After decades of peaceful life, it was finally broken by a group of strong people who learned that Python was lurking here.

Relying on their own strength, these people forcibly broke in and tried to take Xiaosha away.

The Taoist priest acted angrily and finally drove away these people, but he also contracted a serious disease and died without treatment.

This is the short and boring life of this old Taoist.

After watching these pictures, Xue an was silent.

At first, in the basement of the Carter Family, Xue an saw countless time and space nodes converging here, which seems to be related to the disordered timeline, but when he came here, he found that he was dead.

Isn't this road impassable?

Xue an was lost in thought.

And just then, there was a sudden noise outside the door.

The noise was so slight that it would have been ignored by ordinary people, but Xue an was a man who flew out of the house and came to the outside world almost at the moment when the noise came into his ears.

Then he saw a rather strange scene.

I saw the 10000 mu pear garden blooming at this moment.

You should know that this solar term has already passed the time when the pear blossoms bloom, and Xue an saw with his own eyes that these pear trees were so decadent that most of their leaves were yellow when he passed the pear garden just now.

But it's such a dying pear garden. At this moment, it's actually full of pear flowers. It looks like a huge torch. It's amazing.

Xue an's heart moved and she moved forward. Then she found that there was a small creature in these pear flowers.

This breath is so weak that if Xue an's mind was not extremely strong, he might not be aware of it at all.

After feeling xue'an's breath, small heads poked out of these pear flowers and looked at xue'an timidly.

At the same time, a whisper came from Xue an's ear.

"Is that the man?"

"God, the smell on him is so terrible that he won't eat us."

Hearing these voices, Xue an smiled and finally knew what was going on with the noise before.

At the same time, he also knew what these Elves were no more than the size of a finger.

This is clearly the flower essence bred by these pear trees.

But he didn't know what these pear blossom elites meant by pointing fingers at himself.

Do they have anything to tell me?

At this time, the pear flower essence in the 10000 mu pear garden seemed to quietly agree on something, suddenly dispersed, and then a flower essence with a body size of about 50 cm flew out and saluted Xue an.

"Lord of pear blossom, have you seen the childe!"

Xue an smiled and saluted the little pear flower leader.

"Dare you ask, young master, did you come here to find that Taoist Zhai?"

Xue an's heart moved, then he thought of something, and then immediately nodded and said, "yes, I'm here to find him. Do you know his whereabouts now?"

The leader of the pear flower sighed, "a group of villains suddenly broke into here and hurt Taoist Zhai. The Taoist priest died a few years later!"

Xue an sighed softly. It was true!

But then the leader of the pear flower turned and said.

"But we were all planted by Lord Zhai himself. Although we are humble, we dare not forget such kindness. Therefore, after the death of Taoist priest, we conserve his body with our weak magic power to keep his soul!"

"The purpose is to wait for someone. Now I hesitate to go after seeing the childe come here, so I dare to call the childe!"

Xue an's heart suddenly trembled.

Because he really didn't think of it.

Who would have thought that these humble little flower spirits like ants could have such insight and courage.

In order to repay his kindness, he did not hesitate to protect the Taoist priest's body with his meager mana.

So he took a deep breath. "Where's the long body?"

"Childe, please follow me!"

With that, the leader of the pear flower turned and led Xue an to the depths of the pear flower.

Along the way, countless flower spirits hid in the distance and quietly looked at Xue an, but they didn't dare to come over.

After all, they are too weak,

It's too weak to bear the slightest bit of power on Xue an.

Xue an also knew this, so he ignored these flower spirits for fear of hurting them again.


After passing through a large pear garden, a small open space appeared in front of me.

There stands a towering pear tree in the open space, but it is different from those pear trees in full swing.

Only one flower bloomed on the pear tree.

A huge pear flower the size of a person.

When the breeze blew, the pear flowers trembled.

The leader of the pear flower whispered, "childe, this is the noumenon of my family. As for the whereabouts of the Taoist priest..."

The leader of the pear flower waved his hand gently, and the branches of the towering tree retreated one after another, revealing a small tomb below.

"Because the Taoist priest's soul and body are very fragile, and my own cultivation is very weak, so the Taoist priest's soul is in deep sleep."

As he said this, there were several loud rumbles from the ground. It was the sound of the pear tree withdrawing its roots from the tombs.

Then, a mist rose, and then an old soul appeared in the air.

Although after so many years, it has experienced two changes in the timeline at the same time.

But Xue an recognized this figure at a glance. It was Zhai Laodao who had been kind to him.

At the moment, although Zhai Laodao was in a state of soul, he was still wearing the gray cloth Taoist robe.

At the same time, his face was full of confusion, just as he had just woke up.

"Lord Zhai, the childe came here to find you. I saw that the childe's spirit was not evil, so I brought him to you!"

After hearing what leader Lihua said, Zhai Laodao gradually regained his consciousness.

At the same time, Xue an took a few steps and threw a fist at Zhai Laodao.

"Tao... Taoist priest!"

There was a tremor in his words.

After so many world events, Xue an can't help sighing and sighing when he meets here again.

At the same time, the old Taoist stared at xue'an. After a moment, he said in a hesitant tone, "xiao'an?"

Although these two words were not loud, they could be heard in Xue an's ears as much as a bolt from the blue.

Because he never thought that the old Taoist would shout his name.

Shouldn't he not know himself in this timeline?

Did he save his memory like fox night?

On reading this, Xue an immediately asked, "do you know me?"

Zhai Laodao also looked bitter at this time. "It's really you! I didn't expect to see you and me again."

Speaking of this, Zhai Lao Dao looked up. "I've been trapped in this shit world for decades. I haven't waited for your arrival. I even thought you really disappeared. This once filled me with despair, but with the blessing of tu'e God, you finally appeared!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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