As the king who rose in the grass and grew up in the dark underground, Griffin was very familiar with the smell of xue'an.

That's the blood after the murder.

Although xue'an is still better than snow in white, he is not contaminated with the slightest dust.

But this bloody smell can't be covered by any method.

In particular, the blood smell on Xue an was so strong that it was almost substantive.

This is what shocked Griffin most.

How many people must be killed to form such a strong bloody gas.

Mandy is not the kind of weak rich daughter, but also dabbles in the dark side of society.

So when I heard Griffin's words and saw his face change, I couldn't help but understand, and then my face became very dignified.

But although she can see the situation clearly, it doesn't mean that others can.

I saw dozens of rich people sitting at the bottom shouting one after another as agreed in advance.

"Let us out! We haven't done anything illegal. Why are we detained here?"

"Yes, we rich people are obviously prepared. We don't offend Xue an in words, but focus on those who are good citizens and don't break the law.

Because they obviously saw that although the young man in white was ruthless, he was very principled.

The dead, without exception, were all those who provoked him.

That's why they dare to shout like this.

Facing this scene, Mandy's mouth couldn't help laughing.

Born in a rich family, she can hardly understand the ideas of these rich and famous people.

To put it bluntly, they still want to rely on their power to make Xue an bow.

If you put it on someone else, this method may really work.

But now.

Mandy doesn't like these people at all.

Because for a person who will be very bloody when he goes out, the threat of these giants is extremely ridiculous and self righteous.

Sure enough.

As soon as the voices of these people fell, Xue an smiled coldly.

"Oh? They are all good people who abide by the law? So I'm wrong?"

Facing this question, these people looked at each other for a moment, and then one of the fat men shouted.

"Yes, we are all good people who abide by the law. As for your mistake, who knows?"

Xue an glanced at him. "What's your name?"

The man stood up angrily, "my name is Eddie Leonard, who is the first heir of Leonard's family!"

The man's face was full of pride when he mentioned his identity.

Xue an nodded, "OK, then I'll let you see who's wrong!"

After that, xue'an stamped his foot gently, the hotel shook violently, and the light reappeared outside the window.

Then the lights in the hall came on.

But before these rich people could be happy, Xue an gently breathed out a breath, and the whole wall in front of him burst into pieces and turned into nothing.

Fox night could not help but Tucao a sentence, "this guy, make complaints about breaking up the wall!"

At the same time, the midnight cool wind poured in, but people were not in the mood to pay attention to these.

Because just outside the hotel, it is already crowded with Mechanical creatures.

Flying in the sky are countless drones, and on the ground are mechanical soldiers one by one.

These big killers aimed their guns at the hotel. When the mind shield disappeared, they immediately pulled the trigger.

Like a heavy iron curtain, the bullet rain hit the hotel, including dozens of precision guided missiles.

Such firepower is enough to raze the hotel and several nearby buildings to the ground.

The gunfire lit up the despair in everyone's eyes.

Including these rich people who just claimed that they were good citizens of the Second District, they are all stupid at the moment.

Then Eddie Leonard screamed hysterically.

"No! How can this happen? My father is the chief of the combat staff of zone 2. He knows I'm here. How can he give such an order?"

But no matter how much he shouted, it was impossible to make the missiles disappear.

After all, bullets don't matter whether you're the son of the chief of combat staff or not.

When these people were in despair, xue'an stepped out, appeared in front of the dense barrage of bullets, and then drank a word.


As soon as the word was spoken, the countless bullets burst as if they had hit an invisible wall at the same time.

But the explosion did not spread far, because what Xue an said was not only to kill the bullets, but also the subsequent explosion.

In an instant, the originally diffused flame and shock wave were forcibly suppressed and then turned into nothing.

This is just the beginning.

Xue an stepped out, and the huge pressure swept the whole world in an instant.


Both drones in the sky and mechanical soldiers on the ground are turned into powder at the same time.

Everyone in the hotel watching this scene was shocked.

Fox night clapped his thigh happily.

"It should have been like this long ago. First kill a few people in the hot field, and then catch all the remaining demons and monsters. Is this Lao Xue's style of doing things? I thought he changed his temper after going to Tianwaitian!"

In fact, fox night has long been unable to restrain his anger. After all, his sister has disappeared for so long that no one can calm down.

If possible, he really wants to catch the whole federal securities office now.

It was just that Xue an had been forbearing before, so he was helpless to control himself.

"Old Xue, who are you going to kill next?" Fox night stood up and came to Xue an with great interest.

Xue an didn't pay attention to him, but suddenly raised his eyes. The vast and unimaginable mind covered the whole earth in an instant and spread out crazily.

In the blink of an eye, Xue an's mind had crossed the moon.

At the same time, in the combat staff room, the large screen that was flashing the calculation screen suddenly stopped.

Then I heard a mechanical woman say, "danger warning, danger warning, fatal blow detected!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the computers in the combat staff room exploded, even the big screen.

Moreover, Xue an's mind directly penetrated into the earth's network and directly cleared all traces of the star ring with the potential of rolling.

In an instant, the network within the whole earth had no trace of the star ring.

At the same time when Xue an started, Hu Huan, who was drunk in the Hongyu villa in Beijiang, opened his eyes.

"What a strong mind!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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