"Is it a blessing or a curse..." Wei Rulan smiled bitterly. "Elder sister, do you think there can be any greater disaster in our current situation?"

Wei Ruyan could not help being silent.

"And don't you have a feeling?"

"How does it feel?"

"It is the kind of familiarity that arises spontaneously after seeing this young man, although he knows he doesn't know each other."

Wei Ruyan was shocked. "Yes, I do have this feeling. I thought I was the only one!"

"I also have, and this feeling is still very strong, so I carefully studied everything after this man appeared for the first time, and found that he is by no means a bad man. On the contrary, he is very hostile to the federal government. This time, he shot to destroy the star ring of the earth is an example!"

"Therefore, I think this person is an object that can be contacted and fought for. After all, it is impossible to deal with the star ring that has spread all over the sky alone."

"But I still feel a little dangerous. After all, this man is bound to win the stone of time and space. He even doesn't hesitate to destroy the two giants in the second district. We..."

Wei Ruyan wants to say that since this person is so powerful, but with the strength at hand, if the other party wants to be strong, how should we deal with it?

But Wei Rulan just smiled faintly, "in fact, what you worry about is not a problem at all, because since he wants this stone so much, give it to him?"

Wei Ruyan was shocked, "give it to him?"

"Yes, give it to him!"

"But this stone is handed down by the Wei family. In order not to let it fall into the hands of outsiders, we paid an extremely heavy price. As a result, it is now handed over?" Wei Ruyan was excited.

Wei Rulan was calm until Wei Ruyan had finished speaking.

She said faintly, "sister, I understand what you mean, but have you ever thought about why the Carter Family in the second district also has the stone of time and space, but it is safe and sound, but our Wei family suffered the disaster?"

"That's because the Carter Family has already taken refuge in the federal securities office!"

"There is this reason, but not all, because after careful observation and deduction, I found that the stone of our Wei family is completely different from the stone of time and space in the Carter Family and other hands!"

"First of all, the volume should be much smaller. At the same time, the breath contained in it should be different. This should be why the star ring of the Federal Evidence office wants to get this stone even if it destroys the Wei family!"

Speaking of this, Wei Rulan's face became very solemn, "it should be extremely critical!"

Wei Ruyan looked puzzled, "but since it is so, why do you give it to the boy?"

"Because I can't find out the secret of it, I've exhausted all kinds of means over the years. I can't do anything about this stone. Since the boy asked for it by name, it shows that he must have a way to use this thing!"

"I am a very practical person. Since this thing is just a waste in our hands, it's better to use it in exchange for its due value!"

"What's more, I didn't give it to him for nothing. I want to talk about cooperation with him through this!"

Looking at Zhizhu's sister, Wei Ruyan knew that it was useless to say anything at the moment.

As a sister who grew up together, she knows Wei Rulan's temper very well.

Know that this seemingly soft and weak girl is actually very assertive.

As long as she has made up her mind, it's hard to change.

What's more, what she said was not unreasonable, so Wei Ruyan couldn't help sighing.

"OK, I listen to you, but the premise is to ensure your safety. After all, you are the only family member in the world!"

Wei Rulan gently leaned his head against his sister's arm and whispered, "don't worry, I'm not so?"

Wei Ruyan left.

As the No. 2 figure of Santis, she can't take the seat of the central government and give orders like Wei Rulan. On the contrary, many things need her to run around and solve them herself.

That's how their sisters have come over the years.

Wei Rulan is responsible for overall planning, while Wei Ruyan is responsible for specific implementation.

However, with Santis gradually on the right track, the workload of their sisters has been greatly reduced.

But even so, Wei Ruyan still has to work a lot.


In the room carved one by one according to the courtyard where Wei Rulan lived, Wei Rulan was staring at the debris on the stone table in a daze.

This is her little leisure left in her daily life. Sometimes she will think about a chess game to relax after using her brain too much.

At this time, there was a very regular knock outside the door, which awakened Wei Rulan from his meditation.

"Come in!" Wei Rulan said faintly.

The door was pushed open slowly, and then the Tutor Lu You came in quickly.

"How is it?" Wei Rulan asked without raising his head.

"It's all arranged to go back to the master!"

"Oh! What's wrong with them?"

"No, everything is as usual. It's just that the sister of the brothers and sisters you asked me to focus on seems to complain, but her brother is very calm."

"Well, you did a good job. Go down and remember to keep observing!"


Although he answered, Lu Yu didn't retreat.

Wei Rulan raised his head, "what? What else?"

"Master, do you have any other plans to take in these people from the earth?"

"Yes. Do you have an opinion?" Wei Rulan asked in a deep voice with a beautiful eyebrow.

"Subordinates don't dare. I just ask casually, but I heard that the earth is also very chaotic now. Many people are looking for a stone, and the newly born teenager is more likely to get it, so I think..."

"What do you think?" Wei Rulan said faintly, in a cold tone.

"I don't think we need to be afraid of this man!"

"Hmm?" Wei Rulan didn't expect Lu you to say so. He couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu You raised his head with courage and said in a deep voice.

"We have been accepted by the master and have experienced several years of military training. We think our strength is no worse than anyone. If this person really dares to make trouble here, or even has an evil intention!"

Lu Yu's face showed a cold killing intention, "we will swear to fight hard to ensure that the big leader and the second leader are safe!"

Wei Rulan looked at Lu you for a moment.

Lu You is not afraid of Wei Rulan's eyes, with sincerity and fanaticism on his face.

But soon, Wei Rulan moved away, ignored Lu You's hot eyes and said faintly, "well, I know, you step back!"

Hearing this, the eagerness in Lu You's eyes quickly faded down, finally nodded silently, and then turned away.

When he left, Wei Rulan gently rubbed his thin legs with a complex look on his face.

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