Earth, Zhongdu.

Si Qingqing excitedly lined up behind the long line and said to Fei Bai, who stood aside with a look of loveless.

"Brother, the milk tea of this family is famous. I specially checked my homework on the Internet and said that his milk tea was made manually through more than a dozen processes. I'm sure you'll think about the second time after drinking it once! That's why so many people came to line up!"

Feibai listened and rolled his eyes. "I really don't understand what you little girls think. Even if it's good, it's a cup of milk tea. As for the long queue?"

"You don't understand. It's not only milk tea, but also a life style. Don't you think it's a very fulfilling thing to get a cup of something sought after by many people and drink it?"

Feibai shook his head, "I don't think so, and..."

As soon as feibai raised his hand, the big bag in his hand was full, filled with all kinds of net red snacks.

"If these things can bring you the so-called sense of achievement, it's too cheap! And are you sure you can eat all these things?"

"Oh, brother, you don't understand. These things are not for eating!" said Si Qingqing suddenly.

"Do you think it's boring to go shopping with me? Why don't we go back now?"

To tell the truth, feibai really wants to nod and promise.

Because he felt that walking down the street this day was more tired than practicing sword all day.

Especially others don't understand what these little girls like and pursue. One can imagine the boredom.

But when he saw his sister's hopeful eyes, he still bit his teeth and shook his head.

"It's all right. Since you're out, it's fun. Don't worry about me!"

"Hee hee, thank you, brother! Go and sit down for a while. I'll just line up myself."

After that, Si Qingqing walked forward with the team.

Looking at her back, a spoiled color appeared on her white face.

You know, over the years, my sister has been running around with herself. She hasn't been a normal girl for a few days.

Especially when I left the fire phoenix, my sister fled everywhere with me, and I couldn't mention the pain.

It's easy to have a chance to relax this time. Of course, feibai won't spoil her sister's fun.

He found a position against the wall, sat down, put away all the big and small bags he was carrying, and then habitually began to look at the surrounding environment.

This is a typical Chinese shopping mall. Because it is built in the urban center with an inch of land and an inch of gold, the area is not too large.

However, the design is very exquisite and the layout is reasonable, so the space inside is very large.

It was evening, and the square was crowded and bustling.

Feibai looked at the bustling scene and suddenly had a feeling of being separated from the world.

Before, I ran away from the fire phoenix because of a video and ran around the galaxy. It can be said that I had a hard time.

But I didn't expect that in just over a month, my destiny had undergone earth shaking changes.

First, the appearance of the man in the video shocked him, and then the born boy forcibly changed the world situation with amazing strength.

The sword that shines through most of the earth's night sky still excites feibai until now.

Absolute strength means absolute status.

This has not changed since ancient times.

So when xue'an showed his muscles, feibai suddenly found that what he had committed before had become a trivial matter.

Even the whole fire phoenix has rightfully become Xue an's subordinate.

As for the Federal Reserve.

Those customs officers have long been frightened and dare not fart from beginning to end.

Therefore, feibai and his sister can have this calm and comfortable life.

Just as feibai sighed secretly, suddenly, there was an unusual sight in the corner of his eyes.

Feibai immediately turned his head and looked.

This is a security guard in the square, wearing a uniform. The brim of his hat is deeply pressed down to block his face.

But this is not a strange thing. After all, many people like to wear hats like this.

But feibai just feels something wrong.

Because when he saw the man, his sword heart trembled slightly, which obviously showed that the man had a problem.

But what's the problem?

Feibai didn't get up. At the same time, he restrained his breath. In the subconscious of others, he seemed to have disappeared.

In this case, his sword heart gradually became clear and transparent, and his keen eyes stared at the man.


He saw something wrong.

There's something wrong with the pace of the security guard.

As like as two peas, he took every step.

We should know that even soldiers who have undergone rigorous training can only keep pace with each other. It is impossible to be completely consistent with each step like this security guard.

It's like a robot.


The idea flashed in his mind made feibai finally find the crux.

There's definitely something wrong with this security guard.

He suddenly got up and strode forward with cold eyes, directly blocking the way of the security guard.

Under such circumstances, ordinary people will certainly look up at the people in the way.

But the security guard seemed to be able to perceive the opposite object without looking up. He turned sideways and wanted to go around feibai.

How could feibai let him go? He said coldly.

"Mechanical running dog?"

Then he pointed to it as a sword and stabbed it forward.

The security guard was slightly shaken and stepped back. Unexpectedly, he avoided feibai's sword in a hurry.

The expression on feibai's face coagulated, but the action on his hand didn't stop at all. He lifted it directly.

A wisp of weak sword gas stabbed out. Although it didn't hurt the security guard, it successfully hit the hat on his head.

With a light sound, the hat was cut in half from the middle, and then the security guard's face appeared.

When he saw his true face, even the well-informed feibai couldn't help taking a breath.

Because the security guard is not a mechanical soldier in feibai's imagination, but a living person.

But it is this person who gives people a very strange feeling.

The muscles of his face were stiff, like a mask, solidifying the last expression.

And feibai can't feel any human breath fluctuation from him.

At this time, many ordinary people around also noticed the security guard. Some of them were timid and screamed directly.

Feibai's complexion is heavy. Once such a crowded place becomes noisy, it is easy to have a stampede accident., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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