Xue an didn't bother to talk nonsense with these people, so he slapped them down.


With an earth shaking noise, the rest of these dozens of figures turned into blood fog except the man who just shouted.

The clamor stopped abruptly and turned into a cackle in the survivor's throat.

He looked at the scene in front of him in horror. He couldn't believe his eyes.

But he couldn't help believing the facts.

At this time, xue'an came to the man and asked in an indifferent tone.

"Are you the master of the ten thousand ghosts gate?"

The man nodded tremblingly, "yes... Yes!"

"Well, where did you abduct this man's spirit?"

With the voice, a virtual shadow appeared in front of Xue an, which is the image of Zhai Laodao.

The sect leader of the ten thousand ghosts sect fought at the toothpass, "I... i..."

I haven't said why for a long time.

Xue an frowned slightly.

At the same time, countless black lights suddenly appeared at the general altar of the ten thousand ghost gate under their feet, and they bombarded Xue an in Qi Dynasty.

Seeing this scene, the master of the ten thousand ghosts gate was delighted.

Obviously, the disciples guarding the general altar found out, so they started to deal with the intruder together.

But his joy lasted less than a second and was ruthlessly interrupted.

"It seems that you don't want to say, so I'll find it myself!"

Then, the head of the ten thousand ghosts sect leader exploded, and his soul was smashed at the same time.

Then Xue an forcibly condensed all the memories in his soul into a small ball of light.

At this time, the attack of the ten thousand ghost gate came.

But Xue an didn't even look back, just stamped her foot gently.


Space trembled, and then countless space-time cracks appeared at Xue an's feet, and quickly spread.

Where they passed, these so-called attacks were crushed like paper and mud.

For a time, the whole general altar of the ten thousand ghost gate screamed repeatedly, and all those who shot were shocked by the power of counterattack.

At the same time, Xue an finally found the required information from the memory of the sect leader. Not only that, he also saw some interesting things.

"Eh... I didn't expect there was an unexpected joy here!"

Xue an dodged and disappeared. When he appeared again, he had come to a secret altar under the general altar of the ten thousand ghosts gate.

The altar is very secret. The floor, ceiling and four walls are engraved with strange symbols.

In the middle of the altar is a strange stone.

The stone was twinkling with a faint light, surrounded by countless black lines, which was almost the same as the sacred thing of time and space enshrined by the Carter Family.

It's just a little smaller.

Many black flags are also placed around this stone.

The black flag is shrouded in Yin Qi, and there is a faint sound of crying and roaring. It is obviously a poisonous magic weapon refined from the sacrifice of living souls.

Of course, Xue an will not leave such things to continue to harm people in the world. With a wave of his hand, a wisp of sword will chop all the black flags present.

Countless black smoke emerged, and countless souls were crowded inside.

All these souls saluted Xue an.

Xue an nodded slightly, "let's go!"

So these souls just dispersed.

Soon, the field became empty, and only an illusory to almost transparent figure stood in place.

It was Zhai Laodao's lost soul.

It turned out that when the ten thousand ghost sect intended to attack Xiaosha in Qingmang mountain, it had a fierce battle with Zhai Laodao.

The war ended with Zhai Laodao's school sending reinforcements and a narrow victory.

But the cost of this war is also heavy.

Zhai Laodao's school was almost completely destroyed. Even Zhai Laodao himself was hurt by the black flag, and one soul and one soul were included.

If Xue an hadn't shot, his soul might have been imprisoned in the black flag for generations.

Xue an brought this soul of Zhai Laodao into his eyebrows and heart to know the sea to prevent them from dissipation and loss.

Then Xue an came to the stone of time and space.

This stone is obviously not as big as that of the Carter Family, but it gives people a great deterrent.

Especially when we are close, the dense fate tracks above can always give people a strong sense of oppression.

To tell the truth, Xue an didn't expect to have such an unexpected joy for Zhai Laodao this time.

However, combined with what Zhai Laodao said before and the situation of the ten thousand ghost gate, it can be concluded.

The sudden rise of the ten thousand ghost gate is obviously related to this stone of time and space.

Xue an reached out and touched the stone surface gently.

In an instant, the mysterious scene reappeared in front of Xue an, but this time the scene was slightly different from that of the Carter Family.

At least the people connected by these fate tracks are different from the Carter Family.

Seeing this scene, Xue an's heart moved.

Are the people connected by every stone of time and space different?

Thinking of this, Xue an was suddenly enlightened.

If so, what will happen if these space-time stones are collected?

Is it like a jigsaw puzzle? As long as there are enough pieces, you can piece together more information and get more clues?

What would happen if all the time and space stones were collected?

This thought made Xue an's eyes gradually firm and calm.

In fact, before that, even if he knew the whole story, he still felt a little confused and powerless.

Because he really didn't know where to start to change everything.

Until he saw this stone of time and space, Xue an seemed to see a layer of window paper in front of him.

Because he believes that these space-time stones are not so simple, and may even be the key to changing the whole heavens.

Thinking of this, Xue an took a deep breath and solemnly collected the stone into the sea.

After all this, Xue an looked around the altar and found that there was really nothing valuable, so he stood up.

Of course, this time Xue an had no scruples and directly resisted the hard concrete building with his flesh.


Sand and stone splash, and the earth is now in the sky.

Xue an forced a big hole from the underground altar and flew to the outside world.

At the same time, the general forum of the ten thousand ghost gate is already in chaos.

Because what just happened was so fast.

The sect leader and his elite were about to fly up against the unknown intruder, but they were destroyed the next second.

The blow that gathered the full strength of everyone from the top to the bottom of the ghost gate was also destroyed, and the power of counterattack would kill many people on the spot.

Therefore, the ten thousand ghosts gate is extremely chaotic at the moment. Many people see that things are bad and immediately start to search for soft goods and prepare to run away.

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