But how can Xue an let these people go.

When he flew out of the underground altar, he looked down at the general altar of the ten thousand ghost gate, and then stepped down with one foot.


Great power fell from the sky.

The whole general altar of the ten thousand ghost gate was instantly razed to the ground, and these people in it were all turned into blood, water, meat and mud.

But for these people who are good at ghosts, even if their flesh is broken, they can still survive.

But how could Xue an allow these evil spirits to continue to harm people in the world.

So his eyes flashed, and a nearly transparent flame flew down. When he touched the general altar of the ten thousand ghost gate, it was like cooking oil.

The flames burst into the sky, not only the general altar was burning, but also the whole mountains invaded by evil Qi.

Xue an glanced faintly and turned away.

But he didn't know. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't take it seriously. The extinction of the ten thousand ghost gate immediately caused a great sensation in the whole practice world.

Hongyu villa.

Hu Huan lay obliquely on the soft collapse, drinking wine one mouthful at a time.

The whole room was filled with a strong smell of wine, and all kinds of wine bottles were placed on the table and floor.

But even so, there was no drunkenness in Hu Huan's eyes. On the contrary, the more he drank, the clearer he was.

While drinking, he was thinking about what happened last night.

The outstanding young man in white left a deep impression on him.

But this is not the main reason.

The important thing is that he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity after seeing the boy in white, as if he had seen him somewhere.

This is a very strange thing.

You should know that for his current cultivation, his heart has been completely controlled, and there can never be a forgotten memory.

But he just felt inexplicably familiar, but he couldn't remember.

And this feeling is not only his, but also this guy obviously has the same feeling after communicating with Li Jingxing.

That's strange.

I can barely explain it by coincidence, but will the two strong quasi immortal zuns make mistakes at the same time?

Ten thousand steps back, even if he and Li Jingxing made a mistake, when Hu Huan saw the fox night following the boy in white, he was shocked for no reason.

The reason is simple.

At the beginning, my younger generation suddenly began to look for the so-called sister Hu Ying like evil.

But who doesn't know that he is the only direct descendant of Qingqiu Fox family in his generation.

There is no fox Ying at all.

But the fox night was sure that everyone was lying to him.

He didn't calm down until he saw the genealogy and found that there was only his own name on it.

But then he often began to disappear, and even sent his wife away, until one day he completely disappeared.

Hu Huan sent someone to look for it, but there was no news.

I didn't expect to meet him here today.

But Hu Huan was not shocked by this. He was shocked that Fox night had told him himself.

There was a young man in white named Xue an, who was the strongest in the whole heaven and saved everyone at the critical moment.

At that time, Hu Huan thought it was just his dream.

But I didn't expect that after fox night disappeared for a period of time, the white boy who was the same as his description really appeared.

It's worth pondering!

Is it true what fox night said?

Otherwise, how could such a peerless strong man suddenly jump out?

But soon Hu Huan shook his head and denied his absurd idea.

Who doesn't know that the disaster in this world was settled by the God of heaven. I've never heard anyone mention the name xue'an.

Maybe it's a conspiracy?

While Hu Huan was thinking, suddenly!

He felt a sharp fluctuation of aura.

Hu Huan was stunned and disappeared on the soft collapse.

Outside the window.

Li Jingxing also stood in the air and looked at the direction of the ghost gate with a dignified face.

"You feel it, too?"

"Well, it's such a strong fluctuation that the person who took the shot obviously didn't intend to stay alive."

"The news just came back, the whole gate of the ten thousand ghosts gate was destroyed, and even the mountains were covered with flames."

Hu Huan was stunned. "Is it his hand?"

Li Jingxing nodded, "that's right!"

Hu Huan took a deep breath and said with a bitter smile, "it seems that this young man is really unusual. He caused so much trouble as soon as he appeared. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"What are you looking at?" Li Jingxing looked at Hu Huan and said with a smile: "aren't you drunk and didn't you find anything?"

Hu Huan was surprised.

Li Jingxing looked into the distance and said faintly, "in fact, I have long been unhappy with these ghosts, but these guys have a backstage in the federal Certificate Office. I can't do anything about them because of my love!"

"Although the young man who was born in the sky is a little tyrannical, he is not acting on behalf of heaven. After all, it is more than worthy of death to be killed by all the ghosts for what they have done over the years."

"What do you think?" Li Jingxing turned and looked at Hu Huan.

The corners of Hu Huan's mouth could not help but show a faint smile.

"That's right. I just got drunk and didn't see or hear anything!"

Speaking of this, he also yawned long.

"How about having two drinks with me?"

Li Jingxing shook his head, "forget it, I'm not interested in drinking with a male fox!"

Then he turned and left.

"Cut! It's like I'd like to drink with a sword madman. Be polite. You're serious."

Hu Huan skimmed his mouth and went back to the house.

They're gone.

But the earthquake in the whole spiritual world has just begun.

This ten thousand ghost sect has occupied the southwest border for more than ten years. It is really famous. Even if they are practitioners, no one is willing to provoke these ghosts.

But I didn't expect that such a huge existence was destroyed overnight.

The practitioners who were close came here one after another, but they all dared not come near. They could only stand in the distance and watch the sky rise, dazing most of the sky with bright fire.

"Who did this?"

"I heard it was a teenager who shot!"

"Is it the mysterious boy who made trouble in the second district before?"

"It should be him!"

"Hiss! What's the origin of this man? Why are his moves so fierce and his means so superb?"

In the midst of the discussion, many people were secretly frightened, and then quietly ran away with ugly faces.

When the world shook, Xue Anye had returned to Qingmang mountain.

Zhai Lao Dao didn't expect Xue an to come back so soon. He thought it would take a few days even if Xue an could get back his lost soul.

Before he opened his mouth and asked, Xue an pointed his hand, and the missing soul flew into the spirit of Zhai Laodao.

In an instant, a faint brilliance appeared on his body, and his momentum was gradually growing.

Xue an smiled, "I'll help you again."

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