But just when her men came to the edge of the pool, the pool, which was as smooth as a mirror, suddenly made waves.

Then a huge Python leaped out of it. Its length was tens of meters just above the water.

And the triangular snake head is even more chilling.

But when they saw the python, an Qing, Qin Yu and others were not surprised but happy.

Song Yi couldn't help sighing: "it's really a python that has become a climate. It's only one step away from turning into a dragon!"

At the same time, the python looked down at these people with cold eyes, and then opened his big mouth and spit out a mouthful of dragon inflammation.

The extreme low temperature makes the water in the air frozen into ice where the white dragon inflammation passes.

Song Yi smiled coldly, "just evil animals, dare to do it again!"

With that, he waved his hand fiercely, and with a seal, he flew straight to the python.

The seal was determined to grow in the wind, but in the blink of an eye it changed from a fist to the size of a house and fell on the python.

The python roared and threw its head, trying to push back the seal that hit itself.

But as soon as they came into contact, python Jiao uttered a painful cry, and then was forcibly hit back into the pool by this seal.

Then the pool turned red and was obviously injured.

Song Yi waved back the wind watermark and looked at the turbulent cold pool with a sneer.

"Still want to die? If you are sensible, you'd better surrender now, or I'll kill you now."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the pool water surging up and condensed into countless arrows, which directly attacked Song Yi, an Qing and others.

"Sure enough, it's an animal. I don't know how to repent when I'm dying!"

With this, Song Yi took a sudden step, and then the compass in his hand flew straight up into a curtain of light to protect the people.

Click, click!

These frozen arrows broke at the sound.

Seeing this scene, the fox night hiding in the dark in the distance couldn't help asking.

"Lao Xue, aren't you going to do it now?"

Xue an shook his head and said faintly, "no, because Xiaosha can cope with it."

Fox night can't see any chance for Xiaosha to turn over now.

But just as Xue an's voice was falling, a Chinese moon suddenly jumped out of the clouds and appeared in the middle of the sky.

For a moment, the moonlight shines all over the world, covering everything with a layer of silver.

And the cold lotus growing in the middle of the pond is stretching and welcoming the baptism of endless moonlight.

But in the blink of an eye, the cold lotus that was in bud slowly bloomed.

Song Yi suddenly thought of something and couldn't help shouting, "come on, stop this lotus blossom!"

But it was too late. The blooming speed of this cold lotus was so fast, but it was completely blooming in an instant.

Fragrant and illusory.

Everyone could not help but look intoxicated.

Even Song Yi, who was just roaring, couldn't help but calm down and looked at the lotus with obsessed eyes.

But then, the pond surged wildly, and then the python leaped out, swallowed the lotus in one bite and soared to the night sky.

Under the moonlight, the people saw the whole picture of the python.

It has a snow-white color and is more than 100 meters long. Except that it has no horn on its head, the rest are no different from the dragon in mythology and legend.

After swallowing the lotus flower, I saw that the Python's body began to turn red quickly, and then trembled violently.

With every tremor, dead skin rustled down on it, revealing the Golden Dragon scales below.

Song Yi was shocked all over and hissed and shouted, "come on, set fire to attack. It's eating the moon now. If it molts successfully, we'll all die!"

In fact, without his command, an Qing and Qin Yu's men have launched a crazy attack on the python.

But no matter the bullet or technique, it was blocked by the barrier composed of endless moonlight after reaching the python.

Seeing this, Song Yi could not help but bite his teeth, and then waved his Feng Shui seal again.


The Feng Shui seal grew again in the wind and turned into a hill. It smashed at the python.

But just then, I saw the python rolling in the air.


A dull noise.

The Feng Shui seal was pulled out by a boa constrictor and disintegrated in the air.


Song Yi opens his mouth and spits out a big mouthful of blood. His face suddenly becomes pale.

You should know that Feng Shui seal was carefully developed by him with the secret method handed down by his school. He devoted countless efforts to it. It can be said that his mind and spirit are one and has unpredictable power.

But at this moment, the Feng Shui seal was forcibly broken by python, which naturally hurt Song Yi.

At this time, when the python looked up, it was a dragon chant that shook the sky.

The sky and land within a thousand miles all shook, and even the clouds all over the sky retreated.

As for the nearest people, such as an Qing and Qin Yu, they naturally turned pale and retreated.

"Go back, this Python has been Jackie Chan. It was clearly using my power to remove Feng Shui constraints!" Song Yi roared, his face full of regret.

Only then did he realize that he had underestimated the python.

I thought it was entrenched here to take advantage of the geomantic atmosphere here, but I didn't think it was the lotus in the cold pool.

As for the geomantic omen and local atmosphere here, when it turns into shape, it becomes a restriction and constraint.

Because of this, the python was allowed to do by song Yishi before, in order to use his power.

Upon reading this, Song Yi could not help but regret and be surprised.

It was amazing that the python had such calculations. Obviously, this is not the wisdom that ordinary demons can have.

So at the moment, he didn't care about the fragmentation of Feng Shui seal, just wanted to step back as soon as possible.

But it was too late to see the moonlight suddenly disappeared, and then there was only a python in the dark night sky.

In fact, it can no longer be described as a python.

Because after molting, two horns have grown on its head, and its scales are bright, just like a real dragon.

When it slowly lowered its huge head and looked down at Song Yi and others, an invisible dragon came, and they couldn't move at all.

Then he saw the Dragon slowly open his mouth and sneered.

"I dare to plan, mom. I'll let you taste it today!"

Then he opened his mouth and spit out a white dragon inflammation.

As soon as Song Yi closed his eyes, he sighed that he was finished. This time, there was no doubt that he would die.

But the anticipated Longyan Jiashen didn't appear, but a faint voice came from his ear.

"Little sand, it's unprecedented!"

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