As soon as the voice fell, her head was hit hard by Xiao Sha.

"Let you talk nonsense. Now it's all right. Isn't it fun? Then go!"

Zhang Xiaoyu touched his head and smiled, "don't be angry, boss, i... I didn't say it casually. Besides, what can I do if it appears? We didn't catch it all!"

Just as the two of them were bickering, the fox said coldly at night, "stop talking and start quickly!"

Then he rushed out first, which blocked their mouths.


The three follow the same pattern. Fox night rushes out alone in one direction, while Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu clear and suppress in the opposite direction.

But this time Zhang Xiaoyu is not as easy as before.

Because the mechanical soldiers this time are obviously much taller and stronger than before.

With each passing day, her tentacles needed a lot of strength to tear off a mechanical soldier.

"What the hell is this? Why are these mechanical soldiers much better than before?" Zhang Xiaoyu exclaimed.

In contrast, Xiaosha is much less affected, but even so, her speed inevitably slows down.

At this time, fox night came all the way and wiped out the mechanical soldiers in the field again.

But after all this, he could not see the slightest joy on his face, but incomparably dignified.

"These mechanical soldiers are evolving and almost immortal!"

Sure enough.

As soon as the voice of fox night fell, the mechanical soldiers who had just been destroyed began to gather and condense again.

Now, the faces of the three became a little pale.

Although they still have the ability to deal with these mechanical soldiers, it doesn't help at all.

Because these mechanical soldiers are almost immortal, and each elimination will make them stronger.

In this case, even fox night inevitably felt despair.

The house leak happened to be cloudy and rainy. When the three of them were at a loss, the fleet defense line behind them suddenly slowly turned the direction of the gun barrel and blew a record towards the three of them.

Caught off guard, the three hurriedly avoided this wave of attack.

Then Zhang Xiaoyu shouted angrily, "what's going on? Why are you still attacking us?"

Fox night is also a big change in complexion.

He knew very well that these Santis fleets would never attack themselves for no reason. Something big must have happened, so that the present scene appeared.

As fox night guessed, a very thrilling scene did appear in the command room at this time.

I saw a lot of flashing pictures in the screens all over the command room.

These pictures are noisy and chaotic, and flash very fast, as if some existence is competing for command.

Wei Rulan was livid because all the buttons on the console in front of her had failed.

This means that she has lost command of her fleet.

This made her heart bleed. She tried to resist her anger and unwillingness. She looked at Zhang Tianyou.

At this time, Zhang Tianyou sat in front of a supercomputer, staring at the screen. His hands were flying and typing something.

The code on the screen is pouring down like a waterfall, so fast that you can't see the details at all.


He shouted, "turn off all the power in the command room except this computer!"

The command made the people present look at each other.

Wei Rulan immediately shouted, "listen to him and execute immediately!"

Soon, the power supply in the command room was cut off. Only the emergency light overhead and the computer in front of Zhang Tianyou were still on.

Zhang Tianyou hit the keyboard faster, so fast that his fingers have appeared phantom.

The crackling percussion made everyone's heart tight.

Wei Ruyan couldn't help whispering, "what is he doing?"

Wei Rulan said: "he is competing for control. Just now, it is obvious that the star ring has sneaked into the network of the command room, so we will lose control of the fleet. Now he is fighting with the star ring on the network!"

Wei Rulan is right.

At this time, Zhang Tianyou pursued the star ring on the Internet.

Xue an had guessed that the star ring would have this skill before entering the dream, so he told Zhang Tianyou to prepare in advance.

So Zhang Tianyou began to plan everything in advance, including the supercomputer, which he specially ordered Wei Rulan to prepare in advance.

When the consciousness of the star ring just sneaked into the command room network, he immediately surrounded and suppressed it.

Naturally, this star ring is not vegetarian, especially because it is artificial intelligence. It is like an omnipotent God in the network field, occupying a great advantage.

So at the beginning, Zhang Tianyou was in an absolute disadvantage.

Star ring easily gained control of the fleet, so it launched a sneak attack on Fox night and xiaoshazhang Xiaoyu.

But Zhang Tianyou made a quick decision and immediately turned off the power supply of the whole command room.

Without foreign aid, the consciousness of the star ring can only fight with Zhang Tianyou in this supercomputer.

In this way, the advantages of the star ring are offset.

But even so, sweat oozed from Zhang Tianyou's forehead.

The speed of hitting the keyboard with both hands and ten fingers has reached an unimaginable level.

This is because the star ring is fighting back like a trapped beast.

In this case, Zhang Tianyou created an almost impossible miracle, that is, relying on the human brain to compete with artificial intelligence.

Moreover, the wind did not fall at all, and even gradually formed the trend of rolling.

Even if Wei Rulan and others can't understand the danger, they are still deeply infected and dare not breathe out of the atmosphere.


See Zhang Tianyou suddenly hit the space bar.

Everything on the screen stalled in an instant.

Zhang Tianyou's fingers trembled slightly, and the red was terrible.

As for the keyboard in front of him, it was completely broken after an unbearable groan.

"How... How?" Wei Ruyan asked in a low voice.

Zhang Tianyou said in a hoarse voice, "let it escape at the last moment!"

The faces of the people could not help but look disappointed.

"But at least the current command room network has no place for it, and it is estimated that it does not dare to come, so turn on the power!"

As soon as Wei Rulan winked, the power was turned on.

The command room replays the light.

At this time, blood slowly flowed out of Zhang Tianyou's nostrils.

That's the sequelae of brain overuse.

But at the moment, Zhang Tianyou couldn't care much, and said in a deep voice: "take advantage of the heavy damage it has suffered, hurry to attack!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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