Hearing this sentence, Shen Jun was stunned first, and then couldn't help laughing.

"It's funny. I still have to settle accounts with Tangmen. Do you know who Tangmen are? How old are you even if the local gangs in M dare not provoke them

Words are full of disdain.

Xue an slightly raised his eyebrows and calmly glanced at Shen Jun.

Although I don't care about it, Xue an doesn't mind killing a mole ant if it's provocative again and again.

Shen Jun, who wanted to go on talking, was swept by his sight and was frozen.

This look is so terrible!

Of course, Xue an knew who the Tangmen were, and even Han Jun, the Tang clan elder who had been offended by the Shen family.

Yu Ling, the old man pointing to the sky, was a member of the Tang clan in the state of M.

Later, after being shot and killed by himself, Han Jun did not dare to retaliate, but revealed the news to the Yu family in Lingnan.

Xue an knows all these things.

That's why he said that he just had an account to settle with Tangmen.

Shen Kang was also full of faces and couldn't believe it.

After all, Xue an is just a man who just came to m from China. How could he be an opponent of Tang clan?

I guess it's blowing the atmosphere!

At a time when the shens were in doubt.

Outside the villa came several black business cars, and then several big Chinese men came down first.

Someone opened the door and a well-balanced, gloomy man slowly stepped out of the car.

He first looked up at the Shenjia villa, a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and then he went straight in.

The door of the villa was kicked open, and the group of people came in arrogantly.

Seeing these people, Shen Kang couldn't help but change color in horror, and then quickly stood up.

"Zhou Shao, you are here!"

Facing the man, Shen Kang looked very respectful.

The man nodded haughtily, "boss Shen, my master asked me to ask you, have you considered it? If you don't give me an answer, don't blame me for being rude. "

Shen Kang complained bitterly in his heart. Zhou Shao was called Zhou Lin. he was the red flower double sticks of Tang clan and Han Jun's disciple. He was very arrogant.

Today, he came to the door in person. It is estimated that this matter will not be solved easily.

Zhou Lin looked around the field. When he saw Shen Nan, he saw a light in front of him. Then he said faintly, "boss Shen, you make Qianjin look very beautiful!"

Hearing this, Shen Kang could not help but change his face.

"Zhou Shao, my daughter is still in college!"

Zhou Lin said with a smile, "I can see, but boss Shen, if you can't satisfy me this time, then It is estimated that Qianjin will appear in some unspeakable places to drink with others! Do you understand what I mean? "

Zhou Lin's arrogant tone makes Shen Kang pale, and Shen Nan is even more frightened. He doesn't know how to deal with it.

At this moment, Xue an, sitting on the sofa, chuckled, "this Is that what you Tangmen do? "

Hearing this, Zhou Lin turned around, staring at Xue an, and said, "who are you? Don't you know that the Tang clan is doing things, and the idle people will leave? "

Xue an tapped the armrest with his fingers and said faintly, "who am I? You are not qualified to know!"

Zhou Lin angrily responded with a smile, "very good, you have angered me. Today, I will tear you up!"

With that, Zhou Lin rushed down the mountain like a tiger.

Zhou Lin practiced the ancient Chinese martial arts and the thirteen tiger moves! And the level is good, one move in one form, just like the real tiger, the momentum is extremely amazing.

Shen Jun was watching, his heart full of schadenfreude.

Now, how do you pretend?

But the idea just flashed.

Xue an raised his head, raised his eyebrows, and drank softly.

"Go away!"

This sentence, like a heavy hammer, directly hit Zhou Lin's chest in mid air.

And it will fly out directly, until smashing a wall, just reluctantly stop.

Then Zhou Lin opened his mouth and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

This time, let Shen Jun and Shen Kang and others are all stunned, can't believe their own eyes.

The Tang clan's red flower double sticks can't even hold a roll?

But at the moment, Zhou Lin's face was livid, and a touch of panic flashed in Xue an's eyes.

He knew better than anyone about the horror.

The gentle and gentle man who looks harmless to human beings and animals is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex who is invincible in the world when he looks up. His momentum is extremely terrible!

"You Who is it? " Zhou Lin's anger subsided a lot, but still staring at Xue an and asked.

Xue an said with a faint smile, "go back to tell your master that I haven't calculated the old man's account! And I'll give him two hours to make amends, otherwise I have destroyed your Tangmen! "Zhou Lin looked pale, but he still nodded and said, "good! You wait

Then he stood up, took a deep look at Shen Kang, and ran away in a hurry.

Only the shens were left in the house, and they all looked at each other.

And Shen Kang's heart is suddenly raised a glimmer of hope.

Is Can he really save our Shen family?

Shen Nan took a breath and thought that the matter must be solved!

Because she had an unexplained trust in xue'an.

She even felt that there was nothing in the world that could defeat this man.

At the moment, Shen Jun stealthily ran to Shen Kang and said in a low voice, "uncle, this guy has offended both the red and white sticks of Tangmen. We'd better make a plan earlier, or we may be implicated."

Shen Kang was hesitant again.

Shen Nan said angrily, "Shen Jun, you've been making trouble here again and again. What's your intention? Is it good for you if we fall down? "

Shen Jun's face turned red and white. He retreated to the corner and sneered in his heart.

Actually let the Tangmen elder come to the door to make amends in person. This guy really doesn't know how to write the word "death".

Half an hour.

An hour.

An hour and a half.

It's been quiet outside. There's no movement.

Shen Kang's face became more and more pale.

Shen Jun is more and more proud, thinking that I will see how you will come to an end?

It seems that Xue an is not worried!

More than 20 minutes later, only a few minutes after two hours, Shen Kang couldn't help it and was about to speak.

There was a sudden noise outside.

Shen Jun ran to the window.

We saw dozens of black business cars coming from outside, and many Tangmen children came down from them.

In the middle of an old car, a gray haired old man got out of the car.

Shen Kang also came to the window at the moment. When he saw the old man, he could not help looking pale.

"It's Tang clan elder Han Jun!"

This kind of momentum, also let people in the room for it!

Then he saw that the elder of Tangmen took the lead and entered the Shen family.

Standing by the wall, Shen Kang was full of fear. He didn't know whether he should go forward to make amends.

But Han Jun did not squint, and went straight to Xue an and stood still.

Shen Jun was secretly pleased and thought that Xue an was going to have bad luck.

But at this time, Han Jun bent down deeply and said respectfully, "yes Mr. Xue

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