"You guys sit down first. I'll get you the menu right away."

"Don't have to look at the menu, just make a spicy tofu, a plate of maoxuewang and a dry fried bean! By the way, finally, a beef cover cake, a cover of more than two soup!" Xue an said with a smile.

The fat aunt was completely ignorant.

Because the dishes Xue an ordered are all the specialties here, especially the last beef muffin, which can only be known by the most familiar guests.

The young man in white not only knows, but also can accurately say the most affordable way, which is obviously not explained by general word of mouth.

At this time, Lao Xie also came out from behind and asked in a loud voice.

"Who? Are there any guests at this point?"

Then he also saw xue'an and his party, and was startled.

Because he was naked at the moment, so when he saw a group of people in the shop suddenly, there was a young girl who would turn away from the old face.

Xue an smiled at him, "Uncle Xie!"


He answered subconsciously, but immediately he felt something wrong.

I don't know this boy at all, but how can he be so familiar and call himself uncle Xie?

At this time, the fat aunt pushed some silly, and he walked back to the kitchen.

"Let's go. The guests have just ordered. Hurry to stir fry in the back."

When he left the front hall, Lao Xie asked in amazement, "old woman, do you know these people?"

"How can I know such a person?"

"Then how did he call me uncle Xie?"

"I don't know. I thought I was looking for you! Don't say it first. They ordered some of your best dishes. Stir fry quickly!"

Soon, there was a roaring stove fire in the back kitchen.

But Xue Anke heard the conversation they had just had, and his face was a little sad.

Once upon a time, he was a frequent visitor here. Lao Xie and fat aunt took great care of themselves who were down at that time and treated themselves as nephews for the rest of their lives.

But I didn't expect that at this time, they were strangers to each other.

Fox night naturally noticed Xue an's loss, but he could only sigh in his heart, and then stopped talking.

Soon, all the dishes Xue an ordered were fried.

When served, it can't be said that it has all the colors, flavors and flavors, but at least it sells well.

The fat aunt wiped her hands on her apron with some formality. "There's nothing good in the shop. Please take your time and call me if you have any questions."

He was about to step back, but Xue an didn't move his chopsticks. Instead, he turned his head and smiled at his fat aunt.

"Don't go yet. I have something to ask you."

"Please say."

"Do you have a daughter?" xue'an asked directly.

Fat aunt was stunned. She obviously didn't understand why xue'an asked, but soon she shook her head very lost.

"I really want to have a daughter. Unfortunately, I have a poor life and have no children. Now I'm old, I don't want those! What do you ask?"

Although it had been expected for a long time, Xue an couldn't help feeling sad when he really heard that Xie Jingjing of the world also disappeared, and then waved his hand.

"Nothing. I just think you look like a friend before me, so I asked casually."

The fat aunt didn't doubt him and turned back.

Xue an and his entourage just stared at the food on the table in silence.

Or fox night took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Well, well, don't think so much first. Since others have made it for us, don't waste it and eat it quickly!"

Then fox night moved chopsticks.

Feibai and Si Qingqing look at Xue an. Xue an wakes up from meditation, smiles, and then picks up chopsticks.

"Eat, uncle Xie's craft is still good."

The feibai brothers and sisters began to use chopsticks.

To tell the truth, in the fox night, which is used to eating all kinds of delicacies, these dishes are extremely mediocre. There is almost no other taste except the salty and spicy taste.

This is also the favorite fault of ordinary chefs.

On the contrary, feibai and Si Qingqing were not picky and ate greedily.

While everyone at the table was eating with worry, the door was suddenly pushed open, and then several young people dressed in exaggerated clothes and tattooed with dragons and tigers came in.

Closely behind these social young people was a guy wearing sunglasses and a big gold chain around his neck.

As soon as these people came in, they began to quarrel.


"Shit, where's the boss here?"

Hearing the cry, Lao Xie and fat aunt hurried out. When they saw these social young people, their faces immediately became very ugly.

But soon the fat aunt's face was full of smiles, "here are some big brothers. Sit down quickly and let Lao Xie cook a good meal for you today!"

"Who the fuck is going to eat your meal? Don't you see our eldest brothers coming?" the young people spoke in a very blunt tone.

Fat aunt saw the man wearing sunglasses and pulling like 2580000.

"So you are brother Du! I'm so sorry, I didn't recognize it just now!"

"Hmm!" the man called doogo snorted from his nostrils, then took off his sunglasses, took out a piece of paper and wiped it gently.

"You are the boss here!"


"Very well, now this piece is under my control. Do you understand my rules?" DuGe said coldly.

"What rules?"

"It's very simple. You take out this number every month in the future. I can guarantee your safety, otherwise..."

Doogo stretched out two fingers.

Lao Xie frowned. "Two hundred yuan is a little too much!"

DuGe sneered, "two hundred? You send beggars? Two thousand, don't be too expensive, or I'll make your restaurant open every minute."

"Yes, old man, dare to joke with our boss. Be careful that we smash your shop!" these young people shouted.

Lao Xie was furious.

Although he is submissive in front of his fat aunt, it doesn't mean he is a afraid man.

On the contrary, he has a hot temper, not to mention being bullied by these guys, so he wants to have an attack.

But just then, xue'an suddenly patted him on the shoulder behind him.

"Uncle Xie, get out of the way and I'll come!"

Lao Xie somewhat blankly dodged the road and looked at the guest in white and went straight to DuGe.

Then I saw him smile.


DuGe, who was wearing sunglasses, was stunned, and then looked at Xue an with some hesitation.

"Do you know me?"

"Of course I know you, and I know you very well!" Xue an said faintly.

Du fan was even more confused.

He can be sure he hasn't seen the boy. How did he know himself?

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