
Accompanied by a dull drum like noise.

The fist and finger hit each other, and the storm began, which blew Xue an's hair in front of her forehead, but in addition, Xue an didn't even move.

In particular, the finger, when facing a fist several times the size of itself, was as cast as brass, and the pattern wire did not move.

On the contrary, the fist the size of a bowl and casserole was forcibly shaken out, and then a dull hum came out of the window.

But the dull hum was so short that it disappeared almost instantly.

The boiling breath that was burning like a torch outside the window disappeared together.

For a moment, everything was quiet again. If the night wind was not pouring in from the broken window, it would be as if nothing had happened.

But Xue an didn't panic at all, but smiled faintly, "it's good to cooperate."

After that, xue'an raised her hand to the back of her head and clamped her two fingers.


A dagger hidden in the void was forcibly clamped off.

At the same time, even the man holding the dagger showed his figure. He was a thin little man.

When he found himself exposed, the little man didn't know well and immediately stepped back.

Xue an did not embarrass him, but with a flick of his finger, the truncated dagger tip flew straight out and was nailed to the wall behind the little man.


Although the tip of the dagger was very small, it was like an elephant hitting it when it was nailed to the wall.

The solid concrete wall instantly cracked countless cracks and showed deep depressions.

The earth shaking blow shocked the little man.

"Lying in the trough, the idea is in hand, get out!"

But it's too late.

Because at the moment when he entangled xue'an, at least dozens of strong breath attacked xue'an from all directions.

The strongest one is the punch that just broke the glass, followed by a long gun.

This long gun is made of unknown metal. It has smooth shape and exquisite workmanship. It can be seen at a glance that it was written by everyone.

But this is not important. What is important is that the sharp tip of the big gun is unparalleled, and several deep blood grooves extend down. It seems that there is still blood in the blood groove that has not dried up.

At a glance, it can be concluded that this long gun is definitely a big killer.

The person who made the gun was obviously not a mediocre hand. I saw that the tip of the long gun trembled at a very high frequency in the process of stabbing.

Although the speed was only square inches, it still made a sharp scream.

At the same time, the gun tassel fluttered and the strong wind rose, showing the full domineering of the gun.

"Overlord gun?"

Xue an smiled and raised her hand.


The fingertip just bounced on the tip of the big gun, and then the big gun began to vibrate violently from the tip of the gun. After it was transmitted to the gun body, it had turned up like a wave.

A clang!

The spear fell to the ground, and then the man who made the spear looked at Xue an with great horror.

Because in any case, he didn't expect that the powerful blow he had just given after accumulating so much momentum was not even qualified to be taken seriously by the other party.

But with a flick of his finger, his long gun dropped his hand.

How powerful is this?

Xue an stamped his foot gently when the gunman was stunned.

"Get back!"


When their toes touched the ground, everyone felt the earth shake violently.

These people who are attacking xue'an are the first to be among them, and are directly shaken out by this invisible shock wave.

Only one person barely stood up and punched Xue an with all his strength at the same time.

This is a burly man, but one hand is soft and drooping down, and he fights alone with the other hand.

Needless to say, he must have hit the blow that broke the glass just now, and the force of the reaction obviously made him suffer a lot.

Seeing the blow, the little man behind him couldn't help crying.

"Go back, you can't be his opponent!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue an smiled, "Daniel, is this all your strength now? It's disappointing to me!"

When he said that, he saw that Xue an didn't even move his hand, but just gently breathed out.

A powerful force came out and flew the strong man in front of him.


He stumbled to the ground, and his simple and honest face was full of shock.

This shock included the surprise of Xue an's strength, but it was more because of what he just said.

Why did he know his name?

And shouted so well?

Also, what's the matter with this inexplicable palpitation in your heart?

Just when he was confused, feibai couldn't help shaking after seeing these defeated people.

"Fire Phoenix?"

you 're right!

The people who just attacked Xue an are members of the fire phoenix special forces.

The big man is Zhou Daniu and the small man is Zou Sui.

As for the one who made the overlord gun, it was captain Cheng Hao.

Because in this timeline, they did not meet the instructor Xue an, but were trained by people from the federal Certificate Office.

So their strength can't be compared at all.

Especially Daniel Zhou, in this timeline, he only practiced a very common body cultivation method, so his achievements are very limited.

Cheng Hao simply picked up his family's unique knowledge.

The reason why they came here to sneak attack xue'an was naturally inspired by the Carter Family.

After seeing the situation in the drunken dance bar, Valentine Carter did not care about Grace's death, but for the sake of safeguarding the honor and dignity of the family, he informed the fire phoenix of the matter.

And in the briefing, Valentine said very clearly and asked them to give a reasonable solution as soon as possible.

In fact, the fire phoenix is very angry about this announcement.

Because Valentine or the whole Carter Family obviously regarded the fire phoenix as their own private army.

Even let them do this wet work.

This is a great humiliation to those who have always had Chinese pride in their hearts.

However, they are now under the jurisdiction of the federal securities office.

The Federal Reserve has long been dissatisfied with these people and has cut its budget several times.

The annual budget this time is even more straightforward to completely cut down the fire phoenix.

After all, in the eyes of many people in the federal securities office, the fire phoenix is a dispensable existence.

Fortunately, the big man of the Carter family came forward and saved part of the budget.

But as a result, the fire phoenix became a private force of the Carter Family.

But no matter how angry they were, they still had to follow the clues to find the earth according to the contents of the notice.

It has to be said that even in this timeline, the fire phoenix is still a very strong force.

Even if Xue an was holding an identity document forged by Zhang Tianyou, they found her whereabouts in a very short time.

This was the short and violent raid just now.

At this moment, the fire phoenix people looked at Xue an with despair and consternation.

Because at this time, they found that all the attacks they had just made could not make the white boy move even one step., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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