Black hole.

There is no one of the most mysterious celestial bodies in the whole universe.

It is invisible and immaterial. It cannot be observed in any way except gravity.

Even Xue an would stay away from this kind of celestial body when crossing the stars.

After all, the difficult gravity has to scratch anyone's head.

Fortunately, it generally only appears in the core of galaxy clusters, and it must be a large galaxy cluster, so even in this vast universe, its number is small.

At this moment, what Xue an wants to go is to be located at the core of the whole heavens.

Here are the largest and vast superclusters in the universe. At the core of the cluster is a huge black hole, whose mass can even reach 400 billion m, that is, the mass of 400 billion suns.

Such a huge black hole, even better than Xue an, should be treated with caution.

If you are a little careless, you may fall into the gravitational maze of the black hole. In that case, although Xue an will not die with his strength, it will take some effort to think of it.

This is not about the strength, but because such a huge black hole is the manifestation of the will of heaven.

As long as you are in the heavens, you should show due awe of the will of the heavenly way.

At the moment, Xue an is standing in the void tens of billions of kilometers away from the black hole.

Despite such a long distance, the space around Xue an's body is still slightly curved because the gravity of the black hole is too huge.

From time to time, we can see that stars are captured by the gravity of the black hole, and then cross the dark void and fall into the black hole at a faster and faster speed.

Although these stars have a very huge mass, they are like mustard dust in front of the black hole. They are easily torn up without stirring up any waves, and then blend into the darkness darker than the void.

Seeing such a spectacular astronomical scene, even if I had been prepared for it, the fox night accompanying Xue an still couldn't help being a little dizzy.

"Mom... Mom, I guess even xianzun has to take off the skin! Will the road to the high-dimensional world really be in it?" Fox night's face is slightly white.

Xue an smiled and did not respond to his words, but looked to Zhang Tianyou who also followed him.

At this time, Zhang Tianyou is already the God in charge of the whole network of the heavens. At the level of human cognition, he knows everything.

That's why he came with Xue an.

To help Xue an know as much about black holes as possible.

He looked at the huge black hole in front of him and opened his folding backpack.


From there flew countless mechanical beetles, which were integrated into various detectors and flew out in all directions.

A moment later, all kinds of data began to return.

Then Zhang Tianyou took a deep breath. Although he didn't need to breathe at all in terms of his current mechanical body, he still retained this function out of human habits.

"This black hole has been observed by human beings for a long time and is named s5004. Later, I made additional observations several times. It is basically certain that this is a black hole born only hundreds of millions of years after the big bang!"

"It can also be said that it is the earliest black hole in the whole sky. After tens of billions of years, its mass not only does not evaporate, but becomes more and more huge because of continuous phagocytosis!"

"Now its mass is as large as hundreds of billions of suns. In fact, this mass of celestial bodies has exceeded the maximum limit of theory, that is to say, theoretically, such a huge celestial body should not exist!"

"It should have been split because of its excessive quality, but it's strange that it doesn't, but the more it lives, the better. This has aroused my doubt, but because of the lack of evidence and data support, I can't speculate how it became like this even if I doubt it!"

"It was not until after this incident that I suddenly realized that the reason why this black hole did not disintegrate was that it was an overlapping point between the low-dimensional world and the high-dimensional world!"

"Its quality is extremely huge in the low level, but it may not be enough in the high-dimensional world, so the excess energy is vented into the high-dimensional world!"

Zhang Tianyou talked eloquently, but fox night on one side was confused.

"Hey, you talked for a long time, but I didn't understand a word. Just say whether this thing is the way to the high-dimensional world!"

Zhang Tianyou nodded, "yes!"

"Then it's over. Where's so much nonsense?" Fox night rolled his eyes and began to roll his arms and sleeves.

"Since it is, it's easy to say. I'll go in with you later and let's clean up the evil things together!"

Before Xue an spoke, Zhang Tianyou shook his head, "no, you can't go!"


"Because you can't get close to it!"

Fox night seemed to hear a joke and pointed to his nose. "You said I couldn't even get close to it? Surnamed Zhang, were you deceived by my appearance? I'm a powerful immortal Zun level, the king of Nine Tailed Fox! Even if this black hole is powerful, I'm not afraid of it!"

But Zhang Tianyou shook his head. "I know what you said. Don't say you are the king of Nine Tailed Fox. Even if you grow the tenth tail now, you can't get close to this black hole!"

"You..." Fox night is a little angry.

Zhang Tianyou turned to look at Xue an, and then said in a very serious tone: "Xue an, only you can enter this black hole, but you can't enter it as a whole!"

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, "Oh? What do you mean?"

"The physical properties of this black hole are very wonderful. Because of its strong gravity, the space around it is bent to the extreme, and the light cannot escape from it, which means that the information in it is isolated from the outside world!"

"This layer of isolation is also called the event horizon. Because of the quantum fire wall effect, this layer of event horizon does not allow any matter to pass through it! Even if you want to pass through in the flesh, you will first be torn apart by the powerful tidal force, and then the atoms that make up your body will be pulled apart by the powerful gravity, lined up in a straight line and bombarded on the event horizon."

"Frankly, it's like squeezing toothpaste from a tube, squeezed through space by an invisible giant hand."

After listening to Zhang Tianyou's description, the fox night who was eager to enter the black hole just now was a little wilted.

"Is this... So dangerous? Well... Lao Xue, why don't we try to find another way? After all, this thing is too dangerous!"

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