The light from those spots lit up everyone's face.

Even the always optimistic fox night is not as relaxed as it used to be.

On the contrary, Wei Rulan was calm and did not hesitate at all. He directly pressed the launch button.

In an instant, on the planet where the headquarters of Santis is located, the tall buildings suddenly split from the middle, showing the deep launch well below.

Then a huge missile rose slowly.


Their tails burned with blazing light, and then they took off at a terrible speed and went straight in the direction of the battlefield.

The speed of these missiles was extreme, but in the blink of an eye, they crossed the fleet line of Santis and bombarded the boundless ocean of light.

Dong Dong!

Accompanied by a huge earthquake from the void, the originally dense light spots on the monitoring screen appeared a circle of blank, and then quickly spread and connected together.

However, looking at the scene of tea, there are no light spots on the monitoring screen,

But there was silence in the command room.

Because people know that this battle will never end.

Fox night grinned and muttered in a low voice, "there have been two waves of attacks. Can it be easier after this time?"

Zhang Tianyou shook his head when he heard the speech. "It's impossible. I know this star ring too well. Since it takes action, it proves that the interests here are worth any sacrifice."

"So these two attacks are just a prelude, and the real test is still ahead!"

Sure enough.

As soon as his voice fell, countless light spots appeared again on the newly blank screen.

And rushed in the direction of Santis headquarters at a faster speed than the previous two times.

"You are really a crow's mouth!"

Fox night complained, but his men were not vague at all. He turned and rushed out of the command room.

At the moment, his heart is calm.

He knew that the war was crucial because it was about whether his sister could return safely.

In particular, the star ring is so crazy, which just shows that Xue an is on the right path.

Therefore, without any hesitation, fox night rushed directly to the direction of the battlefield.

Usually he smiles and seems not to be angry.

But once it comes to his sister, he will instantly turn into a cold-blooded killer and tear up any existence that dares to hinder all this.

Just as he was ambitious and flew into the void, a slightly childish voice came from behind him.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you!"

Fox night looked back and said it was Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu, a dragon and a demon.

"What are you doing?"

"Of course it's going to kill the enemy! Our boss can say that these robots are so arrogant that they obviously don't pay attention to us, so we must teach them a lesson!" Zhang Xiaoyu waved his tentacle and said excitedly.

"Go to battle to kill the enemy? Just you two?" Fox night's face didn't believe it.

Xiao Sha Ao Jiao raised her chin, "why? Don't you believe it? My master has given me a lot of skills during this time. After hard practice, I consciously made great progress in my cultivation. Of course, it's nothing to deal with a group of robots."

"Yes, me too. You see, my tentacles can twist like this now. It must be very powerful!"

The tentacles on the octopus waved again and again, forming the shape of a Chinese knot, with a proud face.

Fox night: "..."

"Well, since you are willing to contribute, then follow up!"

With that, the fox night no longer delayed and rushed to the depths of the void.

The three figures soon crossed the defense line composed of the fleet and came to the edge of the battlefield.

Then they all looked at what they saw.

I saw a mess in the void, and countless damaged mechanical parts scattered among them, forming a doomsday scene full of cyberpunk flavor.

But it was in such a scene that a mechanical soldier jumped out one after another and rushed towards the fleet line of defense.

These mechanical soldiers are tall and powerful, and run very fast. They walk through the hail of bullets issued by the Santis fleet with great flexibility.

Although most of them eventually fell in the middle, from time to time, a few escaped fish rushed in front of the fleet and launched a fierce attack.

Boom, boom!

With a loud noise, some small warships with weak defense were easily destroyed.

Even those large warships are not immune, because when these mechanical soldiers see that a simple attack cannot break through the defense of these large warships, they will directly explode and tear off the armor of these large warships with their bodies.

This tragic scene moved fox all night, but he soon calmed down and rushed up without saying a word.

The nine fox tails were completely opened in the middle of the journey, and then wrapped all the mechanical soldiers along the way and pulled them violently.

Boom, boom!

With a loud noise, these mechanical soldiers exploded in the air like fireworks.

The speed of fox night was very fast, which also made the explosion sound behind him.

Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu looked at each other, and then rushed out in the opposite direction.

Xiao Sha roared and showed his original shape. The huge dragon tail smashed the mechanical soldiers one after another.

As for Zhang Xiaoyu, she saw her tentacles grow to a length of several kilometers, pull the limbs of a mechanical soldier very flexibly, and then pull hard.

Click, click!

The robot soldier was forcibly torn off his limbs, and then its electronic eye showed a red light, which was a sign of imminent self explosion.

But the next second, another tentacle rushed out and directly pierced its chest.


The mechanical soldier's energy core was pierced, and then its electronic eye quickly dimmed and died.

The octopus was so complacent about this that he shouted at Xiaosha: "boss, do you see my ox x?"

The little sand said coldly, "don't look!"

Octopus: "..."

With the joint efforts of the three of them, they soon wiped out all these mechanical soldiers on the battlefield.

The three reunited, and then fox night breathed a sigh of approval and said, "well done!"

Little Sha smiled but didn't speak.

Only Zhang Xiaoyu shouted excitedly, "it's fun. It's a pity that there are too few iron cans. I haven't killed enough!"

As soon as the voice fell, the mechanical parts all over the void suddenly began to gather together. Then, these damaged mechanical parts were assembled as quickly as spirituality.

In the blink of an eye, a mechanical soldier bigger than before appeared in front of the three.

Zhang Xiaoyu stared at this scene.

"If I wipe, can I still play like this?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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