So he rushed forward without hesitation, trying to subdue the security guard first, and then quickly take him away from here.

But just then, the screams in the whole square came and went, and the screams were full of infinite fear.

Feibai was stunned.

Even if the security guard is terrible, it is impossible to let the whole square know so soon.

Did something happen again?

Thinking of this, feibai turned his head and looked at it. What he saw made his pupils shrink to the size of a needle tip.

Many uniformed security guards rushed out of every corner of the square.

Some of these security guards wear hats and some don't, but all of them behave like robots.

The crowd began to stir, which culminated when a security guard tore the screaming woman in half.

People began to flee in all directions, screaming and crying all over the sky, making this bustling square an instant hell on earth.

Seeing this, feibai was in a great hurry, especially others were worried about the safety of his sister, so he no longer suppressed his strength, flew up directly and jumped over the square.


He shouted, and cut his sword in his hand. Each sword would make a security guard fall to the ground.

"It's sword repair!"

"Master Jianxiu, help me, I don't want to die!"

Crying and begging for mercy became one.

Si Qingqing, who was lining up in front of the milk tea shop, also noticed the difference at the first time, but she didn't panic. Instead, she calmly drove everyone around her into the milk tea shop.

Almost all the girls in the line are crying with fear at the moment, which makes the milk tea shop very messy.

Si Qingqing couldn't care much. He directly pulled out the trembling store manager and shouted in his ear, "put down the rolling shutter door quickly!"

The store manager woke up like a dream and immediately began to pull the heavy rolling shutter door.

When the rolling shutter door fell slowly, everyone in the store seemed to see hope.

But just then, a security guard rushed out of the oblique thorn and hit the store manager.


A sharp thorn came out of the back of the store manager's head, and then his dead body fell to the ground.

Seeing this, there was another hysterical cry in the milk tea shop. Many girls were so frightened that they fainted.

Only Si Qingqing was calm, grabbed the fire extinguisher beside the bar and rushed over.

At this time, after killing the store manager, the security guard was about to bend down and walk into the store. Si Qingqing rushed forward, swung the fire extinguisher in his hand and looked at him.

Si Qingqing tried her best. Although she said she didn't have the strength of her brother feibai, her strength was far better than that of ordinary people after so many years of exposure.

There was a bang.

The security guard was smashed upside down and flew out. After falling to the ground, his limbs twisted at a strange angle to get up from the ground.

Seeing this, Si Qingqing threw away the deflated fire extinguisher in her hand, rolled out of the milk tea shop, pulled down the rolling shutter door behind her with her back, and then said with disdain.

"Mechanical dog, bah! Come here if you have the ability!"

At this time, the security guard had got up from the ground. Although he was hit by Si Qingqing and broke more than a dozen ribs, he seemed to have no pain and rushed over again without expression.

Without fear, Si Qingqing picked up the mop next to the milk tea shop, waved it in his hand and rushed up.

But before she rushed to the front, a ray of sword light came first and directly cut the guard's neck.


The head flew out and blood splashed.

Then feibai appeared in front of Si Qingqing and asked nervously, "how are you? Are you okay? Why didn't you see you just now?"

Si Qingqing seemed to have expected this. He threw the mop in his hand and said with a smile: "don't worry, who am I, your sister? How can something happen! I just shut those stupid women who can only scream into the milk tea shop!"

Even so, feibai still looked at his sister very seriously and determined that she really didn't have anything. After that, he breathed a sigh.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Si Qingqing kicked the dead body of the security guard on the ground and said in a deep voice, "brother, what's going on? How can these security guards suddenly go crazy?"

Feibai shook his head, "I don't know, but it's very dangerous here. We'd better leave first!"

At the moment, all the security guards in the square have been killed by flying white, and the people who have just been shocked have not recovered their calm. Especially those who have friends and relatives who died in the turmoil just now stand still with a dull look, as if they can't believe it is true.

The square was filled with disgusting blood, and someone sobbed.

Feibai, with a dignified complexion, took his sister's hand and rushed out of the square at a very fast speed.

But when they came to the outside world, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The bustling Zhongdu city is now in a mess. The buildings in the distance are burning with flames, and the vehicles on the streets are blocked up.

The traffic has been completely paralyzed and explosions are heard everywhere.

The streets were full of dead bodies, and the killing continued until the feibai brothers and sisters came out.

Many people in security uniforms are chasing after unarmed civilians.

Whether these people are men or women, old people or children, the butcher's knife in their hands doesn't stop at all.

Screams and cries are mixed together, which makes people worry about it.

Si Qingqing was also stunned and asked in a trembling voice, "brother, what's going on?"

Feibai's face was dignified, "I don't know, but something big has happened that we don't know yet!"

With that, he took out his mobile phone to contact the fire phoenix army, but found that the mobile phone had no signal for a long time.

Just then, a scream of horror suddenly rang out in the square behind him.

"Ah, how could this happen?"

"The dead are resurrected!"

Hearing these shouts, the brother and sister immediately turned and ran back, and then they were stunned.

I saw the dead bodies just lying on the ground. At the moment, they had staggered up from the ground and launched indiscriminate attacks on the people around them.

"Is it a zombie?" Si Qingqing has seen several popular horror films. In addition, the behavior of these dead bodies is very similar to the legendary zombies, and he can't help trembling.

Feibai didn't answer, but rushed to a dead body and kicked it to the ground.

But the dead body had no pain at all. Although it was kicked off its spine, it was still crawling on the ground, trying to attack feibai.

Until feibai kicked its head, the dead body stopped all its actions reluctantly., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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