Santis headquarters.

When Xue an and his party followed Wei Rulan back here, Qin Yu and an Qing, who had been looking forward to here, were overjoyed.

To tell the truth, they are very nervous these days.

Although it is said that an Qing is familiar with Wei Rulan, after all, after so long and many things, God knows whether this former good friend has changed.

If she just finds an excuse to stabilize herself and then plot against her, she will be too passive.


All these worries disappeared after seeing xue'an.

"Mr. Xue!" Qin Yu and an Qing came forward to respectfully salute.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "you have a heart. The news is even more informed than me."

They were embarrassed because they really didn't know how to respond to Xue an's words.

I wanted to take this opportunity to seize the stone of time and space, and then take credit in front of Xue an.

The result was nothing. He even had to rely on Xue an to save himself.

However, Xue an ignored their embarrassment, but turned his eyes to Du fan and Yu Ming, Yu Ran and others not far away.

Especially when his eyes flashed over Yu Ming, Yu Ming was shocked and felt his hair stand up.

That's the natural response of the human body after sensing extreme danger.

Especially for Yu Ming, who refined Kendo, this reaction is even stronger.

His heart was filled with horror.

Although he had raised xue'an's strength as much as possible before, he didn't expect to exceed his imagination.

Although it was only a simple glance, Yu Ming was shocked by the hidden supreme sword power.

Just when his complexion was changing, Wei Rulan only smiled.

"It seems that these people are indeed Mr. Xue's friends. It's not in vain that they have been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Xue an was noncommittal, but said faintly, "where is that thing?"

Wei Rulan smiled, "please follow me!"

After that, Wei Ruyan pushed her wheelchair into the corridor.

Xue'an steps forward. Zhang Tianyou just wants to keep up with Wei Rulan.

"Sorry, I'd like to talk to Mr. Xue alone next, so please sit here for a moment."

Then an invisible barrier blocked Zhang Tianyou and fox night from moving forward.

Zhang Tianyou didn't have anything. The key is that the fox is too anxious at night, but he can't speak. Therefore, his eyes are red to break the barrier,

Just then, Xue an's voice came.

"Don't worry. Wait here for a while. I'll go and have a look and go back."

While talking, the sealed voice of fox night was also untied.

"Lying trough, old Xue, you play with me again!"

Fox night shouted angrily, but he didn't dare to listen to Xue an. He had to step aside and wait.

Through this long corridor, Xue an followed the Wei Rulan sisters to a secret room.

The walls here are made of thick lead plates, which can isolate all external interference. At the same time, the secret room is so simple that there is nothing else except a table and a few chairs.

After walking into it, the heavy door closed slowly behind her, and then Wei Ruyan took out an oil lamp from under the table and lit it.

The dim candlelight leaped in the secret room.

The guard Rulan said slowly, "please sit down, Mr. Xue!"

Xue an didn't hesitate. After sitting down, he said in an indifferent tone: "it seems that Miss Wei has been prepared."

Wei Rulan smiled helplessly, "there's no way. Since Mr. Xue has killed all the parts of the star ring on the earth, he naturally understands the terrible of artificial intelligence. It can be said that wherever there is a power supply, it may be invaded by it. Therefore, for the sake of safety, it's better to discuss things here."

Xue an nodded slightly, "what about that thing?"

This time Wei Rulan didn't shirk it. He spread his hand and showed the stone of time and space.

When she saw this, Xue an's eyes coagulated slightly, and then raised her head to look at Wei Rulan.

"What do you want?"

Wei Rulan smiled and put the stone of time and space on his knee.

"Mr. Xue is indeed a believer. With your strength and in this secret room, if you want to seize it, you can't stop it with the strength of my sister and me. I didn't expect that Mr. Xue can still abide by his promise. It's really valuable."

Xue an was noncommittal.

He really didn't want to forcibly seize it.

First of all, he is not that kind of person. Secondly, he also praises Wei Rulan.

After all, whether in the uncharted world or today's timeline, this girl has more wisdom and tenacity than ordinary people.

So in the face of Wei Rulan's words, he just smiled faintly.

"If you appreciate me, you don't have to say it. Just say the key point. You led me here and took it so seriously. What do you want in the end!"

"What I want is actually very simple, only two points!"

"First, I don't care what you want this stone to do, but when you get it, first help me eradicate the Federal Evidence office and the star ring behind them!"

Xue an nodded and said without hesitation, "you don't have to say this. I will do it naturally. What about the second?"

"Second, I want you to help me carry forward this Saint TISS and become the leading force in the whole galaxy and even the whole universe!"

Hearing this, Xue an took a deep look at the girl in the wheelchair opposite. Even though she was a distance away, Xue an could still clearly see the burning ambition in her eyes.

Seems to be afraid of xue'an's refusal, Wei Rulan immediately explained.

"You don't have to wonder. The reason why I want this condition is not what I want to occupy. I just can't bear to lose my years of hard work!"

"After all, in order to create Santis, my sister and I have suffered a lot. It is not easy to create this good situation. Of course, we can't give up easily."

"What you mean by years of hard work is that you brainwash and control your men by means of clothing and marketing?" Xue an said faintly.

Wei Rulan is not surprised that xue'an knows this, and she is very calm.

"Yes, I did, but I did it for a reason!"

"Those who can take refuge in Santis are basically fugitives. No matter where they are thrown, it will be a great disaster, and it's a pity to kill them directly. Besides, even if I kill a wave, it won't help, but it will make the other fugitives flee again."

"That's why I decided to brainwash these heinous people by means of clothing and marketing, so that they can reform themselves and become my powerful tool, which can be regarded as making the best use of everything!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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