"What's the result?" xue'an asked admiringly, looking at the girl who talked.

"The result is very good. Except for some stubborn people, the rest have basically changed their ways. I let them go to the left and they will never dare to go to the right."

Speaking of this, Wei Rulan sighed, "of course, I also know that doing so is actually very unfair to the resentful souls who died in these hands, so I just make use of their residual value as much as possible. As for those who have committed great crimes, I will let them settle on their own, so as to give justice to their sins!"

Wei Rulan looked at Xue an with bright eyes, "so your answer is..."

"I promised!"

"Hmm?" Wei Rulan didn't expect Xue an to promise so simply. He couldn't help but be stunned.

But Xue an stood up and said, "your idea is very good, and it is a feasible way. Naturally, I have no reason to refuse, so I promised you these two conditions!"

Then Xue an stretched out his hand, "can you give it to me now?"

Wei Rulan's face gradually bloomed a bright smile, and then threw the stone of time and space in his hand without hesitation.

She was not worried about whether Xue an would break her promise.

Because a strong man who has reached his level will carry out what he says, otherwise he will even bear cause and effect on himself.

But she didn't know that Xue an would agree no matter how many conditions she put forward at the moment.

Because as long as we gather the stones of time and space, and then let the disordered timeline return, everything will disappear again.

At that time, there will be no saint tice, so Xue an promised without pressure.

When he grasped the stone of time and space, Xue an's face became one of awe.

Because he can clearly feel that this space-time stone is very different from the Carter Family and the ghost gate.

Although it is small, the authority contained in it is more powerful.

At the same time, Xue an felt his eyebrows hot, and then the two space-time stones collected in the sea quickly flew out and began to rotate around the stone in his hand.

This scene also shocked Wei Rulan.

She did not expect that the stone handed down by her family had such great power.

At this time, he saw that the stone of time and space in Xue an's hand was suddenly brilliant, and then swallowed the two stones.


An invisible force rushed out of the brilliance, making the solid chamber of Secrets giggle.

Xue an's face was happy, and then he shook it violently.


A strong wind blew in the secret room, which made Wei Rulan unable to open his eyes at all.

Finally, the wind subsided.

When he looked up again, he saw Xue an standing in place, holding a stone the size of an egg and as smooth as jade.

"Did you succeed?" Wei Rulan asked excitedly.

Xue Anyang raised his eyes and smiled, "it's almost successful, but there are still some things to deal with before making a decision!"

Then he turned and went out.

Wei Rulan didn't quite understand, but it didn't hinder her excitement.

Because after the stone was passed to her from, she tried every means to test it, and all failed.

I didn't expect such a strange situation as soon as I reached his hand.

Of course, this will make Wei Rulan deeply curious.

The heavy door opened silently, and Xue an walked out. When he stepped out of the door, the corners of Xue an's mouth rose slightly, showing a cold smile.

But this expression was fleeting, and Wei Rulan didn't notice it at all.

When they returned to the hall, the fox night, who was squatting depressed in the corner and drawing a circle, stood up and said with consternation on his face.

"So fast? You can't do it!"

Xue an's forehead was deceived, even if there were several black lines, then the next second fox night's mouth was sealed again.

Yu Ran quietly pulled Yu Ming's sleeve, "brother, what does he mean by this?"

Yu Ming coughed, "ah, nothing, just a very common joke. Girls, don't ask."

Du fan looked at Yu Ming strangely.

This young man became a famous sword repair expert... It seems that he knows very well!

Not to mention the fox night dancing to protest, Xue an came directly to Zhang Tianyou and said something in a low voice.

Zhang Tianyou's face changed, "are you sure?"

Xue an nodded.

Zhang Tianyou took a deep breath, then said solemnly, "I see. When are you going to start?"


Then Xue an lowered his eyes and said faintly, "because this is the only way to destroy it."

"Well, you can rest assured to do it. Just leave the rest to me."

The conversation between the two of them was full of confusion and confusion.

However, from the information disclosed in a few words and Zhang Tianyou's dignified expression, it can be seen that something terrible has definitely happened.

Yu Ming took the initiative to come forward, "Mr. Xue, what happened? Yu is not talented. Although his strength is low, he is willing to do his best."

Looking at the young sword repair, Xue an smiled, "don't worry, everyone present can't get rid of the relationship, because what we have to do next must work together."

All the people were silent, and then said in unison, "yes!"

"Abba, Abba, Abba!" only fox night impatiently pointed to his mouth. That means you should untie the seal for me.

But xue'an just glanced at him, then got up and walked out.

"It's not too late. Come with me!"

Everyone walked out of the headquarters building of Saint tice, and then saw Xue an looking up at the dark night sky.

"Miss Wei!"


"How much power do you have now?"

"Well, maybe..."

Xue an waved his hand, "forget it, don't say. No matter how much power you have, take it out to block the void you can block!"


Wei Rulan thought she had heard wrong, but Xue an's solemn expression didn't look like laughing, so she nodded immediately.

"Yes, I'll do it now!"

After that, she and Wei Ruyan hurried away.

For a moment, the originally calm star region immediately began to bustle.

Countless ships rose from the stars, forming a dark fleet in the void.

Many people were moved by the grand scene, but Xue an looked calm and whispered.

"Yu Ming!"

Yu Ming was stunned and then stepped forward.

"Yu Mou is here!"

Xue an glanced at him, "is your sword profitable?"

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