Although Si Qingqing has great courage and good strength, she is a girl after all.

So when she saw the strange and terrible scene in front of her, she was still scared and turned white.

"Brother, this... What's going on?"

Feibai's face was dignified. Instead of answering Si Qingqing's words, he dragged her directly out of the square and came over the city.

I saw the smoke of gunpowder billowing in the huge capital, there was fire everywhere, and there was a constant cry of killing.

Because it was the evening of the weekend, there was a large flow of people on the streets, and something happened suddenly, the situation soon became uncontrollable.

Especially at this moment, the first wave of people killed have begun to resurrect and made indiscriminate attacks on the people around them.

Because of panic and unprepared, the number of casualties is increasing exponentially.

Looking at that scene like hell, Si Qingqing trembled all over.

Feibai's face was extremely dignified and muttered, "something's wrong. Why don't you see people from the Federal Evidence office to maintain order at this time?"

He took his sister's hand and flew towards the federal securities office headquarters in Zhongdu.

In fact, you don't have to fly close at all. When you are two blocks away from the headquarters building, you can already see the flames in the sky.

The whole building is like a burning torch, illuminating most of the night sky in Zhongdu.

A few blocks near the building have been completely stained with blood.

Groups of people in federal uniforms are frantically killing all living creatures they can see.

Feibai was surprised. An idea flashed in his mind, and then blurted out: "it's a chip!"

The Si Qingqing on one side was stunned, "what chip?"

Feibai waved his hands and cut off his sword. At the same time, he explained at a fast speed: "don't you find that all the people who attacked the first wave were security guards and federal agents? These people have one thing in common, that is, they were all implanted with control chips by the star ring."

As soon as he said this, Si Qingqing finally understood and spoke excitedly.

"Yes, that's true! Brother, if you say so, it's obviously the ghost of the artificial intelligence star ring. These people have become its puppets, but why are the people killed by them out of control?"

Si Qingqing is a very clever girl and soon catches the focus of the matter.

Feibai shook his head, "I don't know what's going on now, but it's obviously related to the star ring and chip!"

While talking, dozens of planes roared across the sky.

Si Qingqing said happily, "is it reinforcements?"

But as soon as her voice fell, she saw these fighters pouring ammunition frantically towards the city below.

"No!" Si Qingqing exclaimed.

Feibai was a little cold hum. He took a step forward, held his hands falsely, and an invisible sword took shape quickly. Then he cut across the sky.

Boom, boom!

Where the sword thought passed, the crazy pouring ammunition was crushed and turned into nothing.

After solving the crisis, before feibai could catch his breath, the fighter that had just flown turned around and rushed towards feibai.

The dense ammunition, like fire snakes, flew to the white sky.

Feibai Yiran was not afraid. He first protected his sister with a sword idea, and then cut hundreds of sword ideas in a hurry to break all the attacks.

But at this time, these fighters had rushed forward, and even with flying white eyes, they could see the pilots through the cockpit glass.

These pilots all looked dull, and some even turned half of their bodies into mechanical structures.

In this case, they have a strong tolerance for aircraft overload, and their reaction speed has been greatly improved.

The leading fighters dodged the swords cut by feibai very skillfully, and then roared towards them.

Feibai hurried back with his sister, but now he has been brought into the sight of this group of mechanical monsters.

Almost as soon as he had just quit, countless bullets came from all directions of the city, and the targets pointed at him.

A missile with a long tail flame attacked the white.

In an instant, feibai fell into a very dangerous desperate situation.

Feibai's face was dignified, and he said to Si Qingqing in a deep voice, "I'll let you run later, and you'll run quickly!"

Si Qingqing's tears rushed out immediately, but without hesitation, he nodded heavily.


Because she knew that her brother was not discussing with her, but ordering her.

I can only become a drag on my brother here. It's better to listen to him and leave here first.

Only in this way can their brother and sister have a chance of life.

Feibai took a deep breath and stomped his feet. Then countless swords burst and cut in all directions.

There were countless explosions in front of and behind him, and in this critical time, the flying white sword came out like a dragon and cut a channel directly.


Si Qingqing didn't even dare to look back and rushed forward with all his strength.

But as soon as she rushed out, there was a violent explosion behind her, and the huge shock wave directly lifted her out.

Shrapnel cut her body and cheek, but now she can't care so much.

The first thing she did was to look back after she managed to stabilize herself in the air.

The place where my brother just stood has turned into a sea of fire.

Two damaged fighters roared down and caused another explosion on the ground.

Si Qingqing shouted out.


Then it was dark and almost fainted.

But just then, a weak voice sounded in her ear.

"I'm fine. Get out of here!"

Si Qingqing turned his head and saw his brother feibai standing beside him.

At the moment, he has lost his usual temperament as a master of sword cultivation.

His clothes were blasted into strips and hung on his body, showing scorched skin below, and there were several deep bone scars on his face.

But Si Qingqing wept with joy.

Anyway, as long as my brother is okay.

Brother and sister just wanted to escape from here. There was a buzzing sound of rotor rotation from heaven and earth, and they were approaching quickly.

Feibai turned white and couldn't care much. He pulled up his sister and ran away.

But his action was still a step slower. In the blink of an eye, countless black painted drones flew out of the darkness and surrounded them.

These UAVs are no bigger than the size of a grinding plate and only the thickness of the palm. However, regardless of their size, exquisite shells are hung under the fuselage, which is chilling.

Feibai fiercely held his sister in his arms, and then the sword Qi surged all over him, superimposed layer upon layer, forming a thick sword shield.

Si Qingqing, who was held in feibai's arms, trembled, "brother, are we going to die?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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