The simple six words are so enlightening.

Song Yi, who was already in despair, opened his eyes and saw a shocking scene.

Just before the python, a figure appeared impressively.

The figure is slightly thin from behind, especially under the shadow of the Python's huge body.

But it was such a figure, but now it was like a reef standing in the torrent. Although facing the majestic pressure of the python, its body shape did not waver at all.

Not only that, but also a nameless power rose on him, which made people dare not look directly at him.

Who is this man?

Why is he so powerful?

What's he doing here?

These thoughts quickly flashed through Song Yi's mind.

As for an Qing and Qin Yu, they have been shocked by this sudden scene.

The python was also shocked.

She stared at Xue an standing in front of her, her head full of question marks.

What's going on?

Why do you feel so familiar when you see this teenager.

And the name he just called himself.

Little sand!

This name is clearly not your own, but why are you so excited after hearing it?

These questions have just opened her mind, and she just turned into a dragon.

At this time, Xue an stretched out his hand and pointed at the Python's head.

In an instant, an unimaginable aura poured directly into the python.

Click, click!

After a burst of bone explosion, the python raised her head and made a very painful dragon sound, and then her huge body began to shrink and change rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, she changed from a python that had just turned into a dragon to a girl who had not grown up and was at most 14 or 15 years old.

She blinked blankly at Xue an, as if she didn't understand what had happened.

Xue an smiled faintly, then sighed softly: "it seems that there is a certain number in the dark. Even if the time line is disordered, it is still the little sand after it turns into shape!"

After all this, he looked down at the trembling Song Yi and others.

When he noticed his eyes, Song Yi trembled, and layers of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He saw everything that had just happened.

The amazing scene stunned him.

I haven't heard of anyone who can turn a dragon that has just eclipsed the moon into a human.

Even those peerless strongmen in Hongyu villa can't do this so easily.

So when he found that xue'an looked at himself, he couldn't help but be afraid and afraid. Then he lowered his head deeply for fear of attracting xue'an's attention again.

But at this time, Xue an said faintly, "since it's fate to meet, I'll give it back to you!"

Then Xue an nodded and pointed.

The originally fragmented and scattered Feng Shui seals floated in an instant, and then quickly gathered together.

Click, click!

With a burst of dazzling brilliance, this once completely broken Feng Shui seal was restored in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, there are many more runes on the Feng Shui seal, which are more powerful.

Xue an waved.

Feng Shui seal flew back into Song Yi's hands. Song Yi was stunned when he felt the heavy texture and the strong breath inside.

First of all, he couldn't understand what means the white boy used to refine the broken seal as before.

Secondly, he didn't understand why the boy did this. He was a stranger to him. Why did he help himself like this?

When he was in doubt, he saw Xue an dodge and fall close to him, and then spoke to Qin Yu.

"Is your grandpa ill?"

Qin Yu was stunned, and then looked at Xue an with a shocked face.

"Don't ask me how I know, just tell me if it is."

At the same time, Song Yi quietly winked at Qin Yu, motioning her not to hide and had better tell the truth.

Qin Yu took a deep breath and nodded, "yes, Jiazu is really in poor health."

"It's not just that you're in poor health!" Xue an said faintly. "The reason why you are so interested in this Python is to use her dragon blood to treat your grandpa, right?"

Qin Yu knew at this time that the young man in white was by no means an ordinary person, so he simply stopped hiding.

"Now that you have guessed it, let me tell you the truth. My grandpa is really in a bad situation. Even the miracle doctor Hua Xingyu is helpless. He can't help but take this dangerous move, but now it looks like this..."

Qin Yu glanced at the small sand still standing in a daze in the distance and said sadly, "it's estimated that this move has also failed."

"That's not necessarily true. At least I can try!" Xue an said.

"Hmm?" Qin Yu didn't expect Xue an to say so. She couldn't help looking at him in surprise.

"What you want is to cure your grandpa? I can try it for you!"

If other people say so, Qin Yu will never believe it. After all, even huaxingyu, known as the national hand of Xinglin, has nothing to do with his grandfather. How can others have a way.

Only after these words came out of Xue an's mouth, Qin Yu felt a sense of peace of mind.

It's as if nothing in the world can beat him.

So she just pondered for a moment, and then Zheng focused on it.

"In that case, thank you, Mr. Lao!"

Xue an smiled, but he was not in a hurry to start. Instead, he looked at an Qing on the side and flashed a complex color in his eyes.

He has great respect for an Yan's sister.

After all, she was the only one who didn't object to her marriage with Anyan.

Just in this chaotic timeline, an Yan, like himself, didn't appear at all.

Therefore, the fate of an Qing or the whole settlement in this timeline is very different.

For example, although an Qing also joined Hongyu villa, it was because of her identity as the legitimate daughter of the an family.

However, after entering the Hongyu villa, this identity became less prominent. At least for the whole federal securities office, today's settlement can only be regarded as a second-class rich family.

The status is linked to the available practice resources, so Anqing's strength now is far from that of the world without tampering.

This is also the reason why an Qing takes the risk to hunt small sand.

After all, there are so many resources. If you don't make efforts, you can't catch up with others., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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