for thousands of years and his heart of Taoism has long been as firm as a rock, Xue an is still a little excited when he sees the layout of Lao Xie hotel.

Because all the arrangements seem to be the same as when I first came here.

It was as if the changes of time had not happened for so many years. I became the stupid boy who was poor and depended on an Yan.

Just then, the fat aunt who was busy in the kitchen in the inner room came out after hearing the noise, and then was stunned.

"You... Who are you looking for?" the fat aunt said with some consternation.

In her opinion, these people could never have come here for dinner.

Because these people don't look like ordinary people either in their clothes or in their momentum.

In particular, the leading young man in white, whether his noble temperament or his handsome face, all showed his extraordinary.

Such a person can only be seen on TV. Today, she doesn't know what's going on. She actually came to her humble restaurant.

So the fat aunt's first reaction is whether they have something else?

After listening to fat aunt's words, Xue an couldn't help smiling, "we don't look for anyone, we just come here for dinner!"

"Eat... Eat?"

"Hmm? Isn't this a hotel?" Xue an said with a smile.

"Ah... Yes! Welcome, please sit down!"

The fat aunt asked Xue an and his party to sit down, and then wiped the table with a towel., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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