
The red blood floats and gathers in the void, like red rivers, which makes people look sideways.

The war was really earth shaking.

Both sides of the war are crazy, desperate to roar.

Machine soldiers were smashed and bodies fell.

Although Santis is a unique existence in the whole pirate community, pirates are pirates after all.

Even if these people have been transformed by Wei Rulan by means of clothing and marketing, they are still true outlaws.

So when it comes to life and death, the ferocity in these people's bones is also completely aroused.

Although the battlefield devoured life every second, they rushed forward without hesitation.

Lu Yu looked at the scene and his nose was slightly sour.

These people are trained by themselves. Although most of the teaching content is mainly brainwashing, they are also their own students after all.

Now, these people are rushing forward one wave after another. The calm and calm of being brave and not afraid of death is enough to move people.

And this emotion also infected many people. At least Du fan was holding a rocket launcher in the back and bombarding the mechanical soldiers in the distance.

Zhang Xiaoyu waved his tentacles and was responsible for transporting ammunition.

Even Qin Yu and an Qing lost the style of the golden lady and walked around the audience with individual weapons. When they saw the opportunity, they would rush to the opposite mechanical soldier and pull the trigger.

In short, the whole fighting situation has become white hot.

In this case, as the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, Lu you quietly returned to the Santis headquarters in the rear.

"How did you come back?" Wei Rulan said when he saw him.

Lu You looked serious. "You're in charge. I think you'd better evacuate here at this time."

"Hmm?" Wei Rulan raised her eyebrows slightly, and a look of anger appeared on her face.

At this critical moment, as a battlefield commander, Lu you keeps saying that he wants to retreat by himself?

This is not greedy for life and fear of death. What is it?

She seldom gets angry, but once she gets angry, her momentum is quite frightening.

Seeing this, Lu You fell to his knees.

"I'm not greedy for life and fear of death. The situation on the battlefield has become more and more pessimistic. If you don't evacuate quickly, you really won't have a chance!"

Wei Rulan looked at him coldly, "Lu You, do you know what the consequences of saying such words at this time?"

"I know that disturbing the morale of the army should be punished, but this is indeed a fact. Although the enemy and we are still in a stalemate, the other party is a mechanical soldier who can destroy and reorganize, and we are living people!"

"This gap can't be counted in the way. It's entirely against the torrent of steel with flesh and blood. There's no doubt that it will be defeated over time. As a commander, I naturally want to advance and retreat with the battlefield and never live in a muddle. But you are the soul of Saint tice, so I urge you to evacuate now!"

With that, Lu Yu banged his head.

Wei Rulan's complexion eased a lot, but he still shook his head.

"Needless to say, I know you are good for me, but I won't go! After all, I've been running away for years. I'm really tired. This time... I decided not to go!"

"But..." Lu You raised his head and looked embarrassed.

Wei Rulan waved his hand, "I know what you want to say, but now the victory or defeat is unknown. After all, the result of the battle between the teacher Zhang and the star ring in the online world has not come out. How can I give up easily?"

Lu you was stunned for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly.

Because he knows it's no use saying anything at the moment.

As long as Wei Rulan has made up his mind, it will never change.

In desperation, he had to stand up, "the big boss..."

Before he said the following words, the lights of the whole command room, including the screen, suddenly began to flash violently.

Then, all the screens burst at the same time, and broken glass was scattered all over the ground.

Lu Yu was stunned by the sudden scene, but his reaction was not unpleasant. He rushed to Wei Rulan almost instantly and blocked her with his own body.

However, the imaginary attack did not appear. On the contrary, Zhang Tianyou, who was lying in a wheelchair like a dead body, suddenly moved, then slowly raised his head and opened his eyes.

"Miss Zhang, you finally wake up!" Wei Rulan shouted in surprise.

Lu You is still on guard. After all, no one knows whether Zhang Tianyou is waking up at the moment.

However, this alert soon turned into nothing.

Because I saw that Zhang Tianyou soon regained consciousness after being confused for a moment, and then smiled.

"Yes, fortunately, the star ring has been defeated by me. Now those mechanical soldiers outside probably have stopped attacking!"

Sure enough.

Looking out through the isolation window, I saw that the boiling battlefield in the distance suddenly quieted down.

All the mechanical soldiers were as if they had been unplugged at the same time, standing still.

Seeing this scene, Lu's vigilance in worry went away and was replaced by infinite joy.

Not only because of the end of the battle, but more importantly, the safety of the leader has been guaranteed.

At the same time, he saw that Zhang Tianyou urged his wheelchair to drive to Wei Rulan.

"Miss Wei, I just found a very important information when I was fighting with the star ring. It should be helpful to you!"

"Oh? What important information?" Wei Rulan asked curiously.

At the same time, Zhang Tianyou had come near, and Lu You respectfully stepped aside.

Zhang Tianyou's wheelchair slowly drove to Wei Rulan.

The whole process was very calm and natural, but somehow, Lu Yu's heart was tight for no reason, as if he felt some danger.

But in his stupefied Kung Fu, Zhang Tianyou has come to Wei Rulan and smiled.

"The message is... It's not the star ring that died, but Zhang Tianyou!"

When it comes to the back, Zhang Tianyou's voice has become a computer synthetic sound without any emotion.

At the same time, while talking, Zhang Tianyou's palm suddenly pushed forward. There was a long sharp thorn between the tips of his palm, which just penetrated into Wei Rulan's chest.

All this happened very quickly.

From this "Zhang Tianyou" to confide in the truth to start, there are only a few snapping fingers in total.

Caught off guard, Wei Rulan had no time to make any response.


The spikes were thrust into the chest.

It's strange that Wei Rulan didn't feel any pain, not even a wound., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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