How is it possible to hook up with such an agricultural planet?

Even Qin Yu couldn't help asking, "are you mistaken?"

"That's right! The space-time coordinates on it are clearly written. How can I make a mistake?" Du fan is also confused.

While they were talking, they saw a small flying ship flying slowly from the distant sky, with a long white line trailing behind.

When I got close, I found that where is the white line!

It was clearly a white fog from the tail of the flying ship.

The flying ship slowly flew to the front of the crowd, and then an excited voice came from the communication radio.

"Cousin, is that you?"

Du fan took a deep breath and looked left and right, "it's my cousin Du Yi."

Then he pressed the communication button and said in a deep voice, "it's me!"

"Great, I've been waiting for you here since I learned that you're coming. Wait a minute, and I'll finish spraying the rest of the potion!"

In an hour.

Qin Yu and others finally met Du fan's cousin in a building in the boundless rice field.

Different from what he imagined, Du Yi was wearing a navy blue overalls and white gloves. He looked like an ordinary farmer, not a pirate at all.

As soon as he saw Du fan, he bared his teeth and was happy.

"Cousin, I invited you several times before, but you refused to come. Why did you suddenly think of seeing me this time?"

Hearing this, Qin Yu, an Qing and others were worried for fear that Du fan would reveal more information.

But Du fan was so smart that he didn't even hesitate. He said half true and half false: "I didn't have too many things to get away from before. I finally had some time recently, so I came to see you!"

"Cut, what can I do for you? It's nothing more than collecting protection fees from door to door. I didn't say you. You shouldn't hesitate when I invited you to join the partnership, because it was much easier to join the partnership at that time! Alas, it's too late to say anything!" Du Yi sighed.

Du fan didn't want to continue this topic, so he raised his hand and pointed to the large rice field in front of him, "what's the matter? Aren't you a pirate? Why are you running in such a rice field?"

Du Yi patted his thigh, "that's what I want to say to you. Do you know how good the welfare of those of us who joined in early? This planet is given to me by the master, and even the seeds for planting land are provided by him!"

"At that time, the master said clearly that being a pirate is not a long-term strategy after all. People must have a long-term plan, so he proposed to let me plant crops. How about? I planted well!" Du Yi said with a smile.

People opened their mouths as if they were listening to Arabian Nights.

When did the pirate leader become a good farmer!

"Why? Don't you believe it? I also tell you that I still have few. Some joined early, made more contributions, obtained more planets, and started various industries without exception."

"Some of them are engaged in planting, some are engaged in breeding, and some even start processing plants. Don't mention that the sales of products are good!" Du Yi talked with assurance.

The crowd was even more confused.

How does it sound that Santis is not a group of pirates at all, but a group of ordinary people trying to make money?

But soon, Qin Yu took the lead in regaining consciousness.

Whether what Du Yi said is true or false.

The urgent task now is to see the master of Saint tice and get the stone of time and space from him.

So she coughed a little to remind Du fan.

Du fan gradually woke up at this time, and then patted Du Yi on the shoulder with great satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, you have changed a lot. I still remember that you didn't want to do any work at the beginning!"

"Hey, hey, isn't that when I was young, I didn't realize that labor is the most glorious!"

The words that labor is the most glorious come from a pirate's mouth, which itself is full of magic color.

Coupled with his clothes and the rice field behind him, Qin Yu and others were stunned.

At this time, Du Yi finally noticed Qin Yu and others and asked, "cousin, who are these people?"

Du fan smiled, "these are some of my friends. I came here to look for opportunities!"

Du Yi suddenly realized, "Oh, I see. It seems that he can't get along on the earth!"

Speaking of this, Du Yi looked at Qin Yu and Yu Ran and an Qing.

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect such a beautiful girl to do that!"

His words were full of regret.

The three women were stunned. Yu Ran didn't understand what he meant. He just felt that Du Yi spoke strangely.

Qin Yu and an Qing understood what they meant, and their faces were suddenly covered with black lines.

But now is not the time to defend, so I can only keep my mouth shut.

But they didn't speak, but Du Yi reminded them with "a kind heart".

"Don't blame me for not telling you. After going to the headquarters with me later, don't say you're in that business, because the most annoying thing for us is the woman who betrays ourselves!"

Yu Ran understood what he meant. He looked cold and opened his mouth to speak. Yu Ming suddenly stopped her and shook his head at her.

Yu Ran looked at Du Yi's back and stamped angrily.

"Bastard, dare to say that my aunt is that kind of cheap woman, damn it!"

Yu Ming was not angry, but looked at Du Yi curiously.

Because Du Yi didn't look like a pirate from his first impression to his later speech and behavior.

You can't even say that he is a kind-hearted ordinary man.

In particular, Yu Ming was more curious about his admiration for the great leader.

What kind of characters can tame a group of bloodthirsty thugs like this?

Soon, after handling the head and tail, Du Yi piloted a dilapidated void shuttle to lead the way.

After driving to the depths of the void for more than a day, the scene in front of me was no longer monotonous black and white gray, but there were traces of artificial construction.

And the more you go inside, the more obvious this trace is.

When you get to the innermost part, you can see that stars have been transformed into livable shapes, and many magnificent buildings have been built on them.

"Is this your pirate headquarters?" Du fan asked with a shocked face.

"Yes! Is there anything strange?" said Du Yi.

Dufan was silent.

It's more than strange. He's going crazy.

Because this pirate headquarters is even more prosperous than the earth.

For a time, Du fan, Qin Yu and others had an illusion.

Who is the villain with evil intentions?

This feeling reached its peak after seeing the grand, prosperous and orderly city on the central star., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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