These skeletons all looked the same, and there were still fresh blood marks on them, as if they had just died.

The number of them changed Xue an's color slightly.

"These are not real skeletons, but transformed by unyielding divine consciousness!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

"Unyielding divine knowledge?" The giant snake man was stunned.

Xue an nodded, then drove straight into the sea of skeletons.

When you enter it, you can better realize the oppression brought by this boundless skeleton.

At least the face of the giant snake man became as pale as paper. Even if there was no entity, he still leaned close to Xue an, as if this could bring him a little warmth.

Xue an's face was more and more dignified and solemn, and he strode forward.

I don't know how long I walked. Suddenly, a high mountain appeared in the sea of skeletons in front of me.

When he got close, the giant snake man was shocked to find that where is this mountain? It was clearly a throne made of countless skeletons!

Not only that, but there is also a huge and unspeakable idea from the white bone throne at the moment.

This thought was as much as Xue an's, which made the giant snake man's body tremble and escape.

"My Lord, help me!" He hissed and screamed.

Xue'an's face was as heavy as water. He stretched out his hand to round him into a ball and put it away.

Then he took a deep breath and continued to stride towards the white bone throne.

With each step, the void under your feet will be filled with waves and become more and more intense.

But Xue an's pace didn't stop at all, and even his speed didn't change at all, so he strode forward.

The white bone throne seems to be close, but in fact it is very far away.

Even at xue'an's speed, it took a long time to come under the white bone throne.

Only when we get there can we better realize the grandeur and greatness of this Baigu mountain.

Just standing at the foot of the mountain, the solemn sense of oppression is enough to make people in a slightly worse mood kneel on the spot.

Xue an just looked up, then turned back and walked up.

Because it is the body of divine consciousness, the gravity of the black hole has no effect on xue'an.

Therefore, whether it is forward or upward, it is only a direction for Xue an.

The height of the white bone throne was also amazing, but soon Xue an came to the top platform.

When his feet fell to the ground, Xue an looked at the endless white bone wasteland, which formed an extremely sharp contrast with the dark void around him.

Xue an didn't move. He just stood there quietly, and a complicated look suddenly appeared on his face.

There is sadness and anger, but more awe and respect.

It was not until a long time later that he raised his hand and gently cut his palm.

The blood dripped on the white bone wasteland.

Suddenly, fresh blood seeped into it.

Then, just a moment later, the white bone throne at the foot made a loud noise.

It's like... There's something huge waking up.

"Who awakened me from endless sleep?" A dull roar came from the void.

Xue an looked up and said slowly, "Chinese descendants, meet Chinese ancestors!"

As soon as he said this, the roar stopped suddenly, and then the white bone wasteland surged like soft water.

Soon, a white giant emerged from it.

But the giant, which was made of white bones, had no head on his neck, but was carried in his hand.

This head, with all its hair and beard open, still has infinite dignity although it has long died.

"Chinese... I haven't heard this word for a long time. Even I have forgotten who I am!" The giant muttered to himself, as if thinking about something.

After seeing his body, Xue an shook slightly, then lowered his head again and said in a slightly trembling but infinitely respectful tone.

"Chinese descendants, meet the ancient god of war, Xing Tian!"

After that, Xue an knelt down on one knee and made a war ceremony.

When he finished saying this, the giant finally remembered something, and then looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Xing Tian! Yes, my name is Xing Tian! Boy, I finally know why I feel you are familiar. You have the smell of Zhu Rong. Are you his descendant?"

Xue'an raised his head, and a flame appeared in front of him. It was the fire he got from the incomplete Buzhou mountain.

"The disciple got the fire of Zhu Rong inadvertently, not his successor!"

you 're right!

The white giant appearing here is one of the ancient ancestors of China, Xing Tian, known as the God of war.

In ancient Chinese legends, Xing Tian was an invincible giant that existed when heaven and earth were born. Later, he was beheaded because he fought with the Yellow Emperor.

Nevertheless, he refused to give in, but danced.

I just didn't expect that the remains of Xingtian would appear in this black hole.

After hearing Xue an's words, Xing Tian's tone suddenly had a trace of sadness.

"Yes, I should have thought of it. Even I have become such a ghost. How can Zhu Rong be alone!"

He said, looking at Xue an, "I've been sleeping here for tens of thousands of years. I never thought that there would be future generations of Chinese here. What's the situation of Chinese outside now?"

Xue an was silent for a moment, and then he told about what happened outside.

When I heard that the Chinese had retreated to their ancestral land long before ten thousand years and suffered a catastrophe, the weather screamed.

"Waste, all waste! It's a bunch of waste to abandon the outer heaven, shrink into the ancestral land, and be taken advantage of by evil things!"

Xue an's eyes flashed, then he asked in a deep voice, "Zhan Zun, why do you sleep here? What's the matter with these white bones?"

Xing Tian sighed, "these white bones are the heroes who fought side by side with me in those years! And why did I sleep here... That's a long story!"

Then, through Xing Tian's narration, Xue an Fang knew the specific process of the matter.

It turned out that in those days, the Chinese were extremely prosperous. They not only occupied the heavens, but also the outer heaven was the territory of the Chinese.

At that time, the outer heaven and the heavens were actually one, and there was no distinction between the inner and the outer.

But prosperity will decline. Later, under the influence of some reasons that even Xing Tian did not understand, the Chinese began to decline gradually.

But even so, the Chinese are still the largest ethnic group.

But it was at this time that the mysterious evil thing came from nowhere, and then World War I broke out.

In this war, the Chinese suffered heavy losses because they were not prepared in advance and did not understand the evil things.

But at that time, there were countless Chinese gods and talents. Even though they launched a crazy counterattack, they finally stood firm.

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