After mastering the space-time shuttle technology, the Milky way, previously regarded as an insurmountable natural barrier, has now become a common way.

Especially in those places where the stars are prosperous, there is an endless stream of merchant ships, forming a commercial road.

In this case, star pirates came into being.

Although the federal government has made several attacks, because these pirates are almost outlaws from all over the world, they have long found out the routine of the federal government, so all the encirclement and suppression efforts have had little effect.

In desperation, the federal government had to turn a blind eye, and the merchant ships had to pay tribute for safety.

The pirates will not be too difficult for these merchant ships in order to grab interests for a long time. They just collect fixed offerings to ensure their safe journey.

In the long run, there is a strange balance between pirates, the federal government and the past chamber of Commerce.

On the surface, the Federal Reserve will never recognize the legitimacy of piracy, but privately it will let it go.

These star pirates will also take the initiative to discard some scrapped ships and materials in some routine encirclement and suppression operations, and cooperate with the federal Certificate Office to play a good play that knows each other well, which can be regarded as giving the federal Certificate Office face.

As for these past chambers of Commerce, they will never admit that they have paid sacrifices to pirates. It is just a normal loss along the way.

It is this special situation that led to the prosperity of interstellar pirates.

But these star pirates are not calm and monolithic.

Driven by huge interests, the strife between these pirates is very serious, and even there will be changes in the principal several times in a month on some prosperous business roads.

That is, in this chaos, Santis was born in the sky, and with the power of destroying the withered and decadent, he unified most of the trade routes in a very short time, and became a well deserved overlord among the Galactic interstellar pirates.

This almost magical rise speed makes many people curious about the founder of Santis.

Some people say that he is the most wanted man listed by the federal government as the top of the twelve must kill orders.

Some people say he is the top strong man from the hidden family.

However, no matter how rumored, the founder of Santis has always maintained a low-key silence, which also makes his mysterious veil stronger and stronger.

Even now, the Federal Reserve doesn't know whether he is male or female or what his name is.

And different from other pirate groups, the rules of Santis are extremely strict. It is difficult for ordinary people to join them, and they must go through strict examination before they are qualified.

After joining, we should obey the management. No one should violate the rules, otherwise there will be no amnesty.

Under this semi militarized management, Santis's strength is booming and seems to have become the No. 1 Pirate Group in the galaxy.

But ordinary people don't even know where their station is.

This is why Qin Yu took pains to invite Du fan to join the event.

Because only he can know the whereabouts of Santis.

Du fan carefully drove the void shuttle, flying past stars.

It has entered the central region of the Milky Way galaxy, where the density of stars is so large that even the void is illuminated.

But the more such a place is, the more dangerous it is.

Although the earth's current technical level can carry out long-distance interstellar travel, the universe is so vast that all kinds of problems and troubles emerge one after another.

Often this road is still good when it passed last time. When it comes again next time, it has formed a space-time vortex.

In this case, only a few paths can pass through large star ships, which is the origin of the trade route

But now the void shuttle driven by Du fan is not a commercial road, but a path hidden among countless stars.

Such a road is naturally extremely dangerous.

Although it is said that the driving mode of the void shuttle is no different from driving, and Du fan's driving skills are quite good, he can't help sweating after driving for such a long time.

"How far is it?" Qin Yu asked, standing aside.

"Soon, soon, my cousin told me to go like this if he came to him." Du Fan said.

At this time, Yu Ran couldn't help asking, "you are usually on earth, and your cousin is a pirate in the galaxy. How do you usually contact?"

Du fan smiled, "we naturally have our way, and you don't think pirates are a group of barbarians wandering in the vast space!"

"Isn't it?" Yu Ran said curiously.

Du fan shook his head, "not all. At least the saint TISS we are going to deal with is not. On the contrary, these pirates are stronger than the regular army, whether they are equipped or their own strength!"

Yu Ran didn't believe it. "Brother, is what he said true?"

Yu Ming nodded. "This Santis is really a big pirate gang that has gained fame in recent years. Naturally, it has his merits!"

"Hum, that's not as powerful as you."

Yu Ran is obviously full of almost blind worship for his brother.

Yu Ming just smiled and didn't say anything.

At the same time, Du fan suddenly said in a deep voice: "all sit still, the front should be there!"

Words fall.

There was a slight tremor in the void shuttle at your feet, which was caused by entering the gravitational range of the stars.

In front of the porthole, a planet began to emerge and expand rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the whole picture of the planet appeared in front of everyone.

This is not a very big planet. Its volume is similar to that of the earth, but its color is an extremely dazzling yellow.

The void shuttle fell rapidly, penetrated the atmosphere and entered the interior of the planet.

Then what I saw stunned the people on the shuttle.

The whole continent of the planet is covered with a yellow plant. When the breeze blows, these plants begin to fluctuate like waves.

It was not until the shuttle dropped to a certain height that people could see what these yellow plants were.

"God! It's rice! The rice of the whole planet!" An Qing couldn't help exclaiming.

Although she is the daughter of a rich family, an Qing is not a fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks. On the contrary, she has always been very interested in agriculture and even has her own farm.

So when she saw this behind the scenes, she couldn't help looking stunned.

She couldn't know what rice on a whole planet meant.

Although the earth's scientific and technological level has been able to synthesize food, the food produced by natural agriculture is still an important resource that can not be replaced.

Therefore, after mankind walked out of the solar system, any planet with some conditions gave priority to the development of agriculture.

But the problem now is that they are here to find a famous pirate organization!

And shouldn't pirates be bandits who rob their homes, eat meat and drink wine?, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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