Yu Ming was stunned. He didn't understand why Xue an asked, but his pride in sword repair still made him stand up.

"Although my sword is not as sharp as an adult, it can be called unparalleled."

But Xue an shook his head, "not enough!"

Hearing this, Yu Ming did not refute, but his face still showed a look of dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, xue'an smiled, "come out of the sword!"

"Hmm?" Yu Ming didn't understand.

Xue an said lightly, "since you are not convinced, you will cut a sword at me to see if you can shake me!"

With that, Xue an spread his palm, "remember, you only have one chance, so you should show your full strength!"

Yu Ming was stunned.

It never occurred to him that someone would make such a request to himself.

But Xue an's serious appearance doesn't seem to be joking.

"But Mr. Xue..."

Yu Ming hesitated for a moment and just wanted to talk.

Xue an frowned slightly. "As a sword repairman, how can you be so mother-in-law and let you do it? Why so much nonsense?"

Yu Ming's face flushed, then clenched his teeth, "offended!"

With this offending sound, Yu Ming suddenly burst a bright sword in his hand, stabbing Xue an like a long rainbow.

This sword was clear and practical, and he did his best. Of course, he knew that it was wishful thinking to surpass Xue an with his own strength.

But his sword is powerful and fast. Even if Mr. Xue's cultivation is amazing, he must be in a hurry for a while.

But unexpectedly, just then, a light sigh came into his ear.

"Is that all? It's worse than I thought!"

With the words, the bright light of the sword disappeared in an instant. Looking at the long sword in Yu Ming's hand, it stayed in the position of no more than a foot in front of Xue an, but this short distance was like a natural moat and could not be saved at all.

Because at the moment, Xue an clamped the body of the sword with two fingers. Even if Yu Ming struggled several times, he couldn't move a penny.

At this point, Yu Ming just realized how big the gap between himself and Xue an was.

The sword he was proud of was intended to be childish in front of him, like a wooden stick waved by a child.

On one side, Yu Ran opened his mouth and looked at the scene in disbelief.

From small to large, her brother was a hero in her mind.

Invincible, talented boy.

These beautiful words are used to describe my brother.

But I never thought that my brother failed so simply in front of this man today.

Yu Ming looked pale and looked down in despair, "I lost!"

Just three words, but full of depression.

But at this time, only a shock sounded in his ear, "look up!"

The sound shook not only his body but also the heart of his sword.

He looked up hastily and looked at Xue an.

Xue an said lightly, "as a sword repairman, he should have indomitable faith. He can't accept only a disastrous defeat. How can he achieve great things?"

Yu Ming's eyes flickered gradually.

In the eyes of others, Xue an seems to be scolding Yu Ming.

But only Yu Ming knew that every word Xue an said actually implied a very mysterious sword meaning.

Every time you listen to a word, your qi and blood and sword heart will be tempered once.

After Xue an finished, Yu Ming was sweating all over. The whole person was very different from the previous one. It's not too much to describe it with rebirth.

"Thank you for your help!" Yu Ming bowed his head deeply.

Xue an waved his hand, "no need to thank you. I just provide you with an opportunity. It's your chance to understand how much you can understand, but there will be a severe test soon. I hope you can live up to this opportunity."

Yu Ming's face suddenly became very serious. "Don't worry, sir, I will live up to my trust!"

Earth, in a broken Temple by the river in Sichuan Province.

As soon as the rain had stopped for several days, the white haired old temple Zhu staggered open the door of the main hall, looked carefully, and found that there were no new traces of rain leakage, so he couldn't help breathing.

Then the old temple wish trembled and lit three grass incense and respectfully inserted it in the censer.

The cigarettes curled up and blurred the images behind the shrine.

Looking at this statue, even the gold paint has peeled off, revealing the clay statue below, the old temple Zhu sighed and muttered to himself.

"Erlang, don't despise the old man. I'm incompetent. It's really difficult to eat in the temple. There was a kitten with me before. As a result, even the kitten ran away hungry last month."

"I'm getting older and older day by day. Now I'm even panting to sweep the floor. I really can't make a fortune to reshape the statue for you."

"Alas, even if you go to Almighty, what can you do? Now the way of practice is prosperous. All those with some foundation are busy practicing. Who will worship God and make a wish?"

"Now almost all the local gods have been abandoned. Erlang, I may be your last Temple wish. When I die, it will become a real deserted temple!"

Speaking of this, the old man's eyes burst into tears.

He has been a monk in this Guankou Erlang temple since he was a child, and dozens of pieces have passed so far.

Although the small temple was not big at the beginning, because it was the temple of Erlang God, the incense was also prosperous.

However, with China's accession to the federal government, the way of practice became more and more prosperous, and gradually no pilgrims came.

Without pilgrims, there would be no source of income. Soon, the people in the temple dispersed, and finally he was left alone.

Now he is in his twilight years. I don't know how long he can stick here.

But just then, the dark statue suddenly flashed a golden light.

The golden light flashed past, but it was so dazzling.

The old temple was stunned, then rubbed his eyes and looked again. He found that the statue remained the same and had no change. He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"I'm so old. I'm so dazzled!"

Shaking his head and sighing, the old temple wishes to turn around and leave.

But just then, a more dazzling golden light flashed from the statue, and there was a violent vibration.

Old temple Zhu looked back in horror, and then saw that the statue, which had been sitting on the shrine, had now come alive.

The golden light lit up the whole hall, and then a tall figure slowly walked down from the shrine.

"How did my temple become like this?"

With a few sad voices in the majesty, the old temple wish flopped and fell to his knees, madly kowtowed to the figure, and praised it again and again.

"Erlang Ye has become holy, Erlang Ye has become holy!"

Because the figure walking down is a vertical eye between his eyebrows. It is Erlang Yangjian, the God of Guankou, who is spread in Chinese myths and legends!

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