From Bromfield's voice to xue'an's blow, the whole process is fast to the peak, without giving people any chance to respond.

But such a violent blow still didn't hurt Bloomfield.

Because as early as the moment before xue'an's fist, this blomfield had disappeared in place, leaving only a shallow illusion.


The fist shattered the illusion.

Blomfield gave a sneer, and then stood proudly in the void in the distance, looking down at xue'an arrogantly.

"I already said that with the blessing of the space-time Messenger, I can see through all your next tracks, so any attack you make will not work for me. Why don't you believe it?"

Xue an also smiled.

In the laughter, his whole sense of existence suddenly began to decrease sharply.

In the blink of an eye, his breath disappeared completely.

This is a very strange feeling.

Because xue'an is standing where he is, but your brain determines that he is gone.

This illusion also stunned blomfield.


As soon as a word you uttered, his head broke.

Then Xue an took back his hand slowly and said faintly, "do you really think I can't help you?"

Blomfield's body fell slowly to the ground.

He didn't understand what was going on until he died.

Why Can Xue an, who has just been helpless to himself, escape his real eyes in the blink of an eye?

In fact, only Xue an knows the reason.

It's easy to say that the reason why Bromfield can spy on his track in advance is that he is in cause and effect.

This is inevitable.

After all, all existence has its inevitability and rationality. To put it bluntly, it is all in causality.

That's why Bloomfield was just so rampant.

But he never thought that Xue an's original life magic power was cause and effect. He was almost familiar with this set.

When he was aware of the root of the problem, Xue an used his magic power to resist causality and temporarily shield his own existence.

In this way, all Bromfield's snooping failed.

After killing the supreme leader of the Carter Family, Xue an turned and came to the so-called space-time messenger.

When you get closer, you can better understand the strangeness of this stone.

Especially the intricate stripes above, most people will have a headache and dizziness if they look at them a little more.

That's because these stripes are actually countless tracks of fate. It takes soul to watch them.

Xue an took out the enchanting jade and pinched it gently.

The foreign demon he sealed inside appeared in the field.

"My Lord!"

"Is this what you saw when you were outside the territory?"

The foreign evil thing nodded and said, "yes!"


Xue an answered and crushed the foreign demon.

As for this result, the foreign evil seemed to have expected long ago and did not struggle and beg for mercy at all.

Because it knows it's useless.

The strength of this adult has gone beyond its understanding. It is a fluke to keep himself alive now.

What's more, for these invisible foreign demons, death is not terrible.

Even if the body falls here, the extraterritorial self will be reborn.

After finishing this, Xue an stepped on it and the glass window in front of him was broken. Then Xue an stepped on the debris all over the ground to the huge stone.

The splendor in the boulder rises and falls, as if some existence were breathing.

Xue an stretched out his hand and gently pasted it on the boulder.

In an instant, Xue an was shocked, and then he saw a strange and mysterious scene.

However, everything in the world has become a fog of karma, and the vast river of time is flowing through every being.

The relationship between people, things and heaven and earth has become a track.

These trajectories finally form a huge network, connecting everything in the world.

Xue an himself is also one of the space-time nodes, but he found that the tracks associated with him were covered with a gray fog.

It is this layer of fog that makes the already complex fate track more complex changes.

Xue an's heart moved. Is this the revised timeline?

But how can I change everything back?

And where did the disappeared Xuaner Mengxue and others go?

Seems to feel the doubt in his heart.

At this time, this layer of space-time giant network began to open in turn, and then a gap cut by the space-time giant network appeared.

In the gap, Tang Xuaner and fan Mengxue are impressively.

Xue an was surprised and wanted to come forward.

But no matter how far he went, the distance from their figure was constant.

Not only that, Xue an also found that their whole process was like wood carving and clay sculpture standing in the gap of time and space.

Like a God who has been forgotten since ancient times, it is silent and mysterious.

Xue an was so worried that he suddenly launched a fierce attack.

The red lotus in the eyebrows appeared, the whole body was as hot as fire, and the sword intention was vertical and horizontal under the feet. Then it formed a powerful power enough to destroy the galaxy, trying to break through the barrier.

But everything was in vain.

No matter how powerful xue'an is, they can't close the distance between each other, even the slightest bit.

On the contrary, all the scenes are disappearing.

In the blink of an eye, xue'an fell out of the scene.

In the audience, it is still the basement.

Blomfield's body lying on the ground was still cold, and blood was winding along the ground.

Xue an's complexion was iron blue.

This was the first time he felt completely powerless.

Obviously, people are in front of us, but we can't even shout.

It feels terrible.

When Xue an was full of anger, the boulder began to disintegrate, leaving only a crystal clear core suspended in the air.

Xue an holds it in his hand with a cold face.

Anyway, now I've found a clue.

And this so-called space-time messenger or space-time holy thing is obviously the key.

So shean put it away and took a look at blomfield's dead body on the ground.

The Carter Family certainly deserved their death, but the question is whether to do it now.

I thought I could find more clues or clues, but I didn't expect that what I got was not satisfactory.

After a little thought, Xue an's eyes flashed cold and immediately waved and cut out a sword.

The sword directly chopped 10000 tons of sediment on top of the head, and the man-made lake was evaporated by the terrible sword power in an instant., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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