The spinning Gatling roared and sprayed angry tongues outward.

Wherever they passed, those mechanical soldiers were easily torn to pieces like fragile toys.

This powerful firepower greatly boosted the spirit of Santis, who was floating because of Zhang Tianyou's failure.

You know, just now all the mechanical soldiers suddenly stopped attacking, making many people think the war is over.

But I never thought that just a moment later, Zhang Tianyou appeared and was parasitized by the star ring.

It was a fatal blow to people's confidence.

Especially after Zhang Tianyou appeared, the strength of these mechanical soldiers was improved again, and the attack became more methodical.

With this change, the front of Saint tice was forced to move back again, and it was shaky, and it was about to be broken down.

Just then, Wei Rulan with Gatling appeared.

Although there was only one person, the powerful firepower still gave many people confidence.

For a time, the morale of Santis was greatly boosted and the counterattack began.

Among the crowd, only Wei Ruyan looks dignified. As Wei Rulan's sister, she knows her sister best.

She would never use Gatling unless at the last minute.

Because the bullets of this Gatling rifle cost Wei Rulan's life.

Combined with the blood on her body and Lu You who went away and didn't return at the moment, Wei Ruyan vaguely guessed what, and her heart became more and more heavy.


Zhang Tianyou in the mechanical camp laughed.

"Wei Rulan, I didn't expect you to come out so soon. How about watching your most loyal men die in front of you?"

Hearing this, the whole audience was shocked.

Because people knew that Lu you was dead.

Many people looked at Wei Rulan in horror, as if they wanted to get confirmation from her face.

At this time, Wei Rulan stopped Gatlin in his hand and looked at Zhang Tianyou with a heavy face.

"Do you think I'll be sad?"

"Isn't it?" Zhang Tianyou said coldly with a smile that when he spoke at the moment, he was no different from normal people. At the same time, his face also had a kind of hysterical excitement and madness.

"Once I thought emotions could be calculated by algorithm, but I didn't find out until I occupied his body that people's emotions were so charming, sad, sad and desperate... Each of them intoxicated me, so shouldn't you be sad now?"

Wei Rulan sneered, "you're wrong. I'm not sad now. On the contrary, I've never been so sober as now! Sober enough... I just want to kill you!"

Then Wei Rulan picked up Gatlin and pulled the trigger towards Zhang Tianyou.

Angry bullets poured in.

Zhang Tianyou smiled, "want to kill me? OK, come on! See if your anger can get me?"

While talking, the bullets stopped together in front of Zhang Tianyou, and then twisted and broken.

"How is it possible? You can only control electronic equipment. Why can you even control bullets now?" Wei Ruyan exclaimed.

Zhang Tianyou laughed, because he had just tasted the taste of emotion, so he couldn't accurately control himself, so once he laughed, his face was extremely distorted.

"Who says I can only control electronic devices? I tell you, now I am the real omnipotent God!"

As he spoke, a strong wind suddenly blew around him, and then a powerful cyclone formed.

Where the air flow passes, it directly wraps several nearby mechanical soldiers into the cyclone, and then tears them to pieces.

"See? This is the real spiritual power. Although Zhang Tianyou created me, I have to say that he is too pedantic. Kong has such a powerful spiritual power, but he doesn't know how to use it!"

But as soon as his voice fell, a figure fell from the sky, and then the nine fox tails were integrated into an invincible whip. According to Zhang Tianyou, it was a record.


After a crisp sound, the cyclone around Zhang Tianyou was forcibly broken, and his body shape was shaken out.

Fox night just wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. Those mechanical soldiers have reacted and rushed up like a tide, protecting Zhang Tianyou behind him.

Fox night saw this, stopped the pursuit of the footsteps, cold voice.

"What I dislike most is that someone is crazy in front of me. Isn't it spiritual power? It's not the same as who. And I tell you, xinghuan, don't look at so many mechanical soldiers under you, but it's still like a local chicken and tile dog in front of my fox night!"

The sudden rise of fox night surprised many people.

You know, although the battle fox night was good, it was not as bright as it is now.

Among the crowd, only a few people, such as Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu, saw the clue.

Because right behind the fox night, one of the nine swinging fox tails has been shortened a lot.

Obviously, he was burned by Fox night, which is why he suddenly became stronger.

At the same time, Zhang Tianyou stood firm surrounded by mechanical soldiers, and then laughed proudly again.

"Fox night, what can you do even if you are powerful? I want to see how many times your nine tails can burn!"

Then Zhang Tianyou pointed forward, "all attack and destroy everything in front of me!"


As soon as these words came out, these mechanical soldiers poured in again, and their momentum was stronger than before.

Everyone looked solemn and stirring, because everyone knew that the next war was related to the life and death of everyone and even the whole heavens.

In this case, everyone gave up their fear of life and death and rushed forward with a roar.

Wei Rulan is desperate to vent his anger with Gatlin in his hand.

Wei Ruyan fought and walked, and finally came to her side and asked in a deep voice.

"Rulan, why don't you step back first!"

"Retreat? Where else can I retreat now? The whole saint is here. I, Wei Rulan, want to bet with the thief God to see if I, Wei Rulan, can hold on to that moment or if the star ring kills me in advance!"

As he spoke, Wei Rulan kept pouring bullets at the distant mechanical soldiers.

In this case, Wei Rulan's face will be haggard every second.

Seeing this, Wei Ruyan sighed and knew that she had no power to return to heaven, so she nodded and turned around and threw herself into the battle.

While the battle before Santis headquarters was in full swing, Xue an's attempt finally reached a critical moment in the wilderness at that time.

He carved a huge seal character on the ground.

This Rune seal is extremely complex. Even Xue an spent a full day to depict all the runes.

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