When it was finished, Xue an took a small gourd and walked around the seal character.

While walking, he explained something to the little gourd.

After another day's preparation, Xue an let xiaohulu enter the seal characters.

Looking at the little gourd sitting cross legged in the middle of the seal character, an Yan was puzzled.

"Husband, how are you going to break the shackles here?"

The giant snake man on one side immediately pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

See Xue an smile, "in fact, the principle is very simple. Since the time of this heaven and earth is independent of the heavens, the difference of time velocity must be very obvious."

"I took advantage of this. First, I constructed a time structure similar to those of the heavens with runes and seal characters, and then let the little gourd who is naturally not affected by the outside world and has its own time system as the opener. In this way, this heaven and earth is equivalent to having two time tributaries!"

"Then the strong time difference will directly tear all the rules to pieces! How, do you understand?"

Ann Yan opened her eyes and looked confused.

She didn't understand, or even understand. When Xue an said that, of course, it was formed by relying on the inherent power of time of the giant snake man, and then through the amplification of symbols and seal characters and the special constitution of small gourd. It was not a real river of time.

But even if it is an illusion, when it appears at that moment, the wilderness still vibrates wildly for the whole time.

The original time system is like an independent branch of the river, flowing with no struggle with the world.

But when the river came out, the previous calm was broken in an instant.

The huge difference formed by the two time systems began to sweep the whole wilderness.

Imagine that two time systems suddenly appear in your world. After today, the next day is not tomorrow, but jumps to a hundred years ago.

How can this not collapse.

Suddenly, the wilderness began to disintegrate from the most basic particle form.

After all, even the particles that make up everything can't bear such a chaotic time system.

The solid laws left by the space-time snake before leaving burst one by one.

In the blink of an eye, the space was torn and disintegrated, showing strange holes.

But Xue an was not surprised but happy. He directly put Yan'er and the little gourd into the sea. At the same time, he put his hand on the giant snake man who was only half of his body, and then he flew directly into these holes.

As soon as he left his front foot, the world of his back foot completely disintegrated.

However, these have nothing to do with Xue an, so now he has appeared in the secret room.

The stone of time and space above the futon still exists, but the next second, it seems to be disturbed by Xue an's eyes, and this stone of time and space turns directly into nothingness.

Xue an didn't have time to pay attention to these. When he returned to the heavens, he immediately felt that a tragic fight was going on not far away.

Without any hesitation, Xue an came from the secret room to the battlefield.

Just at this moment, another wave of attacks by these mechanical soldiers came.

Fox night clenched his teeth and prepared to burn half his tail against the enemy again.

Now he has only eight fox tails left.

This made his distressed face twitch.

"Shit, is old Xue dead? Why doesn't he show up now? Does he have to grind to the last moment as before to be the Savior?" Fox night make complaints about Tucao Dao.

But the next second, the words in his mouth swallowed back.

Because a sword light came all over the world and directly chopped all the attacking mechanical soldiers.

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