Xue an's pupils contracted instantaneously.

Even he was surprised by the extreme arrogance of Xing Tian when he spoke.

Is this the strength of the ancient Chinese god of war?

Even if he has been dead for so long, his arrogant posture has not changed at all.

"With your current strength, you have reached the threshold of fighting against high evil things, but this is far from enough. If you want to really defeat them, you must have stronger strength!"

Xue an's face was solemn, and he arched his hand and said, "please enlighten the God of war!"

Xing Tian laughed, "of course I want to teach you, otherwise I won't pay you so much! But there is a premise!"

"Lord God of war, please speak!"

Xing Tian did not speak, but walked to the edge of the white bone wasteland, overlooking the boundless sea of skeletons below.

Although he is a man of white bones, Xue an can still feel a strong sense of desolation from his back.

After a long time, Xing Tian said in a low voice: "although these people are called my subordinates, they are actually brothers and sisters who live and die with me. They have paid too much for the world, the Chinese and the Xing Tian family!"

"Although there is no time in the black hole, because of the dissipation of cause and effect, their heroes are also dissipating. In the long run, there is only one end for them, that is, they will die!"

Xue an's face became very serious.

You know, these white bones are heroes who have paid everything for the Chinese people!

Therefore, he said immediately without waiting for Xing Tian to finish.

"What can I do?"

"Of course you have to do something. After all, you are the only hope that they can survive!"

Xing Tian said faintly, then turned to Xue an, "this is my premise, you have to take them!"

Without hesitation, Xue an immediately nodded and said, "OK!"

"Don't you ask how to take them and what price to pay?"

Xue an smiled, "these heroes died for the Chinese people, and as a Chinese people, it is natural for me to do something for them. Why should I ask more? Even if there is any cost, I will bear it!"

"Ha ha ha!" Xing Tian laughed wildly, "OK, good boy, you are more and more interested in me! Don't worry, I let you take them away, not only won't give you any pressure, but it will give you a great opportunity!"

After saying that, he saw Xing Tian's big hand waved and the boundless sea of skeletons smashed.

All the skeletons turned into white bone powder in an instant, and then gathered together to fly to Xing Tian.

In the blink of an eye, the countless skeletons turned into a white ball of light and were held in the palm of Xingtian.

Xing Tian's tone also became gentle at the moment, "old guys, it's hard for you over the years! I'll take you out of this ghost place and follow this boy to clean up those sons of bitches!"

After that, the light ball was broken, and countless strands of white brilliance wrapped around Xue an directly.

Xue an trembled and looked a little painful, but he soon suppressed himself and didn't even hum.

Seeing this scene, Xing Tian's tone also brought a trace of appreciation.

"Boy, shout out if it hurts. After all, this is not what ordinary people can stand!"

Xue an shook his head, "no, I can carry it!"

"Hahaha, a little backbone. If the Chinese can have a young man like you, it seems that our old man's efforts were worth it!"

Xue an was speechless at this time, because all his consciousness was submerged by a strong pain beyond description.

The pain came in waves and became more and more intense. Now, even if Tao's heart was as tough as Xue an, it was on the verge of collapse.

Especially at this moment, he is the body of divine consciousness, which is equivalent to exerting pain directly on his soul, and the pain has increased more than ten times.

Other people may collapse on the spot. Even the realm of saints can collapse in the face of this pain.

But the tottering Xue an refused to fall, but insisted.

Xing Tian's head appeared again in his hand. When he saw this behind the scenes, he couldn't help showing a look of appreciation, but at the same time, he also had a touch of worry.

He is ready to stop at any time. After all, Xue an's qualifications are the highest in his opinion after countless years. If he falls here because of this incident, it will be a great loss to the Chinese people.

But his heart is still vaguely looking forward to it.

After all, if Xue an could break through, not only his comrades in arms would be settled, but also he would have the hope of seeing the sun again.

While Xing Tian was thinking, Xue an, who was surrounded by white light, suddenly snorted. Then the white light dissipated and watched again.

Xue an stood sweating in place, his upper body was already naked, revealing his slightly thin but muscular back.

On the back, there was a dark tattoo.

After a closer look, these tattoos are thousands of troops.

This tattoo picture is extremely fine. Only one back can accommodate countless fighting spirits, and everyone's appearance is vivid. It seems that they will jump out of it to fight in the next second.

Seeing this, Xing Tian was overjoyed. He strode forward, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then slapped Xue an on the shoulder.

"Good boy, I didn't say. You can make it. You're a first-class man just by virtue of your backbone!"

For Xing Tian, a first-class man is the highest praise.

Xue an smiled wearily, and even had no strength to speak.

To tell the truth, if it took a little longer, he would collapse directly.

Fortunately, he survived.

But at the moment, he felt nothing but a tattoo on his back.

It seemed that he was aware of Xue an's doubts, and Xing Tian smiled.

"Don't worry. Take a break first. I'll tell you everything later!"

A moment later, Xue an and Xing Tian sat opposite each other.

Xing Tian put his head back on his neck and looked at Xue an with strange eyes.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Xue an couldn't help asking.

"Do you feel bad now?"

"Uncomfortable?" Xue an frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head, "no!"

"No!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, but soon he shook his head.

"Forget it, it seems that your previous performance has won some of their recognition, so they didn't embarrass you!"

"But this is not a long-term strategy, because I, these old guys, were born to fight. If there is a war, they are the strongest soldiers who are indomitable and fearless. But if no one represses them in peacetime, they will soon enter into disorderly violence and even kill each other. This is the blood sorrow of the Xingtian family!"

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