you 're right!

The two sisters are the very famous sisters in zhongduwei's family.

In the time line that has not been tampered with, the ghost girl Wei Rulan first studied chess from Xue an, and then worshipped under the door of the divine operator Zhuge Zang, and achieved some immortal achievements.

As for Wei Ruyan, she is also quite good, because she is naturally very sensitive to the spirit of flowers, plants and trees, so she also has a great reputation.

But in this timeline, the situation of their sisters is quite miserable.

Because their families have been annihilated in the process of the federal government unifying the world.

Although it is said that China occupies a very important seat in the federal government, any reunification process is doomed to sacrifice and bloodshed.

Because of differences in ideas and disputes over interests, the Wei family strongly opposed China's accession to the federal securities office.

The result was that the family was completely wiped out overnight, and such bloody means also silenced all the rich and powerful Chinese families.

However, the rabbit died and the fox was sad. Many Chinese giants secretly called the move of the Wei family a sacrifice for the country and held a memorial ceremony in private.

At that time, an Qing also participated, and she was sad for a long time because she had a good relationship with Wei Ruyan and Wei Rulan.

But I didn't expect that this pair of sisters, who have been regarded as martyrs by everyone, escaped from their birth and created such a big career.

Just when an Qing was surprised and uncertain, Wei Rulan sighed, "Zhongdu Shuangbi?"

Then there was a sad look on his face, "I haven't heard anyone mention this name for a long time!"

Then she looked at Qin Yu and Du fan, smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the eldest lady of the Qin family would be willing to take strange risks and come to me in person. Old man Qin passed here several times, and I have seen him once. How are you now?"

Qin Yu's face was ugly.

Although he had no personal contact with Wei Rulan, Qin Yu had heard about her deeds for a long time.

The girl who knew that she was weak, sick and bad at work was extremely intelligent since she was young. Later, when she grew up, she took charge of all affairs inside and outside the Wei family. She can be called resourceful.

That's why she was called a ghost girl.

This can be seen from the fact that it took her only a few years to create such a huge Pirate Group after she escaped from the earth.

But the more so, the heavier Qin Yu's heart became.

Because dealing with such a person, no matter who is, will feel pressure.

In particular, what Qin Yu seeks is a vital stone of time and space!

But she soon sorted out her thoughts and took a deep breath: "I'm worried about the labor and health girl. My grandfather is in good health!"

Wei Rulan smiled, and his eyes drifted to Yu Ming, who looked solemn.

"It's not easy for you to come here to see the scenery. Is that right?"

The crowd was silent.

Then an Qing sighed, "Rulan, since you are in charge of this Santis, we don't have to beat around the bush with you. Yes, we really have another purpose!"

Wei Rulan said faintly, "don't say, I've guessed. You should come here for this."

Then Wei Rulan stretched out his hand. In the palm of his hand was a stone as warm as jade.

Although the stone is small, it has a very strange charm, especially those dense blood lines on it are looking at the people coldly like an eye.

Seeing this scene, everyone opened their eyes and held their breath.

No one expected that the stone, which has been pursued hard and made the global strong crazy, actually appeared in front of us.

It seemed that he saw the shock on everyone's face. Wei Rulan whispered, "it's such a thing, but it has attracted countless people's madness. The original Wei family was slaughtered because of it. Unexpectedly, it has attracted countless coveted eyes for so long."

Hearing this, Wei Ruyan behind him burst into tears.

And the crowd was shocked inexplicably.

An Qing spoke first and said, "Rulan, do you mean that the real reason why the Wei family was destroyed is this stone?"

"That's right!" Wei Rulan whispered in a very calm tone.

"Because this stone was originally a family heirloom of our Wei family, but somehow, it was watched by the federal securities office, which eventually led to the destruction of all the members of our Wei family, young and old."

An Qing then asked, "who is behind all this?"

An Qing reacted quickly.

Since someone in the Federal Evidence office has coveted this thing for a long time, it proves that this person knows the precious stone of time and space, and there will be a great possibility that he has this thing in his hand.

It seems that after seeing through an Qing's idea, Wei Rulan shook his head and smiled bitterly, "it's useless. After many inquiries, I finally learned that it was not people who started the matter, but the artificial intelligence star ring of the federal securities office!"

"Star ring?"

The audience fell into silence again.

In particular, an Qing and Qin Yu, after looking at each other, saw the disappointment in each other's eyes.

Because now the star ring has been destroyed by Xue an and has disappeared since then.

Where else are we going to find this?

"I know what you're looking for. If you're not in a hurry, you can wait with me for a few days, because I believe the boy will come to the door soon," Wei Rulan said.

"Aren't you afraid?" An Qing couldn't help asking.

"Fear? Why should I be afraid? Oh, do you mean the boy's amazing strength? Then I can tell you now that I'm not afraid, but very interested!"

Speaking of this, Wei Rulan's eyes were burning with brilliance, which made people look sideways.

"I really want to know how such an existence appeared and why there was no trace of it before. Of course, more importantly, I want to know how it destroyed the star rings on the earth."

"So if you have nothing urgent, you can wait here!"

Finally, after looking at each other, Qin Yu and others finally made up their minds.

Although they didn't get the space-time stone this time, it was good to see one side. Moreover, they also wanted to know why Xue an was so anxious to find the space-time stone.


The crowd followed Du Yi and left. Someone will arrange their residence.

After they left, Wei Ruyan pondered for a long time and stopped talking several times.

Just then, Wei Rulan whispered, "sister, do you think I'm taking some risks?"

Wei Ruyan nodded, "yes, the boy's origin is unknown. He doesn't even know whether he is an enemy or a friend. If he approaches so rashly, he really doesn't know whether it's a blessing or a curse.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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