On the contrary, Lu, who was standing not far away, snorted sadly, then burst into blood on his chest and fell to the ground.

This scene, let alone Wei Rulan, didn't even expect the "Zhang Tianyou" who started it.

What's going on?

It was Wei Rulan who was stabbed. How could it be Lu You who was injured?

However, he has been possessed by the consciousness of the star ring, and his calculation speed and response are extremely fast.

Almost at the same time, the other hand stabbed forward.

But Wei Rulan is not a lamb to be slaughtered. After she narrowly escaped the first blow, she began to retreat quickly and count the shots with her backhand.

Bang bang!

After several shots, the ring was temporarily pushed back.

At the same time, Wei Rulan rushed to Lu You, who couldn't afford to fall to the ground, and asked anxiously, "how about it?"

Lu you was pale, and the wound on his chest was bleeding out. Even so, he still pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a smile.

"I can't die yet!"

"Why are you so stupid? Why do you want to be my double?"

"There's no reason, I just don't want you to be hurt!" Lu Yu whispered, his face more and more pale, but his eyes more and more bright.

It turned out that Wei Rulan didn't get hurt because Lu Yucheng was her double.

This is a very strange sorcery, which Lu you obtained by chance.

Its characteristic is that you can bind the life of a person with similar strength to you as your double through a secret method.

In this case, once the subject is fatally injured, it will be transferred to the substitute immediately.

This is virtually equivalent to an extra life.

At that time, after Lu You got the double body technique, he also dedicated it to Wei Rulan.

But Wei Rulan thought this technique was too evil and could easily be used by people with evil intentions, so he put it on the shelf and ordered Lu you to use it and spread it.

But she never thought that Lu you didn't obey her orders. He not only used it, but also turned himself into a substitute.

At the same time, the star ring also saw the clue and couldn't help laughing proudly.

"Interesting, really interesting. What a pair of bitter mandarin ducks, Wei Rulan. Since you have such a good double, I'll let you go!"

Then he turned and left.

Soon, there was a great noise on the battlefield outside.

But Wei Rulan didn't care. She struggled to get up from her wheelchair and fell down beside Lu you.

At the moment, Lu you was lying on the ground, with blood winding under him, but his eyes were horribly bright.

But the more so, the more Wei Rulan's heart sank.

Because this is obviously not a good phenomenon.

She struggled to hold Lu Yu's head in her arms.

"How do you feel?"

"Soft, very comfortable!" Lu Youqing said with a smile.

Wei Rulan was silent for a moment, finally gave up his plan to throw Lu you out, and then whispered, "in fact, you don't have to!"

"This is my choice, it has nothing to do with you! And I believe you should know my heart for you!"

This sentence, which was not too long, seemed to exhaust all Lu Yu's strength. After that, he gasped quickly, and then began to vomit blood out.

The stab of the star ring just now is obviously not just a simple physical attack.

Wei Rulan held him tightly and let the blood dye his clothes red.

"You are so stupid! Really, so stupid! Of course I know you like me, but I..."

"I know, you don't like me at all, but what's the matter? It's my own choice. I can't blame others!"

With these words, Lu Yu's originally bright and frightening eyes began to dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wei Rulan can clearly feel his heartbeat weakening rapidly.

But she could do nothing but hold him tightly and whispered, "is there anything else you want to say?"

Lu Yu opened his mouth like a fish on the shore. He breathed a few times, and then took Wei Rulan's hand with his last strength.

"Promise me, don't be sad! Because... Because this star ring let you go... It's obviously not kind. It... It wants you to be sad and regret because of me!"

At last, Lu Yu's strength had been exhausted and he could only stare at Wei Rulan.

Wei Rulan was stunned for a moment, finally glanced at the sideburns in his ears, smiled and said, "well, I promise you, I'm not sad!"


Hearing this sentence, Lu Yu took a long breath.

The breath was so long that it seemed to spit out all the remaining anger in his body.

Then his eyes darkened completely and became turbid.

Wei Rulan sat on the ground blankly, holding Lu You in his arms. He had no vitality at all.

But the blood on his body is still warm.

Just like this man who has to think about himself at the last moment of his life, he wants to give himself the last warmth.

At the moment, Wei Rulan is really not sad, but feels empty in his heart.

In a trance, she seemed to return to the time when she first saw Lu you.

At that time, Lu you was covered with blood and bruises, and was besieged to the verge of death by a gang of black eating robbers.

Wei Rulan generally doesn't like meddling. Especially at that time, she had just suffered a big change and was in a state of confusion. Naturally, she was not in the mood to meddle in these things.

But somehow, Wei Rulan, who was just passing by at that time, managed to save Lu you.

Later, I thought, maybe I was moved by Lu You's eyes that were still stubborn and refused to bow their heads even if they were about to die.

But Wei Rulan didn't think about it at that time. She just regarded it as a very ordinary little thing.

It's like picking up a puppy when you go out to play.

In this way, Lu Yu became her first man.

With the gradual growth of Santis, Lu You's identity has been changing, but what hasn't changed is his feelings for Wei Rulan.

In fact, the smart Wei Rulan had noticed this for a long time, but she ignored it and didn't respond.

But I never thought that Lu Yu's feelings would be so fierce that he didn't even hesitate to pay his own life.

A line of salty and wet liquid ran across the corner of the mouth.

Wei Rulan thought he would never cry after his family was broken.

But today, she made an exception.

Lu You in his arms is rapidly cold. Wei Rulan gently puts him on the ground, then attaches him to his ear and whispers.

"Thank you for your love for me. Next, I will avenge you!"

After that, Wei Rulan sat back in his wheelchair, his eyes as solemn as iron.

She gently pressed a button on the wheelchair.

A huge box hung down from the ceiling quickly. When it was opened, it was a special Gatling rifle with extremely ferocious shape.

Wei Rulan reached out to hold it, and then his eyes became crazy gradually.

She thought she had nothing to lose, so every bullet she shot next was earned by herself.

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