Xue an smiled and didn't speak.

Soon the crowd dispersed.

There is only one goal, that is to find the stone of time and space.

After Yang Jian and others, even Zhai Laodao left.

Qin Yu summoned up the courage to come forward and saluted Xue an deeply.

"Mr. Xue, thank you for your help before. Now my grandpa has regained consciousness!"

Xue an nodded quietly.

He was not surprised by the result.

Because no matter how the timeline changes, the general context of the story has not changed much.

Therefore, since Qin yuan will not die in a world that has not been tampered with, he will probably be fine in this timeline.

Facing Xue an, Qin Yu was inexplicably nervous.

After all, the boy has created many miracles in just a few days.

Break zone 2 first, and then kill the ghost gate.

Each piece is a big event enough to shake the whole world, but it is so understated in the hands of this young man that it is not worth mentioning.

At this point, Qin Yu realized that this young man was by no means an ordinary person,

Thinking of this, she clenched her teeth. "Mr. Xue, great grace doesn't thank you. Although our strength is low, we may not be able to help you, but I have heard what you just said. I will try my best to help you find that stone!"

After that, Qin Yu turned and left.

Xue an just smiled at her words and didn't take them to heart.

After all, the stone of time and space is the key clue to solve the current puzzle. Obviously, it is not an ordinary thing.

Even if Qin Yu's family has some background, even if it has attracted the covet of the Carter Family, it is impossible to come into contact with this kind of thing.

Thinking of the Carter Family, Xue an suddenly moved in her heart. Then she flashed and crossed thousands of kilometers in an instant to New York City in the second district.

At the moment, the situation in New York City has undergone earth shaking changes.

Before the aftermath of xue'an's annihilation of the Carter Family yesterday, Griffin swept through the giants of New York City with thunderous means.

No one dares to complain where he has passed.

After all, the man standing behind Griffin at the moment is the man who killed the star ring and kept the Federal Reserve silent until now.

In this process, another family also shines.

It's the Lester family to which Mandy belongs.

This Mandy is obviously not an ordinary woman. She keenly seized the opportunity, persuaded her family, and finally defected to Griffin as a whole.

And this move has also won rich returns for the Leicester family.

At least many family territories are now Lester's territory.

Griffin didn't care.

Because he knows very well that all his current dependence actually comes from Xue an. As for these so-called sites or interests, they are just a small profit attached to them.

Just then, he suddenly felt a familiar smell and appeared in the office.

The next second, Xue an's figure appeared.

Griffin immediately stood up and showed extreme humility to xue'an's arrival.

"My Lord!"

Xue an didn't talk nonsense. He just let go. In his palm, he was a suspended stone of time and space.

"Have you seen this?"

Griffin did not dare to neglect and looked up immediately, but after looking at it for a moment, he couldn't help shaking his head.


Xue an knew it would be the result, so he was not disappointed, but continued to ask.

"How many families like the Carter Family are there in today's federal securities office?"

Griffin immediately began to calculate and finally stretched out five fingers.

"In terms of scale and history, there are five families comparable to the Carter Family! They are..."

Xue an directly interrupted Griffin, "well, there's no need to introduce their names. Anyway, I can't remember. Just tell me where they are!"


Griffin dared not neglect anything and immediately told the whole story he knew.

After he finished, Xue an immediately dodged and disappeared in place.

Griffin looked at the room that had become empty again in a daze.


He shivered with excitement.

Because he suddenly understood why Xue an had just asked.

After all, a dragon who only plays once and dies is not qualified to have a name.

Sure enough.

When Griffin was shocked, the whole second district set off another bloody storm.

The first to suffer was another big family closest to New York City.

The history of this family can even be traced back to the founding of the second district. It is a real power family.

However, no matter how deep the background and origin are, they can't save their fate at the moment.

However, with a snap of the finger, Xue an's figure rushed out of the manor that had turned into a sea of fire.

Xue an didn't even have any pressure to clean up these rich families.

Because each of these rich families in the second district has a dirty and smelly past. It's not too much to kill them all.

But xue'an obviously didn't come here to act for the people in the second district.

His purpose is very simple. He intends to find clues to the stone of time and space from these giants.

After all, he found a large space-time stone in the Carter Family before.

But obviously it's not so easy to touch.

Not in this family.

However, Xue an was not discouraged and went straight to the next goal.

In the blink of an eye, the other four giants also learned that they all died, and the result was still nothing.

Xue an could not help frowning.

Could it be that the two space-time stones I met before are luck?

You should know that this thing can perfectly block your mind search. Unless you see it with your own eyes, it is impossible to search it.

Do you really want to look for it a little?

Thinking of this, Xue an was inexplicably upset and returned to Griffin's office.

Griffin had just received news from the outside world.

In just a few minutes, the five families were destroyed at the same time.

Despite the psychological preparation, Griffin's hands and feet could not stop shaking.

Each of the five families has been inherited for hundreds of years and plays an important role in the federal government.

But in the hands of the young man, he was as vulnerable as a local chicken and tile dog.

At this time, time and space trembled, and Xue an's figure emerged.

"Send orders and try your best to find this thing. If you can provide clues, you will be rewarded countless times!"

Griffin lowered his head deeply. "Yes!"

When he looked up again, Xue an had disappeared.

Griffin's eyes were red.

Not because of anger, but because of greed.

Numerous rewards!

What these three words mean can't be clearer to him.

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