If the war ends like this, the Chinese may still be the largest race in the universe.

But soon, high evil things began to appear one after another. Some evil things had the ability, even if they were feared by ancient Chinese gods.

Then a fierce battle broke out among these powerful gods.

In the words of Xing Tian, there were countless fallen gods in this war.

Just when both sides paid a very heavy price, a group of evil things suddenly appeared from the rear of the Chinese nationality and carried out a sneak attack.

Under the enemy, the Chinese immediately went into chaos.

In this case, the supreme gods of the Chinese nationality immediately made a decision and began to shrink strategically, but the premise of doing so was to repel the evil objects of the sneak attack and block the passage in the rear.

So Xing Tian led his people to come forward and beat back the evil things attacked by this group with an almost crazy play.

Then, regardless of the loss, Xingtian family attacked the source of the invasion of these evil things.

But before and after coming to this black hole, even the Xingtian family, no matter how powerful, can not exceed the laws of the universe.

The barrier of the event horizon to all matter made them sigh.

But the Xingtian clan never succumbed to any existence. At that time, Xingtian ordered all the clansmen to commit suicide immediately, and then threw their heroic spirit into the black hole to continue fighting.

In this case, they fought with the invading evil things in the black hole for countless years, and finally eliminated all the evil things.

But at this time, they could not go back, so the Xingtian family simply slept here and became a god guarding the black hole.

But the years are always ruthless. Even if there is no time in the black hole, these heroes of Xingtian family still fall gradually and finally become the sea of skeletons.

Even the patriarch Xing Tian can only turn into a white bone throne with the help of his people and enter the deepest sleep, which has lasted until now.

After listening to Xing Tian's story, Xue an felt an unspeakable shock.

Although Xing Tian's story is very plain, even the most tragic scene is just a few words.

But Xue an still felt the ultimate heroism.

Imagine that scene. In the face of an insurmountable natural moat, an ethnic group did not hesitate to sacrifice themselves, committed suicide in anger, and then continued to fight with heroes.

This is how heroic and tragic.

Xue an's face showed deep awe.

"Doll, why are you here? Your cultivation is good. You can resist my pressure with divine knowledge. Who is your successor?"

Xue an shook his head. "I don't have a teacher. Everything depends on my own exploration! As for why I came here..."

Xue settled down, then smiled bitterly and said, "because I want to pass through and enter the evil world!"

With that, Xue an told all the things he had experienced.

After hearing this, Xing Tian's tone could not help becoming serious.

"The snake of time and space? I know it! It also participated in the battle with the Chinese people. It is a very difficult opponent. I didn't expect it to appear again after so many years. It's a pity that our divine power has been exhausted, which led to the failure of the seal. Otherwise, how can it pass through from now on?"

After saying that, Xing Tian looked at Xue an several times and finally shook his head.

"Although your strength is good and you can cultivate it by yourself, it shows your talent, but these are far from enough to deal with those high evil things! Let alone the existence of the snake of time and space!"

Xue an's faith did not waver. "I know what you said, but as a Chinese, how can I retreat from difficulties?"

"Good! A little temper, I like it! That's the spirit I Chinese men should have!" Xing Tian nodded with satisfaction and suddenly said.

"After so many years of deep sleep, I suddenly feel itchy. Why don't you fight with me?"

Xue an was stunned, "huh?"

Xing Tian smiled, "Hmm, what? Look at the move!"

He threw the head in his hand.

Xue an never expected that he would say to play, and he still made an opening blow with such an incredible means.

He turned sideways to avoid the throw, but the head burst in mid air, and a trace of bone debris stabbed Xue an's face like a sword.

Xue an retreated quickly to avoid these bone fragments.

But just then, a roaring fist came from behind his head.

Xue an's head was on one side and a huge fist roared past.

But before Xue an could react, the fist turned back from an impossible angle like a wandering snake and roared to Xue an's face again.

The timing of this punch was very accurate. It was just when Xue Angang had just retreated, the old force had gone and the new force had not been born.

Therefore, Xue an at the moment is unavoidable.

He didn't want to retreat.

He drank heavily, a sword was intended to take shape in front of him, and then blocked the blow.


After the explosion, the sword was broken and the fist retreated,

But Xing Tian didn't mean to give up at all. Instead, he shouted excitedly, "good sword technique! Take another punch from me!"

With that, the fist appeared directly in front of Xue an as if it had cut through the space.

Xue an groaned. Although his sword intention surged wildly and blocked the punch in time, he was inevitably hurt by it.

"Be careful!"

At this time, the third punch had arrived, but it suddenly stopped when it hit Xue an.

Xue an's eyes showed a look of horror.

Since his birth, he has never encountered such a disastrous defeat, and even his sword intention can not be stopped.

The key is that Xingtian only fights with his fist from beginning to end, and there is no exquisite fist move, just keep punching, punching!

But it was this kind of attack without any fancy that made Xue an feel pressure.

Because he found that no matter how he fought back, he could not shake the scorching sun like fighting spirit opposite.

you 're right!

Xue an never thought that there would be such a simple, pure and almost fanatical boxing in the world.

Each move seems to tear itself and even the whole world to pieces, full of Infinite War.

At this time, he listened to Xing Tian's quiet language.

"Your swordsmanship is good, and your Divine sense is OK, but your skill of fighting is really rubbish!"

This is the first time Xue an has been evaluated by the word garbage.

But he didn't get angry at all. Instead, he asked humbly, "excuse me, Lord God of war, how can this be improved?"

"Ha ha, ha ha, it's very simple. There's only one word of war!"

"If the sky deceives me, I will fight the sky. If the earth abandons me, I will split the earth. There is nothing to fight and nothing to kill between heaven and earth. It is my intention to punish the sky!"

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