Everyone in Carter manor was stunned by the sudden scene.



There were shouts everywhere.

People remembered that blomfield was in the small building on the artificial lake.

But the cry lasted less than a few seconds, because the rising sword light had turned back, turned down, turned into countless swords, and fell like a meteor.

Poof poof!

It was the sound of the head being cut off.

But in a moment, the Carter Family was almost completely destroyed.

It's almost because there are a few people standing trembling in the blood, completely unaware of what happened.

What is this?

Are you dreaming?

How come the whole Carter Family is gone in just a few minutes?

While these people were puzzled, Xue Anye had rushed out of the artificial lake turned into a pit.

After coming to the sky, Xue an looked down at the dead bodies on the ground and said coldly.

"It's really a powerful family with domineering hands and blood!"

The sword just cut by Xue an is similar to the previous sword of looking for evil. It is specially aimed at villains with bloody hands.

As for those who sin until death, they will automatically ignore it.

Unexpectedly, this sword almost killed the whole Carter Family, leaving only three or two big cats and kittens.

At the same time, Xue an looked up at the sky in the distance. Vaguely, he could hear the sound of UAV.

Xue an knew that it was impossible to hide such a big news from the Federal Evidence office.

In particular, the artificial intelligence star ring in charge of everything should be perceived at the first time.

But xue'an is not afraid at the moment.

Because now he no longer needs to hide his identity. Although he didn't get much in the Carter Family this time, he has at least mastered several key information.

In this case, xue'an will no longer have to throw a rat repellent like before.

So after feeling that a drone was coming here, Xue an smiled coldly and stepped down.


Although this foot stepped on the void, its great power directly acted on the Carter manor.

Under this terrible power, the exquisite buildings all over the ground are directly turned into powder.

Then Xue an looked up and smiled at the dark night sky. Even if he jumped like a sword, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he left with his front feet, these UAVs rushed close together.

After circling in the field for several times, the UAV landed, turned into a precision mechanical creature and began to collect battlefield information.

At the same time, in the Federal Evidence office building in the rear.

There was a dead silence in the combat staff room.

Everyone looked at Xue an's smile on the big screen.

This picture was obviously taken by satellite. Especially with the help of thermal imaging, xue'an's face can still be displayed even in the dark night.

But the more so, the colder the back.

"God, this man can actually perceive the spy of the satellite. This awareness is really terrible."

"Look at the Carter Family manor, my God! If someone says it has been trampled by more than a dozen Tyrannosaurus Rexs, I believe it!"

There were many cries of surprise.

These combat staff had not experienced such a thing for a long time, so they were all shocked.

With the summary of data, this shock is becoming more and more intense.

"The Carter family who cut with one sword almost killed the family? I said to be wary of these Oriental swords. You don't believe it. It's all right now!" someone roared.

A general who seemed to be the leader looked dignified and said.

"Have the data analysis results come out?"

"Not yet!"

"How could this happen? In the past, when the star ring dealt with such things, the reaction speed was very fast!" the general frowned and said.

As soon as the voice fell, several dazzling red characters appeared on the screen in front of everyone, including the large screen on the wall.

"Extremely dangerous! Warning, this person is extremely dangerous!"

The evaluation column used to calibrate the combat power value simply wrote several big question marks.

Then, a cold female voice echoed in such a big combat staff room.

"From now on, everyone will suspend all tasks in their hands and devote all their energy to dealing with this goal! Importance, no upper limit! Repetition, no upper limit on importance!"

This sentence is like a magic sound, echoing in everyone's ears.

At the same time, the sleeping mechanical army under the whole new york city began to wake up.

Countless mechanical soldiers drilled out of the sewer and formed a mighty torrent of steel in the street.

At the same time, almost all the drones in the second district were mobilized and gathered together to form a black cloud covering most of New York City and killed them towards the hotel.

As early as the beginning of the event, the artificial intelligence star ring quickly searched the current situation of the whole new york city.

Although xue'an blocked the hotel with his supreme mind, all external snooping failed.

But the ring soon noticed something different.

Because the hotel, like a black hole, disappeared in the search of the star ring.

In particular, the power supply was inexplicably interrupted.

The charity dinner held here before was combined, so xinghuanli even targeted here.

And when the mechanical army from heaven and earth came to the hotel.

The people here know nothing, but the atmosphere is inevitably becoming anxious with xue'an's departure.

Many people's eyes flickered and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Fox night also began to be a little impatient.

"Why hasn't Lao Xue come back?"

On the contrary, Xiao Sha seemed more calm. "It's all right if he doesn't come back. When he left, he said clearly. If there's anything wrong, just kill him!"

These murderous words made many people present pale.

"I'm not worried about this. I just think Xue an has been gone for too long. I hope he can find some clues, otherwise he'll be busy in vain?"

Fox night is most worried about this. He doesn't care about the life and death of these guys present.

He just wanted to know when his sister would be back.

Just then, I heard Xue an's voice coming from behind.

"Don't worry, I'm back, and as you think, I did find some clues!"

With the voice, Xue an appeared.

Many people couldn't help breathing at the sight of him.

But others wondered.

The boy in white seems to be different from when he left!

But what's different is a little uncertain.

Only Griffin turned white, and then there was a look of fear in his eyes.

Mandy felt his strangeness and quickly whispered, "what's the matter?"

Griffin took a deep breath. "It's bloody!"

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