If the Tang clan were granted amnesty, someone went up to set up Han Jun, and respectfully withdrew from the Shenjia villa, and then ran away in a hurry.

The room is quiet.

Xue an Chong Shen Nan smiles, "OK, it's over!"

Shen Nan's face flushed with excitement. Looking at Xue an's eyes is like looking at a superhero.

"Thank you Thank you Shen Nan said.

At this time, Shen Kang came forward and bowed down to Xue an with a serious look. "Thank you very much for your help. The Shen family will never forget it!"

Xue an is not sure.

He just thinks that Shen Nan is a good girl, not to make the shens feel grateful for themselves.

At the moment, however, there was another man who was slipping out of the door.

As Shen Jun moved out, he prayed in his heart.

Don't see me! Don't see me, God bless!

It seems that his God did not dare to offend xue'an, just as Shen Jun came to the door and was about to go out.

Xue an turned his head to look at him and said faintly, "do you want to leave now?"

Shen Jun trembled all over, turned around and forced to smile.

"Ha ha, it suddenly occurred to me that something had not been dealt with yet."

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller.

Because Xue an is looking down at him.

That cold and indifferent eyes, easily broke the psychological defense line of Shen Jun.

He flopped down and knelt on the ground, "Lord, spare my life. I dare not to collude with the people of R, which is also my obsession for a time."

Hearing his own admission, Shen Kang turned pale with anger.

"You ambitious son of a bitch, I took you in with good intentions, but you will bite the hand that feeds you?"

Shen Jun was also stunned at the moment, just as if controlled by what, and said all the things in his heart.

"Kill? I can do it for you! " Xue anchong and Shen Kang smile faintly, and his words seem to be saying a very common thing.

Shen Jun trembled all over and cried out: "uncle, I don't dare any more. Please ask for mercy. As long as you spare me, I'll go now!"

Shen Kang's face changed a few times, and then sighed.

"Sir, this man is at least a relative of mine. You Just let him go once

Xue an is not sure.

Whether to kill Shen Jun or not is not enough to worry about.

Seeing that his life was saved, Shen Jun turned his head and ran away.

At this time, Shen Kang had the opportunity to come forward again to solemnly thank you.

After that, Shen Kang asked, "Mr. Xue, what's the matter with you coming to Hollywood this time?"

Xue an nodded. "I have a friend who is going to ausca in a few days."

"Oh? Who is it? Do I know? " Shen Kang was surprised.

"Fan Mengxue!" Xue an smiles faintly.

Shen Kang is stunned, and Shen Nan is even more startled.

"Miss Fan Mengxue of the light of Chinese people?"

Xue an nodded. "Is she famous now?"

Shen Kang's face was full of admiration, "fame is more than big! As an overseas Chinese, I seldom admire people, but this Miss Fan Mengxue is one of the most admired Chinese stars in my life

"Oh?" Xue an is a little curious.

"Miss Fan has only been in Hollywood for a few months, but she has made a reputation that other stars can't make in their lifetime. She has made several movies that are both popular and popular. This time, the one who is shortlisted for ausca is a big production!"

"If it's just that, it's OK. Miss Fan has a great reputation. Many of the actors she's worked with praise her, and..."

Shen Kang stopped and saw Xue an's face as usual, and then he continued.

"And several well-known actors like fan Mengxue very much, and have said in public more than once that they want to pursue fan Mengxue!"

"But Miss Fan never responds. From entering Hollywood to now, it's a zero scandal!"

Shen Nan also asked excitedly at the moment: "brother Xue, are you familiar with Miss Fan?"

Xue an smiles, "of course!"

"Can you give me a signed picture? I asked my father to ask for it, but I didn't get it! I like her best! She is the pride and model of our girls

Xue an nodded. "Of course."

While they were talking about fan Mengxue.

In the top suite of a luxury hotel in Hollywood, fan Mengxue, or she should be called the night devil lady now, closes her eyes and is ready to try again to wipe out the soul of this noumenon.

The nightmares came to the world she had constructed with her mind.

Night devil Valley is good at, is the mind and seize the two secrets!

In particular, the night demon empress has taken away innumerable bodies, but there has never been a soul of noumenon, as difficult as this body.In a red land, there is a huge cross.

On the cross is fan Mengxue, who is bound by the chains of divinity.

The night demon queen came to her, looking at this tough and incomparable soul, her eyes flashed a fierce color.

"I'm curious, what is holding you up to now?" The night demon empress light way.

Fan Mengxue slowly raised his head, only numbness remained in his empty eyes.

But the night witch emperor face to this numb eyes, but in the heart flashed a trace not easy to be detected by the people.

Then the nightmares got angry.

I was afraid of a mole ant's soul just now?

"Good, or just hang on? I don't believe that there are souls in the world that can withstand the pain of being eroded by the night devil flame! "

The night demon empress roared, a black flame rose from fan Mengxue's feet, and soon covered her whole body.

The fire burns, and the pain burns the heart!

Even hard men who are hard to beat can not endure three seconds in the face of such torture.

Can fan Mengxue just painful struggle a few times, eyes are still so numb and empty, high head is not low.

The night demon queen was surprised and angry, "why! Why do you have to hold on until now? What in the world is worth your nostalgia? "

Said, the magic flame once again strengthened.

The flaming flame of magic, even completely submerged fan Mengxue.

But even so, fan Mengxue is still silent, just quietly looking at the night demon empress.

The night demon empress finally retreated half step in panic, and immediately said angrily, "why do you prefer to bear such pain, but also to persist?"

Fan Mengxue opened his mouth and said in a hoarse weak voice, "because I believe that he will come to save me!"


The night demon empress's face gradually became grim.

"You mean Xue an? Ha ha, yes, now he has arrived in M country, but I have set a dead end, then I will kill him with your hand! Ha ha ha The nightmares laugh triumphantly.

Fan Mengxue gently shook his head, "you They can't kill him, because he is an invincible xue'an

When he said this, fan Mengxue's eyes seemed to have light.

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