See this scene.

Shen Jun's mouth is wide enough to fit two duck eggs.

Shen Kang's whole body was shocked and his face was unbelievable.

He knows Han Jun better than anyone else.

At the beginning, he offended Tangmen just because of some trifles. As a result, Han Jun let his company fall into the brink of collapse.

From this, we can see Han Jun's tremendous power.

It's just like a child who knows how to make a mistake.

Inside and outside, a dead silence.

Xue an looks indifferent, so quietly watching.

He didn't speak. Han Jun didn't even dare to look up, so he bent over.

At the moment, Han Jun's heart is full of fear and regret.

Back to two hours ago.

Han Jun is sitting in the headquarters of Tangmen.

Zhou Lin was sent to the Shen family by him.

Han Jun has been salivating for a long time on the big cake of Hollywood movies. However, those big international companies can't eat them by themselves. Behind the local film companies in M country, there are big people controlling them.

He has never been able to get in.

This time, Shen Kang of the Shen family offended him because of a trivial matter.

His mind was moved. Although the scale of the film company of Shenjia is not very large, it operates well and can make considerable profits every year.

Therefore, Han Jun borrows the theme to play, ready to force Shenkang to sell the company to Tangmen.

Tomorrow is the deadline.

He sent Zhou Lin to put pressure on him at last.

In Han Jun's view, this is a very common thing.

But I waited for more than an hour.

Zhou Lin came back pale.

Seeing Zhou Lin's expression, Han Jun frowned.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Lin gritted his teeth and opened his teeth and said, "I was beaten!"

"Oh?" Han Jun raised his eyebrows with a murderous look on his face.

How can anyone dare to beat the people of Tangmen?

"The master invited by the shens?" Han Jun said lightly.

Zhou Lin shook his head. "I don't know, but this guy is very powerful and arrogant."

"He hurt me, I asked his name, but he said I didn't have the right to know, and

"And what?"

Zhou Lin bit his teeth, "he said, give you two hours to make amends."

Hearing this, Han Jun's face can not help but show anger.

"What a big voice!"

Zhou Lin's heart is happy, if his own master, then even if that guy no matter how powerful, also have to die!

"What else did he say?" Han Jun took up his tea cup and drank it slowly.

"What else did he say that the old man's account had not been settled for you at the beginning?" Zhou Lin said.

On hearing this, Han Jun, who had just taken a sip of tea, was so surprised that his mouth full of tea was sprayed out.

"What do you say?" Han Jun's face was dignified and incomparable.

Zhou Lin was also frightened, "he He means that the old man's account has not been calculated for you, so you can make amends within two hours! Master, would you like to send someone to kill this guy? "


As soon as Han Jun raised his hand, he turned Zhou Lin in the air several times.

"Asshole! Can you afford that man? Do you dare to fight him? " Han Jun was obviously very angry, and went forward to fight Zhou Lin with fists and kicks.

Zhou Lin was stunned.

He had never seen master so angry and scared!

After a few strokes, Han Jun suddenly thought of something and looked at his watch.

"How long has it been since you left Shenjia?"

"More than half an hour!" Zhou Lin shuddered.

Han Jun trembled with fright and roared, "hurry, prepare the car quickly!"

At this time, Zhou Lin shivered and asked, "master Who the hell is that man

Han Jun stamped his feet and said with horror: "he It's Xue an! "

Xue an!

These two words seem to have infinite magic power.

At least Zhou Lin, after hearing this, felt that his eyes were black and almost scared to death.

Kill the immortal gate with one hand, break Tokyo with one sword, and crush the Army Department of E!

It's an earth shaking event to carry out any one.

And all these things are done by Xue an.

Funny how you want to fight with him?

Thinking of this, Zhou Lin was frightened.

And Han Jun's heart is also frightened.

Even on the way to the Shen family, he was restless.

When the old man was killed, he secretly informed the rest of the family!

I thought the Yu family would kill Xue an.Unexpectedly, after a few days, the news came that Xue an broke the Sword Fairy with a sword.

After hearing this news, Han Jun was afraid to go out for several days. Even if he went out, he had to take countless bodyguards with him.

He is very clear, with Xue an such a peerless strong person, certainly is the gratitude and resentment is clear, kill decisively!

He can only hope that Xue an can forget himself.

Especially when Xue an's deeds came one after another, Han Jun lived in fear and fear every day.

After seeing that Xue an didn't come, he relaxed slowly.

To this day, he finally understood that sooner or later he had to pay back!

So he went to the Shen family and waited for Xue an's fate.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "you Tangmen What a bully to do

Hearing this, Han Jun was shocked and his cold sweat came out.

"Yes! Yes! We really don't know that Shenjia is your friend. If we do, we dare not! Excuse me, sir

Xue an's mouth appeared a smile, "if the shens don't know me, are you going to force this family into a desperate situation? Well? "

Finally, this question made Han Jun's knees soften. He knelt on the ground with a plop, and then kowtowed.

"Spare your life, sir. We will never dare again!"

Looking at this person who is usually high above, he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Shen Kang and others all shut their mouths.

Shen Jun, in particular, was as pale as death.

Xue an stands up and slowly walks to Han Jun and looks down at him.

"As Chinese people, you should have helped each other in foreign lands, but you framed your compatriots and acted domineering! You said What is the sin? "

Han Jun was paralyzed on the ground and said in despair: "everything depends on your husband!"

"Good! You wanted to kill me by the hand of others, and then oppressed others by power this time. It's okay to kill you! Are you convinced? "

Han Jun looked pale and nodded his head and said, "fu Take your breath

Seeing this scene, all people, especially those children of Tangmen, felt cold in their hearts.

Is this still the domineering elder?

In front of this man, it was like a lamb to be slaughtered!

Xue an reached out and stroked Han Jun's head and squinted slightly.

A powerful mind swept Han Jun's mind, a moment later.

Xue an light way: "see in your usual behavior is not too bad on the share, the death penalty is forgiven!"

With that, Han Jun's face turned white with a wave of Xue an, and the whole person became old and old.

one move broke Han Jun's cultivation and abandoned his feet.

But Han Jun kowtowed, "thank you for your life! Thank you for your life

Every head is sincere, because Han Jun has been completely scared out of his wits.

Xue an just laughs at this.

He has just found out through his mind that Han Jun usually takes good care of foreign Chinese, so he can't really kill him!

"And the shens..."

"Don't worry, sir. The shens will have a good time in the future. Tangmen will not disturb them!" Han Jun trembled and said.

Xue an nodded, "get out of here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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