The visitor was a middle-aged man. He was wearing a bathrobe and looked stunned and confused.

Mingming just had a very in-depth exchange of feelings with the new little sister in the club.

How did the scene change in the blink of an eye?

When he saw this man, Qin Yu exclaimed, "Why are you?"

The visitor is Qin Tian, the manager of Qin's group. At the same time, he also has an identity as Qin Yu's uncle.

Xue an said lightly, "because he is the one who drives foreign demons to harm your grandpa!"

As soon as he said this, Qin Yu was shocked. There seemed to be a flash of lightning in his mind, and then he connected all the clues together.

In fact, this is not difficult to guess, because once Qin yuan dies, the biggest beneficiary is Qin Tian, who has already occupied a high position in the Qin group.

In fact, Qin Yu had been skeptical before, but he couldn't give evidence. Now when he saw that it was really the hand of this human faced and beast hearted uncle, he couldn't help getting angry.

But before she had an attack, she saw Xue an gently hook his hand. Qin Tian, who was trembling, couldn't help floating up, and then flew close to Xue an.

"You... What do you want to do? I tell you, I'm from the Carter Family. If you dare to touch me, be careful of your head!" Qin tianqiang yelled.

Xue an frowned slightly, and then an invisible pressure compressed Qin Tian into a ball in the air.

Click, click!

With a burst of bone breaking sound, Qin Tian cried out in pain, but the next second, his pain roared back because of the dislocation of his chin.

Although the punishment lasted less than a few seconds, Qin Tian, who was white and fat and had been well-off since childhood, was sweating all over and looked at Xue an with panic.

Because he had never seen such a person, he didn't talk nonsense to himself at all, and directly began to torture himself.

And he also saw the bone cold in Xue an's eyes.

It felt as if he were an insignificant mole ant.

This made him see the situation in an instant and dare not have the slightest fluke.

"It seems that you have sobered up a lot now. Then I ask you, who is the person who helps you drive these foreign demons?"

Qin Tian hesitated, but immediately he saw Xue Anna's eyebrows about to rise and shouted.

"It's the Carter Family. It's the Carter family who ordered me to do so!"

It's the Carter Family again!

Xue an felt that what he had thought before seemed a little simple.

This Carter Family is obviously not as simple as the door valve. Especially when he was on Mars, Zhang Tianyou specially told him to pay more attention to the Carter Family.

So, the Carter Family is really the key.

Xue an was silent, and his silence aggravated Qin Tian's panic. He was like pouring beans from a bamboo barrel. He told all the story before Xue an asked questions.

"It was valentine Carter of the Carter family who instructed me to do so. He gave me a magic weapon at that time. As long as he drove such a thing, he could summon an extraterritorial evil spirit. Then he asked me to attack Qin yuan and said that as long as he died, he would let me become the president of the Qin group!"

"I was obsessed and listened to him, but I had to, because it was the Carter Family. How could I afford it?"

Qin Tian's words echoed in the room, and Qin Yu's face was hard to see.

On the one hand, he was angry at his cousin's despicability, on the other hand, he was surprised at what he said.

If, as he said, the Carter Family is behind the scenes, the situation of the Qin group is extremely dangerous.

Because although the Qin group is good for Beijiang, it is still far worse than the Carter Family, which occupies an important position in the federal securities office.

Now it has attracted the covet of this behemoth. No matter what his ultimate goal is, it is extremely disadvantageous to the Qin group.

"What is that magic weapon?" Xue an asked.

"I hid it in a secret niche behind my bedroom bed. Now it's not here..."

Qin Tian opened his mouth, because he hadn't finished yet. Xue an flashed in his hand, and then the magic instrument hidden in the safe appeared in his hand.

"Is that it?" Xue an said faintly.

Qin Tian nodded wildly, "just... That's it!"

I'm afraid I'll answer late and be killed by this incredible teenager.

This so-called magic weapon is actually a small jade piece the size of a palm, but it is not jade white, but a color as red as blood.

At the same time, there are countless black lines as thin as hair, which are tightly intertwined, making people feel numb on the scalp at a glance.

But the most frightening thing is that these silk threads are flickering, just like some kind of life breathing inside.

Xue an turned to look at the foreign demon who was kneeling on the ground and dared not move.

"Is this what called you and drove you?"

This foreign demon can be said to be the only one in the presence except fox night who knows how powerful Xue an's strength is, so he didn't dare to resist at all, and nodded immediately.

"Yes, that's it!"

"Interesting!" Xue an said thoughtfully while playing with the jade piece.

At this time, fox night also approached and said seriously: "this jade piece seems to contain a very strange energy."

"Yes, if I guess correctly, what is contained in it is the power of broken time, and these countless black lines are the product of the broken time line."

Fox night was surprised and immediately overjoyed. "So this thing is really related to the changes in the world?"

Xue an nodded, "you can say so!"

Fox night rubbed his hands. "What are you waiting for? Go to the laoshizi Carter Family and ask what's going on!"

"Don't worry, there's something to deal with before you go."

"What's up?"

Xue an didn't speak either. He nodded his hand and pointed. The foreign evil was sealed into the jade piece

As for Qin Tian, who is about to be scared silly, Qin Yu and others have to clean up, and Xue an is too lazy to pay attention to these shit things in their family.

I saw him walking to the bedroom window, the corners of his mouth gradually raised a smile.

"After waiting so long, I finally came!"

As soon as the voice fell, the glass in front of him broke. At the same time, a fist as big as a casserole rushed to Xue an's face.

The speed and power made the whole bedroom blow a gust of wind.

But in the face of this shocking blow, Xue an didn't even blink his eyelids, just casually stretched out a finger and stood up in front of him., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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