This sword cut across and destroyed all the mechanical soldiers along the way.

As for those who are fighting with the mechanical soldiers, they are unharmed. They only feel a breeze blowing, and then the hard-working mechanical soldiers in front of them turn into powder in an instant.

The power of this sword made the whole audience fall into a temporary silence.

Yu Ming dropped his sword and smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth.

Is it really the existence that you can't catch up with no matter how hard you try?

At the same time, Zhang Tianyou, who was in the mechanical camp, was shocked, suddenly remembered something, and then shouted a name in a Yin pity voice.

"Xue an! You didn't die in there and came out?"

"Of course I'm not dead. If I'm dead, how can I see this big play?"

With the voice, a figure slowly emerged around fox night, which was Xue an in white.

When he appeared in front of the crowd, he was not in a hurry to deal with Zhang Tianyou. Instead, he turned to Fox night and smiled.

"What did you just say?"

As soon as the fox night looked stiff, he immediately laughed with a guilty smile.

"No... didn't say anything!"

"Oh? How did I hear you mumbling my name?"

"Eh... I was worried about you. After all, you haven't been back for so long. As your close friend, I naturally have to worry about you in every way, so it's not too much to mention your name behind your back occasionally?"

Xue an smiled, "not too much, of course not too much. I'll thank you later!"

After that, Xue an flew up and went straight to the opposite mechanical camp.

Looking at his far back, fox night's eyes showed deep anxiety.

Of course, he was not frightened by Xue an's last "thank you".

His real fear comes from why Xue an returned safely, but the world has not changed at all.

You know, Xue an's trip is to correct the disordered timeline.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, when Xue an returns, the world should undergo earth shaking changes.

But nothing happened.

Did he fail?

Or... Nothing can be changed at all?

As soon as the idea came out, the fox was out of breath at night.

It's about the safety of his sister. Even the happy fox night can't be as optimistic as before.

At this time, Xue an broke into the mechanical camp alone.

Although Xue an's sword just destroyed most of the mechanical soldiers, the number of the remaining mechanical soldiers is still not a decimal.

Especially under the command of Zhang Tianyou, they all shrank together, forming a tight defense line and protecting Zhang Tianyou.

But these lines of defense may be useful to others, but they are useless to Xue an.

He walked slowly through layers of defense. Where he passed, these mechanical soldiers didn't even struggle. They were directly twisted and compressed into thin pieces of metal by the terrorist forces from the void.

Then Xue an appeared in front of Zhang Tianyou.

"It seems that you know a lot of things. Otherwise, why are you surprised at my breakthrough?"

Zhang Tianyou's face became extremely gloomy. "I'm really surprised that the great time and space snake didn't kill you!"

"Hehe, are you talking about him?"

Xue an threw out the giant snake man in his hand.

He grew in the wind, and when he fell to the ground, he had become the first look of evil spirit.

After seeing him, Zhang Tianyou's face changed greatly.

"How could it be! How could the serpent of time and space become your prisoner?"

"Why not?" Xue an smiled and said.

The giant snake man was also very aware of the opportunity and took a step forward immediately.

"Bold star ring, why don't you kneel down to meet me when you see me?"

But the star ring was not vegetarian. After the initial shock, he soon woke up and saw the clue.

"You're not the snake of time and space. He can't be so weak. Who are you?"

"Hey, hey, I'm a part of the snake of time and space. I'm your superior. Don't you kneel down?"

Although the giant snake man's strength is not very good, he is very skilled in bluffing and pulling the flag with the wind.

But Zhang Tianyou or star ring is best at calculation and observation, so he soon saw through his reality and reality, then sneered and looked at Xue an.

"Xue an, I have to say that your strength and luck are very good. You can escape from the cage created for you by Lord snake of time and space, but what's the use? The world has collapsed. Even if you have the ability to go against the sky, you can't change all this!"

"What are you talking about?" With a burst of drink, the fox night fell to the ground and looked at Zhang Tianyou angrily.

"What am I talking about? Hehe, what I'm talking about is the truth. The timeline of the world has been changed, and once the old world is buried, there is no possibility of recovery! So you die, ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Tianyou laughed wildly. Fox night was angry and wanted to teach him a lesson.

Xue an stopped him, then his eyes narrowed slightly and looked at him coldly.

"You don't seem to be afraid at all?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? Afraid you'll kill me? Don't be funny. Now I'm integrated with this body. Unless you don't want him to live, any attack on me will also hurt him."

"What's more, even if you kill me now? My parts are all over the sky. If I die, it's a big deal to restart another one! So xue'an, you've lost this chess game!" Zhang Tianyou said with a ferocious look.

Hearing this, the fox night was pale and shaky, and almost fell to the ground.

He has never been so desperate as he is now.

If what Zhang Tianyou said is true, won't his sister never come back?

As for others, there was a commotion.

Although they didn't understand the dialogue between Zhang Tianyou and Xue an, it didn't prevent them from feeling the seriousness of the matter.

But just then, the corners of Xue an's mouth raised slightly, revealing a cold and slightly ironic smile.

"That's really good, but you seem to have forgotten a little!"

"Oh? What have you forgotten?"

"Do you really think you have become one with his body?"

"Joke, I have tested one cell by one, and there can never be any omission, so..."

Before he finished, Xue an said faintly, "the communication connection has been established. Don't you start?"

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