With the voice, the tombs under the pear tree cracked, and then Zhai Laodao's body flew out of it.

Although he has been dead for a long time, because of the nourishment of the Lord of pear flowers, his body is not rotten, but lifelike.

But even so, Xue an did not directly put Zhai Laodao's soul into it.

Because he knew that although the corpse did not decay, his blood had already dried up because he had cut off his vitality for so long.

If we force them to integrate, even if they live, they are doomed not to last long.

But Xue an couldn't help it. As soon as he flicked his finger, a drop of fresh blood flew out of his fingertips and integrated into Zhai Laodao's body.

In an instant, the exhausted Qi and blood became fresh again, and all the injuries in the body were repaired as before.

After all this, Xue an drove Zhai Laodao's soul into the body with his divine mind.


Taking Zhai Laodao's body as the center, a circular air flow suddenly emerged, blowing down countless pear flowers.

Then Zhai Lao Dao slowly opened his eyes, full of surprise.

"I am resurrected now?"

Xue an smiled and nodded, "what? Is it unexpected?"

Zhai Lao Dao shook his fist and sighed with emotion.

"After so long, I have even forgotten what it feels like to have a body."

At this time, the Lord of the pear flower and many flower spirits emerged one after another, and then cheered around Zhai Laodao.

"Lord Tao, you finally wake up!"

"Yes, Taoist, how does it feel to live again?"

Looking at these naughty little flower spirits, Zhai Laodao couldn't help showing a spoiled color on his face, and then gently stroked the heads of these flower spirits with his fingertips.

"Yes, I finally woke up. Thank you!"

In fact, even Zhai Laodao didn't expect that the 10000 mu pear garden he planted out of temporary loneliness actually became the key to save himself.

If it hadn't been for the help of these flower spirits, their corpses might have been rotten and only white bones were left.

At this point, Zhai Laodao couldn't help feeling more.

Xue an looked at him with a smile. He didn't say anything until Zhai Lao Dao had finished.

"These flower spirits have really paid a lot for you, so I decided to surprise them."

Then he saw Xue an flick his finger.

The land under my feet suddenly began to rumble. Then, the magnificent aura was instilled into the 10000 mu pear garden like no money.

In an instant, all pear trees grew rapidly under the moisture of aura, and the illusory body shape of these little flower spirits became condensed.


When the great change is completed, look at the 10000 mu pear garden, which has changed greatly.

All the pear trees have grown into towering giant trees and exuded strong vitality.

As for these small flower essence, it has obtained incalculable benefits.

Zhai Laodao looked at Xue an and said sincerely, "thank you!"

Xue an waved his hand, "thank you, but it's just a little effort!"

Just then, Xue an suddenly felt something, looked up at the sky, and then smiled.

"Don't you always want to see Guankou Erlang and Jiutian Xuannv? They're here now!"

Zhai Lao Dao was shocked, "really?"

"Well, let's go. I'll take you to meet them!"

A moment later, in the Beijiang River.

Xue an raised her eyebrows when she saw Yangjian and Xiaotian coming back from the dusty journey.

"How's it going? Can you see it?"

Although he said it to them, xue'an's eyes had been watching Xiaotian.

Xiao Tian blushed, and then nodded slightly.


"How's it going? Isn't it sweet?"

After returning to the heavens this time, Xue an and Yang Jian acted separately.

Yang Jian, Xiao Tian and others go to deal with their own affairs first.

Of course, what I'm talking about here is to follow Xiaotian to meet Jiang xunnan and his daughter, whom he misses so much.

After hearing Xue an's ridicule, Xiaotian smiled a little embarrassed.

"I did. Unfortunately, she doesn't know me at all in this timeline. Naturally, she doesn't have my daughter."

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian's eyes were full of gloom.

Xue an was stunned. Even if she thought of something, she couldn't help sighing.

"So it is. In fact, I should have thought of it long ago."

The reason why Xiaotian and Jiang xunnan met and fell in love at the beginning was all because of Xue an.

So in this timeline without Xue an, Jiang xunnan will not recognize Xiaotian.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv, who stood by and didn't speak, couldn't help but be happy.

"Xiao Tian, you just say she doesn't know you. Why don't you talk about the later things?"

Xiaotian's face couldn't help reddening, and he hesitated and didn't speak.

Xue an was a little strange. "What happened again?"

Yang Jianyi was happy. "In fact, nothing happened. Xiaotian fell in love with that girl Jiang at first sight again!"

There's something wrong with that.

How can love at first sight be described again?

But Xue an understood what was going on.

In fact, it is very simple. Even if the timeline has changed, many things inevitably move in the same direction due to the inertia of fate.

For example, even if there is no Xue an, the fire phoenix special force is still established.

This is a situation Xue an has long noticed.

Therefore, Xue an is not surprised that Xiaotian and Jiang xunnan fall in love at first sight again.

While they were talking, Zhai Laodao looked excited.

What can be more exciting than seeing the gods you serve all your life appear alive in front of you?

Now Zhai Laodao is in this mood.

And no matter fox night or Yang Jian and others noticed him at the moment.

"Lao Xue, you went out on purpose, and even killed the ghost gate, just to find him?" asked fox night in surprise.

Xue an nodded, then did not hide, and directly told all the information he knew.

After that, Xue an took out the two space-time stones and said in a deep voice: "it can be concluded that the key to changing the current situation is this thing! I have collected two pieces, and the rest depends on your efforts!"

Fox night patted his forehead and said, "well, as long as there is a goal, what I fear most is aimless search!"

With that, he couldn't wait to fly up.

"You rest here. I'll look for it first!"

Watching the fox night leaving in a hurry, Yang Jian couldn't help sighing.

"It seems that this ordinary fox night is very out of tune. When you encounter things related to your relatives, you are still very concerned!"

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