Fox night showed deep concern.

Xue an was not moved, but said to Zhang Tianyou in a deep voice, "according to your meaning, if the body can't pass through, can divine knowledge?"

Zhang Tianyou nodded, "that's what I want to say. You can't finish the whole journey, but divine consciousness can! Because the event horizon will only have an effect on the actual material, but divine consciousness is not the actual material, so its bondage will fail!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianyou glanced at Hu ye, "now you know why I say you can't get close to it? Is your Divine sense as strong as Xue an?"

Fox night opened his mouth, then shook his head and smiled bitterly, "no! And I don't think the whole heaven can find a second divine consciousness more powerful than him!"

"But wouldn't it be dangerous to do so?"

"Of course, there are dangers. After all, in addition to the event horizon, there are many unpredictable dangers in this black hole, but you have to pay a price for everything. I believe you should know that!" Zhang Tianyou said.

Xue an nodded. "In that case, there's no need to say anything else. Let's start!"

"But..." Fox night was a little worried and just wanted to dissuade.

Xue an patted him on the shoulder. "Don't say it. I understand what you mean, but it's already here. If I want to correct this disordered world and save Ying'er and xuan'er Mengxue, I have to go out of this step. There's no other way!"

Looking at Xue an's sincere eyes, fox night opened his mouth several times and finally nodded silently.

Xue an smiled, "don't worry. You and I have known each other for thousands of years. Don't you know me? No matter what happens, I will turn bad luck into good luck! And after my divine knowledge comes out, this body still needs you to protect!"

Fox night's eyes gradually became clear, and there was no more tired and lazy color. He solemnly nodded his head and said, "OK, don't worry, I will live up to my trust!"

Xue an smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "In that case, please... Everything!

After that, Xue an strode to the isolation cabin specially set up for him by Zhang Tianyou, sat cross legged and closed his eyes.

A moment later, the mind came out of the body, and there was no difference from the body except that the whole body was bright.

Zhang Tianyou charged again: "Xue an, you should remember that once you enter the event horizon, your contact with the heavens will be completely disconnected. If you want to come back, you may need more difficult efforts!"

Xue an nodded.

Because it exists in the form of divine thought, even the Runbao building can't be carried.

But Anyan has made it clear that no matter where he goes, their mother and daughter will follow closely and never separate.

So Xue an simply opened up a space in his divine consciousness for their mother and daughter to live in.

Of course, the giant snake man will also be taken away.

Because it is a projection existence, it naturally does not interfere with any rules, so it can also pass through the event horizon.

When everything was ready, Xue an said faintly, "after I leave, please give you and fox night everything in the heavens!"

Zhang Tianyou nodded, "I understand that now I have integrated with the network of the heavens and scattered countless detectors. I will know any changes in the heavens at the first time!"

Fox night didn't speak, but suddenly his eyes were red and came forward to beat Xue an.

"Lao Xue, go early and return early!"

Xue an smiled, "OK, go early and return early!"

After that, he grabbed the back collar of the giant snake man, turned into a light, and rushed towards the black hole.

Tens of billions of kilometers are fleeting. In an instant, the event horizon is close at hand.

Even Xue an was nervous.

But the next second, he passed through it safely.

At the moment after passing through, Xue an felt that her surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet.

You should know that although the universe of the heavens is empty, there are many activities going on that cannot be perceived by the naked eye.

But in this, everything stops.

In the empty darkness, there was no sign of atomic activity

It was like passing through a water curtain, and then all the sounds were turned off.

Xue an looked calm, and the brilliance of her body became more and more prosperous. She opened a path, and then galloped in.

This should be the only light in this for hundreds of millions of years.

I don't know how far I've traveled. It may be a second or a day.

Time has lost all its meaning here.

The giant snake man also recovered from the initial panic, and then said with a smile on his face.

"My Lord, what do you think we will meet next?"

"Shouldn't I ask you?"

The giant snake man was a little embarrassed. "Although I am the projection of the snake of time and space, that guy is very cunning. He stripped almost all the information. I can know only a very limited number of things!"

"So I don't know what's in here!"

"If you don't know, shut up!" Xue an said faintly.

The giant snake man closed his mouth and looked at the darkness in the distance with great fear.

To tell you the truth, if possible, he really doesn't want to come to this damn place.

What a wonderful world outside!

There is light, everything, and a beautiful dragon sister.

But helpless, under Xue an's strong coercion, he didn't even dare to say a superfluous word.

Because he knew that if he lost his use value, the boy in white would definitely destroy himself without hesitation.

In his heart, he felt a snake of noumenon time and space, and then the giant snake man began to fall asleep.

With his strength, he couldn't stand this maddening loneliness.

So he would fall into a deep sleep.

But just as he was about to fall asleep, his face was suddenly pumped by something.

He was shocked. He thought Xue an was slapping himself, so he immediately opened his eyes.

"My Lord, I didn't sleep. I just... Ah, what's this?"

The giant snake man screamed because there was a skeleton in front of him.

The blood marks on the skeleton are still there, as if it had died yesterday and then been torn off.

The black eyes stared at the giant snake man, making his scalp numb.

"What's the matter? Didn't that guy say that no matter can penetrate the event horizon? What's the matter with this thing?" The giant snake man trembled.

Xue'an didn't answer him at all, but suddenly burst into light.

For a moment, the divine light shone everywhere, and then the scene in front of him made the giant snake man tremble uncontrollably.

human skeleton!

Endless skeletons!

A skeleton like an ocean!

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