Then he jumped up and came in the direction of xue'an.

In fact, not only him, but also a sword light patrolling the edge of the solar system is coming back at a terrible speed.

However, in a moment, the two figures appeared over the second area almost at the same time, and then came before the hotel.

One person's sword Qi is mighty. When he raises his hands and feet, he can arouse the power of heaven and earth.

A person's charm is introverted, but he still has a good prestige between his eyebrows and eyes.

It is Li Jingxing, the master of sword palace, and Hu Huan, the master of Qingqiu.

Xue an was not surprised by the appearance of these two people.

After all, there was such a big battle. If they didn't come, it would be too unworthy of the name.

Just different from the world that has not been tampered with, Li Jingxing and Hu Huan in this timeline are obviously much weaker.

Xue an looked at them both and sighed slightly in her heart.

"You two are finally here!"

But he didn't know that his words startled Li Jingxing and Hu Huan.

With their strength, they can naturally feel Xue an's strength.

In particular, Li Jingxing felt that the sword power of the young man in white opposite was like a brilliant day, and he couldn't look directly at it at all.

The discovery shocked his heart.

When did such a powerful sword repair appear on earth?

"I know what you are wondering about. I can't explain it to you now. Just remember that I have no malice to you and the whole earth!" Xue an said faintly.

At the same time, his images have rapidly spread to the whole world through satellite or UAV channels.

Although in this timeline, the world has been unified under the command of the Federal Reserve.

However, this does not hinder the intrigue between the various districts.

In particular, such a big thing happened in zone 2 that even the star ring was eradicated.

Of course, the certificate offices in other districts should also think carefully and carefully.

Therefore, Xue an's image appeared in the staff office of each district in real time.

Countless high IQ talents and strong people began to work overtime to analyze Xue an.

At the same time, the whole earth's network also turned upside down.

Just now, Xue an directly invaded the earth network with the supreme mind and eliminated all traces of the star ring.

Although this process is very short, it has attracted the attention of some network gods.

After the star ring disappears, all firewalls fail at the same time, and the information flood blocked by the weir on the network flows around like a burst flood.

Coupled with the global media, for a time, whether on the Internet or in reality.

Wherever there is a screen, there is an image of Xue an.


Lao Xie hotel.

Lao Xie and fat aunt stared at the proud Xue an on TV and didn't speak for a long time.

Lao Xie didn't tremble until xue'an said that, and then whispered to the fat aunt.

"Wife, it seems... We received a great big man two days ago!"

Fat aunt didn't think about it. All her attention was attracted by one thing.

That's what Xue an knew about himself and Lao Xie at the beginning.

What's going on?

Qin Yu and an Qing were also shocked and confused.

The two of them were shocked when they looked at the scene on the big screen.

They naturally have more information channels than Lao Xie and fat aunt, but that's why they are more shocked.

After only one day, he wiped out all the Carter Family. At the same time, he also severely damaged the mechanical forces in zone 2 and eliminated the artificial intelligence star ring.

One by one, they both fell into meditation.

Xue an didn't know the reaction of all parties in the world. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. At the moment, he quietly looked at Hu Huan and Li Jingxing opposite, waiting for their decision.

A moment later, the two looked at each other, and then Li Jingxing asked in a deep voice.

"Who the hell are you?"

"My name is xue'an. As for who I am, you can't know now, and you don't have to ask again. In that sentence, I don't want to be enemies with you and the whole world!"

Xue an's words were sincere. At least Hu Huan and Li Jingxing opposite believed them.

After all, with the strength shown by the boy in white, he doesn't have to lie.

After a moment of hesitation, they nodded together.

"In that case, we'll stop asking about it and leave!"

Then they turned into streamers and disappeared into the sky.

Looking at their backs as they left, Xue an, er, had a bleak look in her eyes, but the look was fleeting, and then turned around and returned to the hotel again.

At this moment, the hotel hall is silent.

No one dares to have even a trace of objection.


Didn't you see that the two adults in Hongyu villa retreated voluntarily just now?

Who dares to stand out at this time? What's the difference between that and looking for death?

Xue an smiled at the dull Eddie Leonard.

"Now who do you think is wrong?"

As soon as he said this, Eddie Leonard, who was as fat as a bear, fell to his knees and kowtowed like garlic.

"Big... My Lord, I'm wrong. I shouldn't question you. Please spare your life!"

He was really scared.

Before, he thought that relying on his name and the reason for fooling around, he would certainly make the white boy retreat on his own initiative.

But I didn't expect that the boy in white didn't take the move at all, but directly picked up the chessboard and smashed it.

And everyone saw what just happened outside.

What Xue an represents is a completely unquestionable power.

In this power gap, no one dares to BB.

Xue an smiled and walked straight past Eddie.

Eddie was relieved. He just wanted to celebrate the rest of his life, but the next second his head flew out, and then the headless body collapsed to the ground like a meat mountain.

This means that many people's eyelids jump.

But xue'an came straight to the center of the hall as if she had crushed a bug.

"Everyone must have seen that I am very dissatisfied with the current situation, especially for you who think you are superior!"

Many people looked pale and lowered their heads.

Xue an turned to look at Griffin sitting under the stage.


"Yes!" Griffin stood up almost subconsciously and said respectfully.

"What do you usually do with people who lose their awe?"

"I... I usually let them relearn how to know awe!" Griffin said.

"Very good, then these people will all be handed over to you. I hope you can let them learn to fear as soon as possible!"

After that, Xue an said to Fox night and Fire Phoenix.

"Let's go!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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