You should know that the ultimate goal of these evil things is themselves. Since they have such strong strength, why not just deal with themselves?

Even if, as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi said, their purpose is not only to kill themselves, but also to take away the backbone of the whole Chinese people, this does not make sense.

After all, if these evil things are so afraid of the Chinese, why don't they just change the timeline and let the Chinese perish?

by the way!

At the beginning, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi once inadvertently revealed a very important information, that is, they dare not directly attack the Chinese and themselves, because there is something behind them staring at them.

And what is this existence?

Since it is inclined to the Chinese and its own side, why not stop the repeated attacks of evil things?

Just like the referees on the court, they just prohibit some unusual behaviors, but they can't get off the court directly.

Xue an vaguely felt that he seemed to have touched the core of some problems.

But there is still a long way to go to prove it.

The second question is very simple. Why did the man behind the scenes attack Zhai Laodao?

You should know that there are many people related to you. Although Zhai Laodao is important, he is not the key one.

But the behind the scenes man took the lead in attacking Zhai Laodao, which shows that his time-space node must be closely related to the current timeline.

For a moment, Xue an had a myriad of thoughts, and countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

Zhai Lao Dao didn't urge, but just waited quietly, because he knew that Xue an would say something.

Sure enough.

After thinking for a long time, Xue an looked at Zhai Laodao and sighed: "the timeline of the world changes so much, but have you always been your Taoist?"

"Otherwise? I don't have any other skills. Although many things have changed, at least the Chinese gods are still there. I want to keep this pulse going!"

"So you spend this 10000 mu pear garden as your successor?" Xue an asked.

"You can see it?"

Xue an nodded, "how can these pear trees alone breed so many spirits, especially the flower spirit leader, obviously has a rhyme."

Zhai Lao Dao smiled, "no way. Although the mountain is clean, it is too lonely. Ordinary young people can't stand it. Besides, those who want to be strong have gone to Hongyu mountain villa to worship teachers. Who is willing to cultivate themselves with a bad old man like me."

"Helpless, I had to use the school's secret method to spend these pear flowers a little bit, cultivate their intelligence, and hope to pass on my ability to them!"

Speaking of this, Zhai Lao Dao suddenly thought of something, "you just said that when you returned from Tianwaitian, you brought back two Chinese gods, Guankou Erlang and Jiutian Xuannv. Where are they?"

"I'm not around now because they have their own things to deal with, but they should be back soon!"

Zhai Lao Dao nodded, "I really want to see these ancient gods who survived earlier!"

"Don't worry, you'll see it soon!"

Zhai Lao Dao smiled bitterly, "but do you think I can wait until then?"

Xue an didn't answer him directly. Instead, he raised his eyebrows, "who was the person who hurt you?"

"Speaking of it, you should also know that it's from the ten thousand ghost gate!"

"Ten thousand ghost gate?"

Xue anliao thought, even though he thought of this sect.

When he was just reborn and returned, the ten thousand ghosts came to Qingmang mountain to make an idea of Xiaosha, and then he was killed by himself.

Then the sect gate, which was respected for serving ghosts, was devoured by the ghost general and destroyed the gate.

But I didn't expect that in this timeline, it was Zhai Laodao who was wounded by the ghost gate.

"Is the soul you lack in their hands?" Xue an asked.

"Do you even see this?" Zhai Laodao was surprised.

"Souls are not all things that will happen after ordinary people die, but you can't happen so soon with Taoist Dharma protection. What's more, the remaining two souls and five souls are very stable and don't seem to be the performance after dissipation, so someone must have taken your soul."

Zhai Lao Dao nodded, "Alas, you guessed right. My soul and soul were indeed kidnapped by the people of the ten thousand ghost gate. Otherwise, although my Taoism is low, I can't be like this now, but the ten thousand ghost gate in this timeline is not what it used to be, not the small sect gate before!"

"On the contrary, I don't know what kind of protection they have obtained. Their strength has expanded rapidly. It seems that they are already one of the best bulk doors of the Chinese nation. Even Hongyu villa can't help it! So..."

Xue an waved his hand, "so there's nothing wrong. Since they hurt you, it's easy to say. Just wait a minute. I'll go back!"

After that, xue'an stamped his foot without waiting for Zhai Laodao to retort, and the whole person rushed into the sky like a shell and disappeared.

Zhai Laodao looked at Xue Anyuan's back and was a little silly.

At this time, the Lord of the pear flower appeared beside the Taoist priest, "Taoist, who is this childe?"

Zhai Lao Dao said slowly, "he, he is the existence of the luck of the world!"

The general altar of the ten thousand ghost gate is located in the mountains in the southwest border of China, and its sphere of influence is extremely broad.

When xue'an stepped into the territory under its jurisdiction, he found that there was black smoke all over the sky and dark wind. It was like a ghost country on the earth.

Xue an's sudden intrusion also attracted the attention of the guard of the ten thousand ghost gate.

Nowadays, the ten thousand ghost gate also keeps pace with the times. The mountain protection array not only has the school array, but also adds modern scientific and technological means such as radar.

So when he saw the rapidly flying light spot on the radar screen, the person in charge of monitoring immediately reported it.

The people of the ten thousand ghost gate didn't care too much about this, but gave an order and sent a team of Yin soldiers to check the situation.

The Yin soldier moved on hearing the wind and intercepted at a very fast speed.

Xue an naturally noticed this, but his speed didn't stop at all. He just flicked his finger.


The hell soldier team didn't even hum, which turned into nothing.

Only then did the guards of the ten thousand ghost gate know that the matter was serious, but before they sent a second team, Xue an had arrived before the mountain protection array.

When the dark wind roared and the black light flowed, the big array rose into the sky and shrouded the huge 10000 ghost gate general altar.

At the same time, in this large array, there are faint cries of countless creatures.

Xue an's face sank. "Kill the living creatures and take their grievances as an array. That's all, you should kill!"

When Xue an stepped forward, the array broke like a fragile egg shell.

Then, dozens of figures flew out of the general altar of the ten thousand ghost gate, and the leader roared.

"Who dares to go wild before my ten thousand ghosts gate?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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