Pear blossoms are like snow and moonlight is like silver.

Xue an sat under the tree and listened to Zhai Laodao telling his story over the years.

"When you led the power of the whole heavens to calm the great disaster, I was actually in China all the time, but I felt that I was humble and could not help you, so I didn't appear."

"The back was turbulent and calm, and the disaster disappeared. Seeing this scene, I returned to Qingmang mountain and continued to be my little Taoist."

"But I never thought that before long, a strange mutation took place."

"What mutation?" Xue an asked in a deep voice.

Although it was the body of the soul, Zhai Laodao's face became very serious.

"I don't know, but everything comes from a dream I have."

"Oh? A dream?"

"That's right! I dreamed that a huge and strange insect suddenly appeared in the world. The insect has a face and has been smiling at me."

"Then I woke up. After waking up, I didn't care too much. After all, people can't avoid dreaming. But I didn't expect that I would dream of the same picture every day, and the appearance of this strange insect became clearer and clearer with the passage of time."

"This is obviously not right, especially for me. Although my accomplishments are not good, after all, I have been devoted to Taoism for many years and have long been immune to all evils, so this strange insect is by no means an ordinary evil."

"For this reason, I even used the secret method of the school to ask my grandmaster to seek good fortune and avoid evil for myself and clean up demons. But no matter what method I use, it won't help. The monster still appears."

Xue an was lost in thought, "then what?"

"Then I gradually got used to this strange dream, and even thought it might be my eternal karma. But I never thought that just a month later, the strange bug in my dream had been completed that night."

Speaking of this, Zhai Laodao's eyes showed a look of fear.

"You know, the dream should not have details, but the strange insect is so real. When it appears, I noticed something wrong and tried to wake up, but I didn't find myself able to move until then."

"Then the strange insect swallowed me. I didn't know anything when I was dark. When I woke up again, I found that I had returned to my youth."

"At first I thought it was an illusion, but after careful understanding, I found that it was all true. Even my dead Master was still alive. Therefore, I fell into great panic."

"Because according to my memory, my master was reincarnated when I was ten years old, but in this world, he not only lives, but also lives very well!"

"I was confused for several days, and then master sent me to Qingmang mountain to guard python."

"Fate started again, but as soon as I left the school, I was shocked to find that the world has changed so much, especially when I came to Qingmang mountain and found that you didn't exist at all! At this time, I really panicked!"

"But I don't dare to show it, because I don't know whether the strange insect that swallowed me is spying on me, so I can only live in this Qingmang mountain step by step until I die!"

Zhai Lao Dao sighed, "in fact, in the later stage, I even thought the world was real. As for you, many things that happened later were just my dream, but I didn't expect to see you so long after I died!"

Speaking of this, Zhai Laodao looked at Xue an, "where are you from? What's the matter with all this?"

By this time, Xue an had roughly sorted out the context of the matter.

This change in Zhai Laodao's timeline is obviously many years ahead of fox night.

Even long after his death, fox night appeared in this chaotic timeline.

This explanation may be complicated.

For example, if time is a river, then the current timeline is obviously a fork in the road.

Zhai Laodao appeared directly in this timeline and was many years ahead of schedule under the swallow of the strange insect.

After his death, fox night woke up from this timeline. Because there was no memory connection between them, fox night felt that the world had changed dramatically overnight.

As for the disappeared Xuaner and Mengxue, they obviously don't exist in this timeline. They are sealed in the time gap by some force.

The originator is obviously related to the strange insect Zhai Lao Dao dreamed of.

So far, the whole event has been logically sorted out.

Xue an completely revealed his experience and speculation.

After hearing this, Zhai Laodao was shocked.

Although he had guessed for a long time, he didn't expect that the truth would be so shocking.

"Is this evil thing so powerful? It can even modify the timeline? And if we are in a fork in the road now, can we return to the previous timeline?"

Xue an shook his head. "It should be very difficult, because the time river has changed. It's estimated that it's very difficult to go back!"

Zhai Lao Dao widened his eyes. "What should we do? Can we just tolerate it? If it's just a change in the world pattern and public opinion, it's OK to say that many people don't exist!"

Xue an looked up and the moonlight from the pear blossom gap sprinkled on his face, making his face mottled and unclear.

"I just said it was difficult, but I didn't say it was impossible! At least now we have another message, that is, the change of the world is obviously related to the strange bug you dreamed of!"

"But I haven't dreamed of it since I came to this strange world!"

Xue an was silent for a moment, then whispered, "don't worry, it will appear, because his ultimate goal is me!"

Zhai Lao Dao stopped talking. His transparent body reflected the moonlight, which made him look very unreal.

Xue an's heart is counting the whole thing.

At that time, when Tianwaitian just heard fox night's narration, he thought that only there was a strong force to erase people's memory, and the disappeared Xuaner and others should have been taken away.

But when he returned to the days later, he found that something was wrong, because what changed was not people's memory, but time.

But at that time, xue'an still thought it was just an illusion.

Until he saw the stone in the Carter Family, Xue an clearly told him what he saw.

The change of the world is far from as simple as it seems.

At least the direction of time has changed.

Now Xue an has two doubts.

The first is that if the behind the scenes man really has the strength to change the direction of time, why not do it yourself, but just change the timeline of the whole heavens?, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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