Until xue'an and everyone disappeared, Griffin raised his head and looked at these people.

Everyone trembled as they passed by.

Not for fear of Griffin, but for fear of the man standing behind him.

Griffin naturally knows this.

But for him, who has worked hard in civilian areas since he was a child and is best at playing the role of tiger and eating pig, this is the best situation.

After all, since I promised Xue an, it means that I have become a knife in his hand.

As a knife, you should have the consciousness of a knife.

Griffin raised his mouth slightly and smiled very reserved. With his decent clothes and outstanding appearance, he was like a real aristocrat.

"You must have heard what the adult said just now. Since he asked me to teach you what awe is, I have to ignore it. I hope you can cooperate well next."

These words were very polite and decent, which also eased the complexion of some people. I think this Griffin is quite knowledgeable.

Only Mandy, who had been sitting beside Griffin, gave him a deep look.

She certainly didn't think that Griffin would simply let go of these people.

But instead of being afraid, she was a little hot in her heart.

Because just now, the Carter Family and many rich families have disappeared, which also means that many sites have been let out.

Although stained with blood, it is a very fat cake.

Mandy was born in the very old Leicester family, and her history can even be traced back to the founding of the second district a long time ago.

Therefore, her vision is very good. Naturally, she can see that Griffin's future will be unlimited with xue'an as the background.

Coupled with her previous contact with Griffin, she has a lot of good feelings for the man.

More importantly, I have helped him before.

This kind of help is even more precious when you haven't made a fortune.

Thinking of this, Mandy bit her lips like fire and made a decision secretly.

When Griffin began to reorganize the forces in the Second District, xue'an had returned to Beijiang with the people.

After seeing Xue an again, both Qin Yu and an Qing were in awe of Xue an.

After all, they already know about what just happened in the second district through various channels.

This is probably enough to shake them.

But Xue an ignored these surprises from the outside world, but whispered to Fox night.

"You lead them here."

"What are you going to do?" Fox night asked immediately.

"I have a new discovery to confirm. Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

After that, Xue an disappeared into the sky.

Fox night looked at Xue an in a hurry and couldn't help sighing.

"This guy is always so mysterious."

But fox night also knew that since Xue an said so, it proved that he must have made a new discovery. He was secretly excited in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, Xue an flew away from the Beijiang River and came to Qingmang mountain.

At the moment, the Qingmang mountain is deserted.

Because of the transformation and departure of Xiaosha, the original abundant aura here has been destroyed. There are residual flowers and grass everywhere, which is desolate.

Xue an followed the indistinct path in the mountains to the depths of Qingmang mountain, and finally stopped in front of a pear garden.

The climate of Qingmang mountain is very suitable for the growth of pear trees. Coupled with the gathering of aura, the Yali Pear produced here has become a very famous local specialty.

But now these pear trees are very decadent, and many of their leaves have turned yellow.

Xue an's goal is not this. He hurried into the pear garden and finally saw a small courtyard inside.

The courtyard is very dilapidated. Even the walls of the courtyard have collapsed. Obviously, no one has lived in it for a long time, but it can be seen that it should have been a Taoist temple before.

Because there is still a broken yin-yang eight diagrams hanging in this small courtyard.

Xue an stopped and looked complicated.

He is no stranger to this small courtyard.

Because long ago, before he left Qingmang Town, he came to this courtyard more than once.

At that time, Xue an's parents died early, had no financial source, and it was very difficult to study. Therefore, he often went to the mountains to collect some local specialties in exchange for a meager reward.

Later, he met Zhai Laodao, who lived in a 10000 mu pear garden.

This old Taoist takes care of Xue an a lot. It can even be said that without him, Xue an might not be able to get out of Qingmang town at all.

In fact, in the world that had not been tampered with before, this Zhai Laodao also appeared in the later stage.

At that time, Xue an, who had just returned from rebirth, returned to Qingmang town and met Song Yi, Chen Rushi and others. He went into the mountain to look for Xiaosha.

Then he met the old Taoist again.

In fact, the Taoist priest had been ordered by his teacher to wait for Jiaolong. Therefore, he met Xue an again. After that, many things happened.

But the old man only appeared once and then disappeared.

It was not that the author had forgotten him, but because the old Taoist was pure and uncontested, and Xue an's prestige was growing behind him, he took the initiative to retire and refused to appear again.

After the earth suffered a great disaster, Xue an specially sent someone to find him, but he found nothing, which made Xue an sigh at that time.

But all this happened in the world that had not been tampered with, and Xue an saw many different things in this timeline.

At that time, among the Carter Family, Xue an saw the boundless sea of time and space with the help of the so-called sacred thing of time and space.

The countless fate tracks are connected with each other, but Xue an himself is excluded.

But Xue an soon found the difference.

All these fate changes seem to come from an insignificant space-time node.

This space-time node is vaguely related to Qingmang mountain.

For this reason, Xue an returned here.

Xue'an stepped into the collapsing room.

Because it has been uninhabited for a long time, there is an unpleasant musty smell here.

Xue an was a little stunned.

What had happened flashed before his eyes.

But in this timeline, the old Taoist died early and never saw himself at all.

Xue an was stunned for a while, then took out the sacred thing of time and space and put his mind into it.

In an instant, the surrounding scenery quickly faded, and then Xue an saw what had happened in the cabin.

At that time, a relatively young Taoist came here, cut grass and lived in this remote place.

All because of the death of the school, he secretly protected the little sand who was just a python at that time.

This kind of day is very clean and even boring, so the Taoist priest will plant pear flowers after his daily homework.

Day after day, year after year, the 10000 mu pear garden was finally planted.

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